BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JUNE 26, 1941 The following members were present: Forrest Allen A. W. Berger John Brand Ee de Coy Mrs. C. Dodds George Hedrick Je Je Lavery George Lowman Je M. Sanderson Walter Schaal Mrs. Deal Six A. E. Woestemeyer Since the early action of the Chest organization was taken before the charter had been obtained as a non-profit corporation, Mr. Lavery asked for a motion to ratify all previous action in order to bring the matters properly up to date. Mr. Brand moved that the directors elected at the annuak meeting, January 24, be elected and ratified by the commit- tee, and that the officers elected at the meeting of February 26 be elected and ratified by the committee. Mr. Schaal seconded the motion; it was carried. Mr. Brand moved that all acts of the Board of Dixs- rectors and officers of corporation prior to this date be ratified and confirmed. Mr. Schaal seconded the motion; it was carried. Mr. Lavery reviewed the events of the last meeting in March at which there was a full quorum. Mr. Lowman reviewed the financial reports, giving the receipts and expenditures of the Hi-Y, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Reserves, and the Social Service League.