rr? THE UNIVURS.TY OF KAWSAS LAYRENGE October 20, 1941 Dear Fellow Worker: Herewith enclosed are the cards for your precinct in the Community Chest drive. Will you kindly make this survey, contact- ing the respective donors at your earliest possible convenience? We desire to make a fine first dey showing. You may return to my office, 105 Robinson Gymnasium, the pledges and the cards daily, if youwish, We will turn the money over immediately to the Community Chest, In case you cannot make all the calls yourself, will you delegate this work to a dependable colleague whom we have listed among the workers. My office telephone number is K.U. 83, and we will be very happy indeed to cooperate by giving such necessary information as will be desirable. We are enclosing a few extra blank cards in case all members of your department do not have a typewritten card. Thenking you for your loyalty and service in this cause, I am Sincerely yours, ( aT a Chairman, University/Committee, Community Chest Campaign. INVEST In Your COMMUNITY ‘To Build Youthful Character To Help the Unfortunate To Do Your Fart for Defense COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE Lawrence, Kansas October 21, 1941 Where Your Donation Goes Social Service League The aim of the League is “To help the poor to help themselves.” For thirty years the Social Service League has served the needy of Lawrence. The efficient League Store, 905 Rhode Island, provides clothing and furni- ture to border-line cases at a nominal cost, and without cost to those unable to pay. So far this year the League Kitchen has canned over 12,000 quarts of produce for the tables of needy families. In the Sewing Room about 3,000 garments have been made or repaired. The Salvation Army Religious, character building, and relief work among the less privileged of Lawrence, is the three-part program of the Salvation Army. The Army building provides a place for religious worship where the leaders have an opportunity to urge better citizenship. Local people re- ceive Christmas baskets, emergency grocery orders, clothing and furniture; transients are helped with meals and lodging. Total attendance at Salvation Army meet- ings in Lawrence last year was 19,922. Boy Scouts of America Today the paramount need in national defense is the strengthening and invigorating of Democracy in the United States which is the aim of the Boy Scout move- ment. Lawrence with 11 Troops and 3 Cub Packs, has 350 Scouts and Cubs. Mare than a hundred adults are assisting. The Girl Scout Council Girl Scouting is a leisure-time, character building movement for girls from seven to eighteen years of age. There are nearly 300 Girl Scouts in Lawrence, and over 100 adults assisting in the work. The year-round program includes home-making, arts and crafts, sports and games, heaith and safety, community service and inter- national friendship. Where Your Donation Goes Hi-Y Club This high school organization endeavors to interest boys in living worthwhile lives. Religious and vocational talks, and conferences, form the basis of the program, which has other projects such as participation in safety campaigns, distribution of Christmas baskets, regional conferences and summer camps. Girl Reserves This character-building organization for high school girls is designed to build body, mind and spirit, thru de- votionals and group meetings. Subjects discussed in- clude: “World Relationships,” “Boy and Girl Relation- ships,” “Giving,” “School Life’ and ‘Family Life.” The Girl Reserves operate a book exchange, distribute Thanks- giving Baskets, and promote closer acquaintance thru suppers and picnics. University Y. M. ge A. Four hundred and thirty-eight students are members of the University of Kansas Y.M.C.A. which has as its ° program this year religious activities, cooperation with local and campus agencies, and freshman orientation. Five Bible study groups will be held and members in- terested in the underprivileged will cooperate with the loca! recreational center. 4-H Club The annual Fair of 4-H Clubs provides a place where the sons and daughters in farm families can display their work and progress. This great program encourages these young people to be better farmers, farm wives, and citizens. Cash awards for winning entries at the annual fair provide an incentive to participate in the program. LAWRENCE Community Chest Budget 1941-42 Boy Scouts......$1,200.00 Girl Reserves.. 100.00 Girl: Scouts.—. 700.00 Bey F75.00: = Ki U2ZYMCA.» — 950,00 Salvation Army 2,860.00 Social Service League... 1,050.00 4-H Club Fair 300.00 Agency Allotments...... $7,335.00 Shrinkage .....- $ 408.00 Campaign Cost 375.00 Administration 450.00 Organization Expenses $1,233.00 TOTAL CHEST BUDGET =... $8,568.00 Balance on Hand: — 2 $1,704.56 Less Emergency Reserve.. 1,000.00 Balance: To be applied on 1941 ©. Chest ee $. 104.56 MET. CHEST BUD@ET = 2 Ay & 4363.44 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Christmas Activities-......- $1,200.00 4th of July Program.......- 700.00 Activities Total......... eS Sea Bec ee $ 1,900.00 United Service Organizations Quota.......... § 2,400.00 GRAND TOTAL.............-...- ee $12,163.44 w= THE UNIVORSITS OF KANSAS Lawrence October 16, 1941 Dear Fellow Workers: You can aporeciate what a task it is to write an individual letter to cach and everyone of you, or even to get you on the tolephone and obtain your permission to serve in this very worthy causee All of us are extremely busy with extracurriculsr activities. Therefore, I am writing a mimeographed circular letter to this splendid group of workers asking them to serve in a most worthy cause. You, like I, doubtless will be called out of towm before the drive is finished, but will you not take this seriously enough to ask one of your colleagues to carry on during tho short while you are absent? This is everybody's job, and I will greatly appreciate this splendid bit of teamwork if you will cheer- fully accept. Sinccrely yours, oT ALAA é Chairman, University Committee, Comaunity Chest Drive. P.Se IMPORTANT? The Kick-Off Breakfast for workers will be hoid at tho Eldridge Hotel on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:15 afm. Will you, as one of the Community Chest workers, > make Overy — effort to attend this breakfast? Dear Faculty Members and Enployees of the University of Kansas; In my letter last year announcing the first armval Lawrence Community Chest drive I made this stutemenc to our University group: ‘Thers will always be an Americ& ani an kugiand, Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American -ririiity and domusratiec hospitaittys We recognize the needs of ow: neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs founded upon helpful service." : Upon opening the rotogravure section of the Kansas City Star as of October 5, 1941, I was struck at the sight of a fatigued and care~vorn nurse holding ir. her arms a tiny newiy born infant, with this caption; "Many @ youngsters start in life derends upon the charity campaign." The worn face of that nurse depicted uaseifish service. Iam sure that you saw this and were deep.y impresscd with that graphic picstursc.e This appealing situation is easily applied to Lawrence. The Lawrence Community Chest campaign drive will be from October 21 to 24, inclusive. I am enclosing a pamvniet which gives the nemes of the organizations participating in the Community Chest, together with the Community Chest budgot. The not Chest vudget is $7,863-44, and the Community Activities budget including the United Sevvice Organizations quota, of $2,400 plus the Lawrence activities of $1,900, makes the grand total of $12,163.44. Tho K.U, Y.M.C.A. is included in this Community Chest budget. May we stress the fact that there will be no other cam- paign for University Y.M.C.A. funds. This is the only time this year that donations will be asked for this organizatione Doubtloss you have been reading of the Kansas City, Missouri, and the Kansas City, Kansas, community chest campaigns and you have heard radio and screen stars all over the nation speaking in behalf of these very worthy organizations which we as a comunity are endeavoring to sustaine Thers wili be no pressure exerted here in Lawrence on anybody by anyonee In fact, we desire you to give oniy as your conscience and your pocketbock dictate. Chanesllor M.lott has aprroved the Community Chest drive here on the Hill. As a University comnuaity wo ought to stick together in filling the University quota. May we make our con- tributions as a University family rather than to subscribe to dowa-town solicitors. Thanking you for your thoughtful consideration, and in the name of those less fortunate than we, we are Sincerely yours, f { s-\ 7 ss, ce ¢ i 3 gee oe. e % cine me et eI ements eee 4 “se Forrest C. Allen, Cho#éma William Kollender Je He Kelson University Committce, Community Chest Drivo. a 3 ane, eee Community Chest Workers - University Committee The following porsons have beon asked to call upon you in your building in an effort to make your solicitation somewhat easior and more efficient; Ne Pe Sherwood Mrs. Ruth MeNeir Lawrence Woodruff Ae Je Mix N. We. Storer F, A. Russoll Verner Smith: Dean Je de Jakosky de Os Jones de M. Kellogg Ve Pe Hessler Earl De Hoy Edward Brush E, 4. Stephenson R. ©, Moore L. Re. Lauden Col. Je S. Dusenbury Ce Ge Bayles Raymond Crow Hallic Harris Oscar Ingle H, C, Tracy He Be Latimor C. Me. Bakor Miss Fay Moys Miss Floronee Black Miss Wealthy Babcock Miss Maude Elliott R. He Wheelcr Guy Smith Je J. Wheelor James K, Hitt Dean P, B. Lowson Gilbert Ulmcr Russell ‘iley _——~ Dean D. il, Swarthout Raymond Nichols Fred Ellsworth H, ©, Chandlor Henry Werner Mrse Flo Boynton Miss tlizaboth Meguiar Leonard Axe Doan F, Te. Stockton Wm. Ho Shannon Ce Me Clark Miss Labol Elliott Miss Larjorie Whitney Dr 0. Oy Stoland Miss Joio Stapleton Honry Shenk Victor Hurt A.W, Davidson D. Hy Spencer Dean J» iillen Recse W. W. Deschner Miss Eormina Zipple Miss Corinne Solt Ke. W. Davidson Te. C. Ryther Dean George B, Smith Fred Montgomery Bort Nash Harold G, Ingham John W, Ashton Lee Gemmell John Stutz Je We Twente John B. Virtuc Helon Wagstaff Ruth Kenney Be Ee Baylos Edna Hill L. T. Tupy Margarot Anderson Dean F. J. Moreau Js B, smith Claude Hibbard F. 0. Russell Ruth Litchon Minnioc &. Moodio Bernard Frazier Dr. K, 7, Canutoson Je D, Strarathan Fe Be Kester (Dormitories) Mrs. R, D, Montgomery (Battenfeld) Mrs. Alma Brook (Corbin) Lirse F, Me Stayton (Miller) Mrs. C, BE, Esterly (Watkins ) Miss Carlotta ‘ellis (Templin) Lawrence, Kansas October 24, 1940 Dear Faculty Member ;~ May I paraphrase the old English slogan, "There will always be an England" with "There will always be an America and an England." Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American virility and democratic hospitality. We recognize the needs of our neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs founded upon helpful service. The Community Chest idea is founded upon the principles of democracy. Each of us give to a fund where all beneficiaries are aggregated and one single drive is made, For some of these activities it is thinkable that we would have no con= tribution; for others we give annually. A budget has been made and I am enclosing it herewith to show you the beneficiaries of the plan, The Lawrence, Kansas Community Chest Campaign is to be inaugurated on October 29, 50 and 31, The Community Chest is an incorporated body authorized under the laws of Kansas with a constitution and by-laws. The officers are _ Mr. George Lowman, Prof. JeQ« Jones, Messrs. Ruben Fox, FeC. Whipple and ~~ Charles Louke The total budget for Lawrence this year is $7546,00, The Christmas Pros gram and the Fourth of July Celebration are listed separately and are not incor» \\ porated in the financial estimates on this statement; rather, there will be a ¥ perforated card attached, The giving of funds for these two items will be Y - entirely optional. N al \e \ , You ¢an see by the list enclosed that the KeUe "Y.M." and "YW." are not included, The executives stated that it was their hope next vear to have these \ \y two hill organizations includede The Red Cross does not wish to be includeds Sy \W I understand their organization is opposed to such an arrangement. yY | y Doubtless you have been reading of the Kansas City, Missouri Community vt Chest Campaign, and have noted the splendid response they have been making to a \Ay\ worthy causée There will be no pressure exerted here in Lawrence on anybody by )) : anyone, In fact, we desire you to give only as your @onscience and your pocketbook \\ dictate. Chancellor Malott has approved the Community Chest drive here on the Hills J The chairman is asking one of the following group of faculty members to call Ve upon you in your building in an effort to make _ —e somewhat easier, and more (ee ' xe Wyte Chew = 2 il - o tae ed Vu : tg , DAA : “¢ / 7 | ‘Profs Botan Mre : Dre DeHe Secacer Mre CeMe Bakerv — Mre Lee Gemmell * Dre Verner Smithy Mre CeGe Bayles Drs—kvke tondes ~ Mr» John Ge Stutz —~_ Dre Asi, Davidson / Dean Paul B, Lawson ' Dre Jel, Twente v- Mre KeWe Davidson ¥ Dean Fred Moreau ~~ Prof, John Virtue as DeGroot ~ Or Catt eli oe “1 dacfiregates pet Woodruff — AE Y fone : Y ee 4 LAG ALA i, 4“ y Pe a A Arn JE k tn ths ‘nante of some of those less fortunate than we,” I am, Zz, : eal te Le a pe Hy JB. Spa). Sincerely yours, ‘he al ny 7 Got? i4y, it 7 On ee d : 2 é g as Du a: KY the & 4; Ag S\tk Oy P De rg rn) fc 4 a or 3 ty 4B Lh LLAAALE vy — dé , # 4 | ae S 9 7 pf fe f7 tl Au Le a) 2 ae B26 Bun — Ce. € a i LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST, rnc. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE : WREN BUILDING LAWRENCE, KANSAS ~OFFICERS - J. LAVERY, PRESIDENT ALTER A. Scuaat, ist Vicr-PRESIDENT Mrs. Caryt J. Dopps, 2Np VickE-PRESIDENT E. J. Coy, Treasurer GrorcGe Heprick, SECRETARY October 9, 1941 Dr. F. CG. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas City Dear Dr. Allen: The dates for the Lawrence Community Chest drive will be from October 21 to 24, inclusive. The following or- ganizations will participate in the Community Chest this year: Boy Scouts Girl Reserves Girl Scouts Hi-Y Kat. ¥.N.CiaA. Salvation Army Social Service League 4-H Club Fair In addition to the above organizations, the United Service Organization group will also participate in the drive at the same time. The following organizations are included in this group: Young Men's Christian Associations National Catholic Community Service Salvation Army Young Women's Christian Association Jewish Welfare Board National Traveler's Aid Association Since the Y.M.C.A. is a part of the Community Chest drive, it will be necessary to raise an additional amount above’ that which was raised last year. The amount subscribed by the — University group was $1,564.50. In order to meet the quota for \ this year, it will be necessary to raise an additional twenty- _ \ five per cent to cover the entire budget. i h BOARD OF DIRECTORS FORREST C. ALLEN A. W. BERGER K. W. DAVIDSON J. J. LAVERY WALTER A. SCHAAL THEODORE H. ASZMAN JOHN BRAND MRS. CARYL J. DODDS GEORGE LOWMAN MRS. DEAL SIX SOLON G. AYERS E, J. COY GEORGE HEDRICK J. M. SANDERSON MRS. A. B, WEAVER A. E, WOESTEMEYER ROBERT WOOD Dr. Fs Ge Allen - 2 The Kick-Off Breakfast will be held at the Eldridge Hotel on Tuesday, Vetober 21, at seven-fifteen o'clock. Will you encourage as many of your workers as possible to attend this breakfast? : Thanking you for your assistance in putting this job across. Sincerely yours, OA! A. E. Woestemeyer 7 INVEST Na In Your COMMUNITY ~~ x To Build Youthful Character © To Help the Unfortunate a A ins To Do Your Part for Defense—+— ~ \ } COMMUNITY CHEST DRIVE Lawrence, Kansas October 21, 1941 Where Your Donation Goes Social Service League The aim of the League is ‘To help the poor to nie themselves.” For thirty years the Social Service League has served the needy of Lawrence. The efficient League Store, 905 Rhode Island, provides clothing and furni- ture to border-line cases at a nominal cost, and without cost to those unable to pay. So far this year the League Kitchen has canned over 12,000 quarts of produce for the tables of needy families. In the Sewing Room about 3,000 garments have been made or repaired. The Salvation Army Religious, character building, and relief work among the less privileged of Lawrence, is the three-part program of the Salvation Army. The Army building provides a place for religious worship where the leaders have an opportunity to urge better citizenship. Local people re- ceive Christmas baskets, emergency grocery orders, clothing and furniture; transients are helped with meals and lodging. Total attendance at Salvation Army meet- ings in Lawrence last year was 19,922. Boy Scouts of America Today the paramount need in national defense is the strengthening and invigorating of Democracy in the United States which is the aim of the Boy Scout move- ment. Lawrence with 11 Troops and 3 Cub Packs, has 350 Scouts and Cubs. Mare than a hundred adults are assisting. The Girl Scout Council Girl Scouting is a leisure-time, character building movement for girls from seven to eighteen years of age. There are nearly 300 Girl Scouts in Lawrence, and over 100 adults assisting in the work. The year-round program includes home-making, arts and crafts, sports and games, health and safety, community service and inter- national friendship. Where Your Donation Goes Hi-Y Club This high school organization endeavors to interest boys in living worthwhile lives. Religious and vocational talks, and conferences, form the basis of the program, which has other projects such as participation in safety campaigns, distribution of Christmas baskets, regional conferences and summer camps. Girl Reserves This character-building organization for high school girls is designed to build body, mind and spirit, thru de- votionals and group meetings. Subjects discussed in- clude: ‘“World Relationships,” ‘Boy and Girl Relation- ships,” “Giving,” “School Life” and ‘Family Life.” The Girl Reserves operate a book exchange, distribute Thanks- giving Baskets, and promote closer acquaintance thru suppers and picnics. University Y. M. C. A. Four hundred and thirty-eight students are members of the University of Kansas Y.M.C.A. which has as its program this year religious activities, cooperation with local and campus agencies, and freshman orientation. Five Bible study groups will be held and members in- terested in the underprivileged will cooperate with the local recreational center. 4-H Club The annual Fair of 4-H Clubs provides a place where the sons and daughters in farm families can display their work and progress. This great program encourages these young people to be better farmers, farm wives, and citizens. Cash awards for winning entries at the annual fair provide an incentive to participate in the program. LAWRENCE Community Chest Budget 1941-42 Boy Scouts......$1,200.00 Girl Reserves. 100.00 Girl Scouts... 700.00 fe 175.00 KU YMG A. . 950.00 Salvation Army 2,860.00 Social Service Leqgue 225: 1,050.00 4-H Club Fair 300.00 Agency Allotments....-- 7,335.00 Shrinkage _.__ $ 408.00. Campaign Cost 375.00 Administration 450.00 Organization Expenses $1,233.00 TLOIAL GHeES| BUDGET..:2. =. $8 568.00 Balance on Hand..........-. $1,704.56 Less Emergency Reserve.. 1,000.00 Balance: To be applied on 1941 eee $ 104.56 NET CHEs) BODGET Je ee $ 1,063.44 COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Christmas Activities. -....-. $1,200.00 Ath of July Program.......- 700.00 Pies ots se a $ 1,900.00 United Service Organizations Quota.......... § 2,400.00 GRAND TOTAL... 9 $12,163.44 Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST October 9, 1941 The following members were present: Theo, Aszman J. ‘ lt, Sanderson Solon G, Ayers Walter Schaal A, W, Berger Mrs, Deal Six E, J. Coy A. E, Woestemeyer Mrs.. Caryl Dodds Robert Wood J, J, Lavery George Hedrick George Lowman J.J ; Lavery, Chairman of the Board of Divesters presided, Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, Mr, Lavery brought ‘isities the Board an application from the Lay- rence Recreational Council for admittance to the Gommunity Chest, which applica- tion had just been placed in the hands of Mr. Lowman, Chairman of the Budget Com~ mittee. After considerable discussion, a number of members expressed the opinion that » While the application was worthy, it was too late to be given preeer consi- deration mithout interfering with Chest Campaign plans, On motion by llr, Wood, seconded by Mr. Coy, the Board referred the application of the Lawrence Recrea~ tional Council to the Budget Committee with the recommendation that it not be ap~ proved this year because it was too late. | Mer, Lowman presented the report of the Budget Committee recommen- ding thet a total budget of $9763.44 be approved, Mr, Lowman moved that the Com mittee report be adopted, The motion was seconded by Mr. Schaal and carried, itr , Woestemeyer reviewed the case of the U.S60. Drive and stressed the fact that we must convince people that it will be necessary to increase their contributions at least ten per cent if we are to reach our goal. The total budget for both the Community Chest and the U.S.0. is $12,163.44. The meeting was adjourned in due form by the Chairman, —- TOC THE WORKaR UPON YOU depends the ultimate success of this second annual Community Chest drive. Your report, together with chat of your fellow workers will determine whether the goal of &12,163.44 is to be reached. A brilliant victory was achieved test year--but the new quota is nearly $3000 higher, and the world crisis will make money harder to find. The very seriousness of our defense problem-- rising prices and shortage of goods--makes this campaign more important. We have more need than ever for our character~ building and charitable organizations which are part of the Chest, Owing to the fact that one new organization, the University ¥.M.C.A., has joined the Chest; and the fact that the United Service Organization's budget of €2,400 is included in the Chest total, it will be necessary for every person to give 10 pos cent more than he gave last year, if the goal is to be reached. For these reasons, you must be more than just a collector of funds. You must be a salesman. A salesman necds talking points for his products. The slogan for this year's campaign, "Invest in Your Commnity”", is your first talking point, Explain to the prospective donor what his contribution will mean to these worth-while organizations and to the comrmnity as a whole, You remember that one of the main reasons the Chest plan was formulated was to eliminate the great number of separate drives which arc carried on cach year. Last year's slogan was "Nine Jobs in One." This year we are doing "Eleven Jobs in Ono!" Point out also to the contributor that donations to Cormunity Chest and to the U.S.0. arc deductablc from income tax payments. | SPECIAL QUESTIONS may be raiscd about certain points or particular organizations. Here are sonmc which have nlready come to the attention of the Chest officials: "What is the $1,000 emergency reserve to be uscd for?" "Why should I contribute to the U.S.0. whon we have no army camp here?" "Why should I give to the Y.M.C.eA. when it is at the University of Kanaas?" "Ts it true that a large part of the Salvation Arny funds gocs outside of Lawrencc?" ARE YOU ABLE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? If not, read this carofully: The emergency reserve fund of $1,000 (taken from ast year's surplus of $1,740) was set up to protect the organ- igations in case the @ wota is not raised in some yoar, In such ovent, this amount would be divided up among the participants to enable them to carry on their works Lawrcnee, of all citics, should be cspecially elad to contribute to the U.S.0., for our boys arc in army and navy comps from Maine to Alaska, These soldiers and sailors may find tt nc hanging heavy on their hands if they have no place to so ce play when their work is donce 4 Porro @, There are several reasons why we should help the YelieCeA. First, a number of our own boys are rerwors, Sscord, the University is always glad to contribute to our local funds, Last year, $1,600 was raised by Dr. F, C. Allon among faculty end students for the Community Chest---and no K.U. organization was then represented. Third, one of the chief rcasons for a Commun’ t7 Chest is to save the citizens from repeated drives. Last year, the Y.M.C.A. collected about $1,050 fron townspeople in a scpea- rate drive. They are asking less than this from the Chest, It is not truc that a large part of the Salveticn Army monoy is sent out of town. Only a fraction of one per ociut is sent to state headquartcrs, and most of this is returncd in various ways. YOU have not done your job by morely ringing a doorbell or asking to sec some individual on your list. Your task is not completed until you have scen the person and havc gotten his donation or his cxplanation. If he or she is not horic, a second trip is necossary. In this way alone, can tho city be covered adequately. Husbands and wives should bo urecd to give both at work and at home, even though the home sift is small, so that cach Lawrence citizen will fécl that he or sho has had some part in the Campaign, REMEMBER that donors may designate how much of their contributions they wish to go to cach organization. They may also agree to pay at a later specified date, on all exccpt the Christmas fund, which will be nceded soon. Donations to the Mourth of July fund must be paid by May. Contributions to the U.S.0. should be made by scparate check and should bo made payable to the U.S.0. If riniled, the check should be scent to the WREN Building. Since this campaign was held over to coincide with the Chest Campaign, cash donations should be urged. Any such oash donations to tho U.Se0. should be kept separate from Chest donations, CODE has been uscd on pledge cards to indicate. quotas sct or amounts subscribed in 1940, The code is sinplec, a superfluous number being placed before the actual anount of last year's gift or the quota. For example, 13 or 63 or 93 would indicatc that the amount set was $3. If decimals are involved, the system is the sané. 51.50 would show that the person gave $1.50 last year. In any casc, simply disregard the first number. Business cards will show first the quota set and directly bclow the amount given last year. Residence cards will show only the amount given last year. Those notations may be found in pencil cither in the lower right hand corner of the card or on tho bac, Remember that we necd to raisc 10 percent more this year than lasr, Blank cards will be furnished all solicitors to take care of employees and residents whosco names have not been submitted to the general office, If you wish to help the office force, please write plainly all names in full and give the street address in the space in the upper left hand corner of each card. Also ploase note on cards returned without pledges such information as changes of address, suggested calls after the caripaign, ctc. Envclopes should be filled in as indicated. AND, IF YOU NEED HELP, DON'T HESITATE TO ASK YOUR TEAM CAPTAIN OR TO CALL THE COMMUNITY CHEST OFFICE IN THE WREN BUILDING. THE NUMBER IS 394, Octeber 15, 1941. Dear Fellow Workers: You can appreciate what a task it is to write an individual letter to each and everyone of you, or even to get you on the telephone and obtain your permission ta serve in this very worthy causee All of us are extremely busy with extracurricular activities. Therefore, I am writing a mimeographed circular letter to this splendid group of workers asking them to serve in a most worthy causee You, like I, doubtless will be called out of town before - the drive is finished, but will you not take this seriously enough to ask ohe of your colleagues to carry on during the short while you are absent? \ This is everybody's job and I will greatly appreciate this splendid bit of teamwork if you will cheerfully accept. Sincerely yours, Chairman, University Committee, Commmity Chest Drive. | The Kick-Off Breakfast will be held at the Eldridge Hotel on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:15 a.m. Will you, as one of the Community Chest workers, make every effort to attend this breakfast? COMMUNITY CHEST EXPENSE (October 1941) Postage «2+ cee cee aer eae eed Envelopes- furnished and addressed by Jourmaliem Press « « « 2495 Mimeograph paper (4 reams) . . +. 1.60 Stencils ..«sesseese eee 260 Stenographiec assistance « « « « « « 22.00 Total ~csaeaee «$27 39 (Payable to Dept. of Physical Education, University OVTPEeDGE Ortover 16, 1941 | Dear Faculty Members and Enployees of the University of Kansas: In my letter last year announcing the first annual Lawrence Community Chest drive I made this statement to our University group: "There will always be an America and an England. Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American virility and democratic hospitality. We recognize the needs of our neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs founded upon helpful service." : Upon opening the rotogravure section of the Kansas City Star as of October 5, 1941, I was struck at the sight of a fatigued and care-worn nurse holding in her arms a tiny newly born infant, with this caption: "Many a youngster‘s start in life depends upon the charity campaign." The worn faee of that nurse depicted unselfish service. I am sure that you saw this and were deeply impressed with that graphic picture. This appealing situation is easily applied to Lawrence. The lawrence Community Chest campaign drive will be from October 21 to 24, inclusive. I am enclosing a pamphlet which gives the names of the organizations participating in the Community Chest, together with the Community Chest budget. The net Chest budget is :7,863.44, and the Community Activities budget including the United Service Organizations quota of $2,400 plus the Lawrence activities of $1,900, makes the grand total of $12,163.44. The K.U. Y.M.C.A. is included in this Community Chest budget. May we stress the fact that there will be no other cam- paign for University Y.M.C.A. funds. This is the only time this year that donations will be asked for this organization. Doub" «ss you have been reading of the Kensas City, Missouri, and wie Kans... vlty, Kansas, community chest campaigns and you have heard radio and screon stars a11 over the nation speaking in behalf of these very worthy organizations which we as a community are endeavoring to sustain. Thers will be no pressure exerted here in Lawrence on anybody by anyonee In fact. we desire you to give only as your conscience and your pocketbook dictatee CThanocllor if lott has approved the Community Chest drive hers on the Hill. As a University community we ought to stick together in filling the University quota. Mey we make our con- tributions as a University family rather than to subscribe to down-town solicitors. Thanking you for your thoughtful consideration, and in the namo of those less fortunate than we, we are Sincerely yours, { s \ 2 mn ‘ ? os a ae : “ye ’ { 4 haeecen? CEA COLA voices aceon ao Se Ries “se<“Porrest C. Allon, Chgtéman William Kollender Je He Nelson University Committee, Community Chest Drivo. ee THE-~-UNIVERSITS Cr KANS SaaS Lawrence October 16, 1941 Dear Fellow Workers: You can aporeciate what a tasx it is to write an individual letter to cach and everyore of you, or even to get you on the tolephone and obtain your permission to servo in this very worthy cause. A11 of us are extremely busy with extracurricular activities. Therefore, I am writing a mimcographed circular letter to this splendid group of workers asking them to serve in a most worthy cause. You, like I, doubtless will be called out of tovm before the drive is finished, but will you not take this seriously enough to ask one of your colleagues to carry on during the short while you are absent? This is everybody's job, and I will groatly appreciate this splendid bit of teamwork if you will cheer- fully accepte Sincerely yours, ao ee A . ee a < wien, Vt a f A / | : , jee! CELL oa Chairman, University Committee, Comaunity Chest Drive. P.Se IMPORTANT? Tho Kick-Off Breakfast for workors will be hoid at tho Eldridge Hotel on Tuesday, October 21, at 7:15 ame Will you, as one of the Community Chest workers, “ake over every effort to attend this breakfast? rites ali A a ltl ON ll lida ta Sata Pit tt beg Pere 2 Says ih Pee ee a facie he SG i lavre nos ot Ortover 16, 1941 ! P Dear Faculty Members and Bnployees of the University of Kansas; In my letter last year announcing the first annual Lawrence Community Chest drive I made this statemenc to our University group: "There will always be an America and an England, Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American virility and democratic hospitality, We recognize the needs of our neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs founded upon helpful service." Upon opening the rotogravure section of the Kansas City Star as of October 5, 1941, I was struck at the sight of a fatigued and care-worn nurse holding in her arms a tiny newiy Dorn infant, with this caption: "Many a youngster’s start in life depends upon the charity campaign." The worn face of that nurse depicted umseifish service. I am sure that you saw this and were deeply impxessed vith that graphic picturee This appealing situation is easily applied to Lawrence. The Lawrence Community Chest campaign drive will be from October 21 to 24, inclusive. I am onclosing a pemphiet which gives the names of the organizations participating in the Community Chest, together with the Community Chest budget. The net Chest budget is 7, 863.44, and the Community Activities budget including the United Service Organizations quota of $2,400 plus the Lawrence activities of $1,900, makes the grand total of $12,163.44. Tho K.U. Y.M.C.A. is included in this Community Chest budget. Way we stress the fact that there will be no other cam- paign for University Y.M.C.A. funds. This is the only time this year that donations will be asked for this organizatione Douk* "oss you have been reading of the Kansas City, Missouri, and the Kansas vity, Kansas, community chest campaigns and you have heard radio and sereen stars all over tho nation speaking in behaif of these very worthy organizations which we as a community are endeavoring to sustains Thors will be no pressure exertod here in Lawrence on anybody by anyonee In fact, we desire you to give oniy as your conscience and your pocketbook dictatee CThanssllor if lott has aprroved the Community Chest drive here on the Hili. As a University community we ought to stick together in filling the University quota. May we make our con-= tributions as a University family rather than to subscribe to down-town solicitors. Thanking you for your thoughtful consideration, and in the name of those less fortunate than we, we are Sincerely yours, | e i . 4 .- eo % fe a : ‘ ‘ P " i a CAs hha “s-<“Porrest C. Allon, Cholfman William Kollender Je He Nelson University Committce, Community Chest Drivo.e aoe 2 nmin cna all i OB als vo Bit i sta salsa at gS a Nl ca na iil Ai ill A Se i tase aniata REO AS Pectin IE ome » eT "ab als ie cagraamas . poctoieaeine tome Announcement over station KFKU Friday evening, Oct. 17, 194le Dr. Forrest Co Allen, chairman of the University Committee of the Comunity Chest, wishes to remind members of the University community of the importance of the drive for the Community - Chest fund this year. ‘The campaign will extend over four days fron October 21 through October 24. Because the University commmnity is expected to bear its full share of the expense of the charities supported in the coummity, all of you who are listening are urged to pledge such amoumts as you are able to contribute. This year the University Y.M.C.A. is included among the organizations to be supported, henee the total sum to be raised at this time is somewhat larger than last yeare Other organizations provided for in the Community Chest ares Sooial Service League, The Salvation Aray, Boy Seouts of America, Girl Reserves, Girl Seouts, HisY Club, and the 4«H Club. | As you will see, all of these are worthy of enthusiastic supports They all help to make the town and the commmity better for those who live here, and helping to support them will prove to be the most effective means of carrying out the worthy purpose indicated in the slogan of the Community Chest mamxp campaign: Invest in your commmity = to build youthful character + to help the unfortumte « to do your part for defense. Brae sSaR NS ir <2 anand alto oar as NEES Ob pi ae cea SNE piiAess pee eee aus aie a r= aisha id Bales aR ois tei Sie eatin aug DS ane ile amar cas ra rae r aa a ee pear a Se : iam a elise aaa i ee: 3 ae | | 4 . :. ; | 7 = 4 SS Y " oma , i He ‘ i The following fammikx persons have been asked to call upon you in your building in an effort to make your solicitation somewhat — easier and more efficient: SER ene RTE ‘ ee : : 7 MQ . ars Pee Moen = ees Se ee Eee eC PRET wn k a ae me RTE a ota Nae Ee RRS SPSS ve ene