* SEMA reETRse testy R ote Ne Fe November 18, 1941. Miss Mildred Drew, Lawrence Community Chest, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Miss Drew: I am enclosing the following new pledges to the Community Chest which have just been reported to this office: We We Davie « «© 8 0 6 6 & + @ @ & $7200 Olin Be Roark « «ce ee oe se © @ 2600 Malden Gibson « «+ e«e-ec2e 2 @ 4,00 Paid pledges herewith « « « ° Ee 0. Stene (due Nove 1) eee 2200 Paid on pledge to Commmity Chest (or USO): Alf Oleson «e «es ee ee ee eo 8 1.00 fotel cash enclosed .« « « « « « $14.00 Sineerely yours, Por Dr. Forrest C. Allen.