THE UNIVUPRS.TY OF KAWSAS LANE ENUE October 20, 1942 Dear Fellow Worker: Herewith enclosed are the cards for your precinct in the Community Chest drive. Will you kindly make this survey, contact- ing the respective donors at your earliest possible convenience? We desire to make a fine first day showing. You may return to my office, 105 Robinson Gymnasium, the pledges and the cards daily, if youwishs We will turn the money over immediately to the Community Chest, In case you cannot make all the calls yourself, will you delegate this work to a dependable colleague whom we have listed among the workers. My office telephone number is K.U. 83, and we will be very happy indeed to cooperate by giving such necessary information as will be desirable, We are enclosing a few extra blank cards in ease all members of your department do not have a typewritten card, Thanking you for your loyalty and service in this cause, I am Sincerely yours, w A Chairman, University/Committee, Community Chest Campaign.