lawreasec, ansa?y October 9. 1940 The Lawrence Community Chest “ampaign starsed this morning at 9:00 AeMe The Community Chest is an inccrporeted body authorized under the laws of Kansas with a constitution and oy-laws. the offfsurs ere Mr» George Lowman, Profs JeQOe Jones, Messrse Ruben Fox, F3C~ Whipple ard Charles Louk, The first bomb was fired this morning from Central Park at 9:00 AeMe by Sgte HeEe Roy of the R.o.7.C., signalizing the start of this sincére and whole» hearted campaign for the relief of distressed and unfortunate citizens in Lawrence, We Sincerely trust that you wiil avail yourself of the opportunity to make a contribution for this worthwhi.c project. By ' ontributing you will enable Lawrence and Mount Oread to go over the tov in keeping with the ideals and practices of free America. The democratic aations are the only netions that do such a thing as we are doing in Lawrence, Kansas ut the vresent times The total budget for Lawrence and the year is $7515.00, The Christmas Program and the Fourth of July Celebration ar> listed separately and are not incorporated in the financial estimates on this statoment, The giving of funds for these two items will be entircliy optional, You can see by the list enclosed that the KeU: "YeMs" and "Y,We" are not included. The executives stated that it was thoir hopo next year to have these two hill organizations included. ‘the National Red Cross desires not to be included because they have an organization of thcir own, and calls may be frequent by them according to omergency. Your name is listed herewith and wo will appreciate your giving accord-= ing to the dictates of your heart, The gencral practice is to give to the Chest the equivalent of one day's carnings, Will you kindly mail this pledge card back to me through the campus mail by fhursday, which is the last day of the drives “ne eee . . nas we Ci f ‘ ( ne ay ~ &.4% Mbt d ¢ i Be +. eR ke se - ‘i ee ta Nite ae, a ‘7 Chairman, University Conn 6 EnCe f f LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST BUDGET Girl Scouts 2 ee ee Se we $700%00 Hi-Y os * * 2 & 5s ° e 2 e 175.00 Girl Reserves . dd 100,00 Boy Scouts « 2 0 « « «© « © * © « - 1,200,600 -Social Service League « « « « » » . 1,050.00 Salvation Army »« « © « © « © © © © 2790.00 4 ef] Club FPairda«sss ee 8@ @ 8 6 300_00 Chest Budget $6,315.00 Shrinkage e¢vnwee8eet8+ 8 @ 8 © @ 631-.00 Campaign Costs eee 6 6 @€ & @€ @ 6 24000 Administrati On: « £4 4 we oe & @ : 360,00 vhest Total 7,546 400 me ate eee Formu.its- Activities ee tee Chrigtms Activitios, » « «+ & « 1,200.00 4th of July Prograin + © © 8 & & 700.00 Activitics Total 1,900.00 Guan TOTAL. s- «+s 0:6 e' e's $9,446.00 Lawrence, Kansas October 24, 1940 perina We Dear Facujty. Membery, | May I paraphrase the old English slogan, "There will always be an England" with "There will always be an America and an England," Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American virility and democratic hospitality, We recognize the needs of our neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs founded upon helpful services The Community Chest idea is founded upon the principles of democracye Fach of us give to a fund where all beneficiaries are aggregated and one single driwe is made, . For some of these activities it is thinkable that we would have no con# tribution; for others we give annually. A budget has been made and I am enclosing it herewith to show you the beneficiaries of the plane The Lawrence, Kansas Community Chest Campaign is to be inaugurated on October 29, 50 and 31. The Community Chest is an incorporated body authorized under the Laws of Kansas with a constitution and by-laws, The officers are Mr..George Lowman, Prof. JeOe. Jones, Messrs. Ruben Fox, FeC, Whipple and Charles Louke Ag The total budget for Lawrence this year is $7546~¢00, The Christmas Pros gram and the Fourth of July Celebration are listed separately and are not incore’ porated in the financial estimates on this statements; rather, there will be a perforated card attached, The giving of funds for these two items will be entirely optional. | You ean see by the list enclosed that the KeU. "Y.M." and "YW." are not included, The executives stated that it was their hbpe next year to have these © two hill organizations includede The Red Cross does not wish to be ORANG I understand their organization is opposed to such an arrangement. Doubtless you have been reading of the Kansas City, utecours Community Chest Campaign, and have noted the splendid response they have been making te a worthy cause There will be no pressure exerted here in Lawrence on anybody by anyones In fact, we desire you to give only as your @onscience and your pocketbook dictate. Chancel lor Malott has approved the Community Chest drive here on the —— The chairman is asking one of the following group of faculty members to call upon you in your building in an effort to make your solicitation somewhat easier and more efficients Prof, Leonard He Axe Mr» George Oe Foster Dre DeHe Spencer Mr CMa Baker 3 Mr, Lee Gemmell Dre Vérner Smith Mrq C»Ge Bayles Dre KyKe Landes Mre John Gp Stutz Dre AeW, Davidson Dean Paul Be Lawson Dre JeWe Twente Mre KyW. Davidson Dean Fred Moreau Prof, John Virtue Mre Burt DeGroot Dre Laurence Woodruff In the mame of some of those less fortunate than We, I am, Sincerely yours, Eno Minutes of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST September 18, 1941 The following members were present: F. CG. Allen J. J. Lavery John Brand George Lowman BE. Js Coy Walter Schaal Ke W. Davidson Mrs. Deal Six Mrs. Caryl Dodds A. E. Woestemeyer George Hedrick tah Wood ~ “Phe meeting was called to erder oy J. J. Lavery, - President of the Board, whe reviewed the previous meeting of the Board. He also read a letter of appreciation from the BERNE ORERS of the — Club Vocational "Ag" Show, Mr. Lowman stated that all agencies who were in ee last year's campaign again verbally made application. Mrs ‘Lowman | | aneed by the Budget Comittee read a motion which was unenimel recommending to the Board that tt vice League not be admitted to tl moved that the Board approve th ittee. Mrs. Dodds seconded th fansas Children's Home and Ser- e ‘community Chest. Mr. Devidson sommendation of the Budget Com= — ‘Lons it carried, ae | ond motion from the Budget Com= nittes recommending to the Board nat the Kansas University Y.M.C.A. be admitted to the Community Chest for the coming year. Mr. Wosate~ meyer moved that the Board approve this recommendation, Mr. Schaal Mr. Lowman read seconded the motion; it carried, s In answer to Mr, Lavery's request for outstanding bills Mr. Lowman stated that the ‘Hi-y had a balance of fifteen dol lars due for October, the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the Social — i eae ee isin aad Ri a ia a 8 a ag A a Sa NN a a Te ahi aa pod Daa Service League are to receive their October allotment. Dr. Allen moved that these allotments be paid. Mrs. Six seconded the motion; it carried. ar. Lavery discussed the matter of deliquent accounts and stated that a ‘letter is being sent cut shortly to each of these individuals and firms. Dr. Allen moved that the Board appoint a Discount Committee to adjust these deliquent accounts where necessary. Mrs. Six seconded the motion; it carried. Mr. Woestemeyer reminded the Board that they have not yet passed on the fact that the U. S. 0. drive is planned in connec- . tion with the Community Chest drive. Dr. Allen moved that the TiS. 0. drive with the Chest campaign be approved. Mr. Davidson seconded the motion; it carried. Mr. Woestemeyer read the names of those in charge of the various divisions of the campaign. Dr. Allen moved that a committee be vaindiiiaes +s de- cide on the date for the Community _— arive, Mr. Schaal seconded the motion; it carried. The meeting was adjourned. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JUNE 26, 1941 The following members were present: Forrest Allen A. W. Berger John Brand Ee de Coy Mrs. C. Dodds George Hedrick Je Je Lavery George Lowman Je M. Sanderson Walter Schaal Mrs. Deal Six A. E. Woestemeyer Since the early action of the Chest organization was taken before the charter had been obtained as a non-profit corporation, Mr. Lavery asked for a motion to ratify all previous action in order to bring the matters properly up to date. Mr. Brand moved that the directors elected at the annuak meeting, January 24, be elected and ratified by the commit- tee, and that the officers elected at the meeting of February 26 be elected and ratified by the committee. Mr. Schaal seconded the motion; it was carried. Mr. Brand moved that all acts of the Board of Dixs- rectors and officers of corporation prior to this date be ratified and confirmed. Mr. Schaal seconded the motion; it was carried. Mr. Lavery reviewed the events of the last meeting in March at which there was a full quorum. Mr. Lowman reviewed the financial reports, giving the receipts and expenditures of the Hi-Y, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Reserves, and the Social Service League. ine Mr. Schaal announced that his committee had not been particularly active, but that the committee had secured the services of A. E. Woestemeyer as Chairman of the fall campaign. Permission had previously been given to Miss Car- penter for a cookie sale by the Girl Reserves. Miss Carpenter sent word that she had cleared fifteen dollars. There was a brief disoussion concerning future door-to-door sales by the various organizations within the Chest. Mr. Lowman took up the matter of allotments rec- ommended by the Budget Committee. He read the request from the Boy Scouts for three months advance in their allotment. He read the months allotments to each ercinbentton as well as an allot- ment of seven hundred dollars for the Fourth of July Celebration and ninety dollars for administration costs. Mr. Brand moved that these allotments be paid. The motion was seconded by Mrs Schaal; it was carried. : It was suggested that at a future meeting addi- tional applications be reviewed. Mr. Schaal moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Brand seconded the motion; it was carried.