Minutes of BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING LAWRENCE COMMUNITY CHEST September 18, 1941 The following members were present: F. CG. Allen J. J. Lavery John Brand George Lowman BE. Js Coy Walter Schaal Ke W. Davidson Mrs. Deal Six Mrs. Caryl Dodds A. E. Woestemeyer George Hedrick tah Wood ~ “Phe meeting was called to erder oy J. J. Lavery, - President of the Board, whe reviewed the previous meeting of the Board. He also read a letter of appreciation from the BERNE ORERS of the — Club Vocational "Ag" Show, Mr. Lowman stated that all agencies who were in ee last year's campaign again verbally made application. Mrs ‘Lowman | | aneed by the Budget Comittee read a motion which was unenimel recommending to the Board that tt vice League not be admitted to tl moved that the Board approve th ittee. Mrs. Dodds seconded th fansas Children's Home and Ser- e ‘community Chest. Mr. Devidson sommendation of the Budget Com= — ‘Lons it carried, ae | ond motion from the Budget Com= nittes recommending to the Board nat the Kansas University Y.M.C.A. be admitted to the Community Chest for the coming year. Mr. Wosate~ meyer moved that the Board approve this recommendation, Mr. Schaal Mr. Lowman read seconded the motion; it carried, s In answer to Mr, Lavery's request for outstanding bills Mr. Lowman stated that the ‘Hi-y had a balance of fifteen dol lars due for October, the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the Social — i eae ee isin aad Ri a ia a 8 a ag A a Sa NN a a Te ahi aa pod Daa