lawreasec, ansa?y October 9. 1940 The Lawrence Community Chest “ampaign starsed this morning at 9:00 AeMe The Community Chest is an inccrporeted body authorized under the laws of Kansas with a constitution and oy-laws. the offfsurs ere Mr» George Lowman, Profs JeQOe Jones, Messrse Ruben Fox, F3C~ Whipple ard Charles Louk, The first bomb was fired this morning from Central Park at 9:00 AeMe by Sgte HeEe Roy of the R.o.7.C., signalizing the start of this sincére and whole» hearted campaign for the relief of distressed and unfortunate citizens in Lawrence, We Sincerely trust that you wiil avail yourself of the opportunity to make a contribution for this worthwhi.c project. By ' ontributing you will enable Lawrence and Mount Oread to go over the tov in keeping with the ideals and practices of free America. The democratic aations are the only netions that do such a thing as we are doing in Lawrence, Kansas ut the vresent times The total budget for Lawrence and the year is $7515.00, The Christmas Program and the Fourth of July Celebration ar> listed separately and are not incorporated in the financial estimates on this statoment, The giving of funds for these two items will be entircliy optional, You can see by the list enclosed that the KeU: "YeMs" and "Y,We" are not included. The executives stated that it was thoir hopo next year to have these two hill organizations included. ‘the National Red Cross desires not to be included because they have an organization of thcir own, and calls may be frequent by them according to omergency. Your name is listed herewith and wo will appreciate your giving accord-= ing to the dictates of your heart, The gencral practice is to give to the Chest the equivalent of one day's carnings, Will you kindly mail this pledge card back to me through the campus mail by fhursday, which is the last day of the drives “ne eee . . nas we Ci f ‘ ( ne ay ~ &.4% Mbt d ¢ i Be +. eR ke se - ‘i ee ta Nite ae, a ‘7 Chairman, University Conn 6 EnCe f f