Wovember 1, 1941 Uri E. A. Westemeyer Chairman Lexrence Comunity Chest Drive Chamber of Commerce Wren Building . Xeansas Thank you for your good letter. I am very happy that we were able to be of somé service to you and the commmity in the Chest drive. I did it gladly and I wes happy to give what little service I could render. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Pca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach oS LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST, Inc. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WREN BUILDING LAWRENCE, KANSAS OFFICERS J. J. Lavery, PRESIDENT WALTER A. ScHaat, lst VICE-PRESIDENT Mrs. Caryt J. Dopps, 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT E. J. Coy, TREASURER October 20, 1941 GrorGE Heprick, SECRETARY Dr. F. C.. Allen Robinson Gym,., K. U. City Dear Dr. Allen: Allow me to express my appreciation for your personal interest in connection with the Community Chest Drive. : At the present time the figures indicate that $2087.60 has been subscribed in cash and in pledges. You have exceeded your quota by approximately $415.00, which is the best percentage of any of the divisions in the Chest. Wi1l you kindly express appreciation to all those who assisted you in making the Community Chest Drive a success at the University. Very truly yours, a. &. woestemeyer a General Campaign Chairm AEW/j1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS FORREST C. ALLEN A. W. BERGER kK. W. DAVIDSON J. J. LAVERY WALTER A. SCHAAL THEODORE H. ASZMAN JOHN BRAND MRS. CARYL J. DODDS GEORGE LOWMAN MRS. DEAL SIX SOLON G. AYERS E. J. COY GEORGE HEDRICK J. M. SANDERSON MRS. A. B, WEAVER A. E, WOESTEMEYER ROBERT WOOD pee Tee Pa SHTAR O25 ~ awaonm pes LAWRENCE COMMUNITY - CHEST I9ho-l| . SoLICITOR DIVISION Page 3 == FIRMS GoAL RECEIVED L Fe Ae Russell 7200 7-00 Edward Brush 8250 8250 Ee. De Hay 22.50 15.50 Re Koopman 25 200 25 200 Ke We Davidson 214250 16 50 Je Be Virtue 32 650 27 .50 Ruth Kenney 9.50 9.50 Helen Wagstaff 35200 35.00 Dean Geoe B. Smith 10.00 10.00 Chancellor D. We Malott 45.00 45 200 ($628400 sent to C. of C. Oct. 27) Mirse Re De Montgomery 6.00 (42 } 5 00 Otis Clark Moots 1.00 1-00 F. Ce Allen - Misc. 4800, A. We Davidson (addi.) 27 50 16 200 We H. Schoewe 49.75 ae 49.75 Mrs.e Ce Ee Esterly 2200 2200 Fred Montgomery 15.00 (|) 13 «00 Elizabeth Meguier . 13 200 13 .00 +S Mrs. Flora $. Boynton 3700 37.00 an Dre Re I. Canuteson (addl.) 250 050 f+ F. E. Kester & M. EB. Rice 20.00 17.00 Marjorie Whitney 6200 6200 Henry Werner 13.00 €1)) 1.00 Oh. Leak, 9.50 7.5? fo oy ; j fy j of / (Fay7. IE prAbS 7C, Oxt.3}) +, 0 © (13.50) + (24 Pe ae a BE eee ciate ai le inal ae cA lbs t soni nancial 2 LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST iShoell _SoLIctiToR DIVISION Page 2 == FiRus GOAL RECEIVED Ce Me Baker (addl. from Library ) 22.00 19.00 ($326.80 sent to C. of Co Oct. 25) Oe O. Stoland 61.50 Mrse Alma Brook 14225 14425 Lawrence Woodruff 4.225 29 225 L. Re Laudon 22 200 17400 Fe. 0. Russell 9.00 7200 Henry Shenk 8200 4.00 De Me Swarthout 39-200 34.00 We He Shannon (addl.) 9.00 3200 Ae We Davidson 39475 "36675 Dr. Re Ie Canuteson 3730 29.80 Ge Me Baker (addl. from Library) 11.50 6250 Meude Elliott 69.00 62.00 Margaret anderson 16.00 5200 Russell Wiley 39 200 24 00 Dean Paul B. Lawson 40.00 40.00 Misce (Conger, Walker, Patterson, Falkenstien, Metzler, Davis, Relie, Wilson ) 33 200 33 200 ($490.56 sent to Ce of C. Oct. 25) Ae de Mix 19.00 19.00 Cs De Clark (addl. from Soc.) 13.00 13.00 Je K. Hitt 16.00 13 00 Je We Ashton 80.50 63 «50 N. P. Sherwood 25 50 12.00 Mrs. Ruth McNair 2700 27 200 Claude Hibbard 5 200 500 Raymond Nichols 54200 20200 Mabel Elliott 10.00 10200 Dean Fe J. Moreau 56-00 5200 He Ge Ingham 47.00 36 00 Verner Smith 82.50 76.50 LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST I9Sho-l| i SOLICITOR DIVISION FL RMs. GOAL Recelven. Fe Ge. Allen (and Misc.) $81.50 Edwin F. Price 32250 20200 Ce M. Baker 54.00 27 200 Dusenbury, Col. 120.50 1.00 « We. Twente 13.00 13 .00 Minnie Se Moodie 15.00 15.00 H, Ee Chandler 20.00 20200 Joie Stapleton 17.50 7.50 Vic Hurt 10.00 10.80 W. We Deschner 9.00 9.00 c. D. Clark 18.00 14.00 ($391.00 sent to C. of Ce Oct. 23) Ruth Litchen 10.00 10.00 E. Ee. Bayles 15.00 Je M. Burnham 1.00 1.00 Karl Klooz 7200 1.00 Bert Nash 32.00 10.00 Ne We Storer 6 00 6200 D. He Spencer 55 200 53 00 T. Ce Ryther 6200 6200 Wealthy Babcock 9450 9250 Florence Black 3550 28.30 Ce Ge Bayles 54.50 45 250 Lee Gemmell 214200 17.00 Guy Smith _ 52 00 12.00 W. He Shannon 7250 7250 Carlotta Nellis 2200 2200 Hermina Zipple 5 000 5200 Herry O'Kane 5200 Robert S. Pate 1.200 1200 Helen Re Hoopes 2-00 November S, 194le hae %O yous and not such vee you as I believe lawrence Commumity Chests Very sinserely yours, Ostober 30, 1941. ‘icici tu ts Anton, Department of English, University of Kansase We are indeed grateful to you for your splendid cooperation in the Commmity Chest drive. We have far execeded ow quota for the thiversity division, and it is due to the efforts of euch fine workers as you that we have achieved this record. With deep aopreciation, I em Very sincerely yours, Chairman, University Cannitteoe, “ lewrence Commumity Chest Drives lire Ae Be iC et ee oe Pirst Netiondl Bank, lewrence, Fansase eur Voostes Profeseor Robert “ovair Tavis, of the lew School, pencilled a coment on his pledge card with his subsoription to the Comunity ¢ that wo micht well put our money to uses other Chrictms activities ani the Fourth of July program these tins. ' Tem enclosing a copy st we veel @ Professor Devise I thought you might be interested. Sincerely yours, Chairman, University Comittee, lawrence Comamity Chest Drives ph celytl gue 38 ty ge gh ds af p u i sy Hf h i OR 482 if 1 |! y «if aH od Mea fi 4 LEITH 2 Ee bis iy fii fis 383 8} he it if ; in| un il aut fi? ne ii si led li Hb lie, Homry Werner, Neer Frites . ie exe happy indeed to receive your subscription to a ee eee ee eee _ Retaye . : The splendid shesniiien' ot ves tuk On hee tie workers at the University has mde it possible for us to far meeeet Se eee With aporeciation, I an | Cordially yours, Chairman, University Committee, ; lewrence Commamity Chest Drives , tercuredty of fansase Dear Dre Clarks lak ves An tude haw eeeenlattid ve nes fine cooperation in the Cagamity Chest drive here ‘Hill, With your help we have been eble to exceed i 6 wertig cause, and ve sre gretefule Very sincerely yours, eo of your on the our quota PCAs AR ; = tanvthee Comamity Chest Drives Mite Maude Elltott, | ; University of Kansese Dear Miss Elliott: aia job in soliciting for the Gee, you a fine Sisciiahiat Chatty ont I want to thank you for your very Ona. ite seen You never foil us = we imow you one of the persons whom we odn elways count on to do a 100% Jobe 2 Our “mopping up" squad ic cofing after a few stragglers who have not yet subseribed to the Caumnity Ghest, but it is due to such persons as you that we —e ee oe ee eo Thank you so muchs | Cordially yours, : Chairman, University canitiia PCA :AB lawrence Conmmity Chest Drives Mire Se Me Kabkor, Wetson Library, — : ‘University of “ansase Dear bare Bakers Your fine cooperation in the Community Chest drive at the thiversity has enabled us to go over the top in ou guota, and | want to thank you and the — CC eee nobly. With deep appreciation, I an Very sincerely yours, | Chairman, University Comittee, FCA3AH lawrense Community Chest Drivee Ostober 30, 1941. Mr» Verner PF. Smith, - School of Dear Verner: Geo, you did e splendid job in the Ceummity Chest drive, and I want you to lmow that we deeply appreciate your Pine cooperations Me are going over the top in our quota, and it is @ue to such people as you that the University drive has been so successful, Thenk you very mohe Cordially yours, Chairman, University Caumittee, ROAsAz lewrence Community Chest Drives Geteber 50, 1941. i want to take this opportunity to thank you for — your fine cooperation in mking our Commmity Chest drive here on the Hill a success. | | You will be interested to Imow that Blaine Crimes” sent his pledge card to us by mail. Thanks for being such @ eplendid human bird«dog + you retrieved the game in good styles ee With appreciation, I am Sincerely yours, Chaiyman, University Comittee, PCA2AH Community Chest Nrives October 24, 1941. Wr. C, Ge Bayles, Superintendent, , Buildings and Grounds. Dear la. Bayles: I want to compliment you and your department for the very fine showing in contributions to the Lawrence Community Chest Drive. I realize of course that some of those contributing earn a very small salary, thus making the sacrifice greater, and we do appreciate — every effort that has been made. With thanks end congratulations to you and your fellow-workers, I am Sineerely yours, Chairmen, University Committee, FCA:AIl Commmity Chest Drive. October 24, 1941. os Professor D. i. Spencer, _-.. §¢hool of Pharmacy. Dear Dre Spencer: . I want to congratulate you upon the very fine report which you submitted on the solicitation for the Lawrence Commmity Chest. It is heartening to see that the increase is 17% over the contributions of last year. With thanks to you and to the School of Pharmacy, I am Sineerely yours, Chairmen, University Comittee, FCA: Aa Community Chest Drive. October 23, 1941 Prof. Jd. M. Kellogg School of Architecture and Engineering Mervin Hall : Cempus Dear Professor Kellogz, As soon as we received your letter regretting that you could not do any soliciting for the Community Chest we discovered through your contribution of last year that you believe in serving by giving even though you cannot get out and do the active work. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg : Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach | — Se * ‘ Y OF KANSAS | ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE, KANSAS Oct. 17, 1941 Dear Dr. Allen: I received this morning your circular letter in regard to the Community Chest saucahins | Of course I am in sympathy with the idea and wilt help all I can, but I am sorry you put my name on the mimeographed list, for I do not feel that I can do any active soliciting. Please excuse me, therefore, from that particular activity. No doubt there will be enough other people to do the work in our own particular building. ie ? Po a ae Sincerely, ... : sera : . re