—- TOC THE WORKaR UPON YOU depends the ultimate success of this second annual Community Chest drive. Your report, together with chat of your fellow workers will determine whether the goal of &12,163.44 is to be reached. A brilliant victory was achieved test year--but the new quota is nearly $3000 higher, and the world crisis will make money harder to find. The very seriousness of our defense problem-- rising prices and shortage of goods--makes this campaign more important. We have more need than ever for our character~ building and charitable organizations which are part of the Chest, Owing to the fact that one new organization, the University ¥.M.C.A., has joined the Chest; and the fact that the United Service Organization's budget of €2,400 is included in the Chest total, it will be necessary for every person to give 10 pos cent more than he gave last year, if the goal is to be reached. For these reasons, you must be more than just a collector of funds. You must be a salesman. A salesman necds talking points for his products. The slogan for this year's campaign, "Invest in Your Commnity”", is your first talking point, Explain to the prospective donor what his contribution will mean to these worth-while organizations and to the comrmnity as a whole, You remember that one of the main reasons the Chest plan was formulated was to eliminate the great number of separate drives which arc carried on cach year. Last year's slogan was "Nine Jobs in One." This year we are doing "Eleven Jobs in Ono!" Point out also to the contributor that donations to Cormunity Chest and to the U.S.0. arc deductablc from income tax payments. | SPECIAL QUESTIONS may be raiscd about certain points or particular organizations. Here are sonmc which have nlready come to the attention of the Chest officials: "What is the $1,000 emergency reserve to be uscd for?" "Why should I contribute to the U.S.0. whon we have no army camp here?" "Why should I give to the Y.M.C.eA. when it is at the University of Kanaas?" "Ts it true that a large part of the Salvation Arny funds gocs outside of Lawrencc?" ARE YOU ABLE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? If not, read this carofully: The emergency reserve fund of $1,000 (taken from ast year's surplus of $1,740) was set up to protect the organ- igations in case the @ wota is not raised in some yoar, In such ovent, this amount would be divided up among the participants to enable them to carry on their works Lawrcnee, of all citics, should be cspecially elad to contribute to the U.S.0., for our boys arc in army and navy comps from Maine to Alaska, These soldiers and sailors may find tt nc hanging heavy on their hands if they have no place to so ce play when their work is donce 4