Service League are to receive their October allotment. Dr. Allen moved that these allotments be paid. Mrs. Six seconded the motion; it carried. ar. Lavery discussed the matter of deliquent accounts and stated that a ‘letter is being sent cut shortly to each of these individuals and firms. Dr. Allen moved that the Board appoint a Discount Committee to adjust these deliquent accounts where necessary. Mrs. Six seconded the motion; it carried. Mr. Woestemeyer reminded the Board that they have not yet passed on the fact that the U. S. 0. drive is planned in connec- . tion with the Community Chest drive. Dr. Allen moved that the TiS. 0. drive with the Chest campaign be approved. Mr. Davidson seconded the motion; it carried. Mr. Woestemeyer read the names of those in charge of the various divisions of the campaign. Dr. Allen moved that a committee be vaindiiiaes +s de- cide on the date for the Community _— arive, Mr. Schaal seconded the motion; it carried. The meeting was adjourned.