ine Mr. Schaal announced that his committee had not been particularly active, but that the committee had secured the services of A. E. Woestemeyer as Chairman of the fall campaign. Permission had previously been given to Miss Car- penter for a cookie sale by the Girl Reserves. Miss Carpenter sent word that she had cleared fifteen dollars. There was a brief disoussion concerning future door-to-door sales by the various organizations within the Chest. Mr. Lowman took up the matter of allotments rec- ommended by the Budget Committee. He read the request from the Boy Scouts for three months advance in their allotment. He read the months allotments to each ercinbentton as well as an allot- ment of seven hundred dollars for the Fourth of July Celebration and ninety dollars for administration costs. Mr. Brand moved that these allotments be paid. The motion was seconded by Mrs Schaal; it was carried. : It was suggested that at a future meeting addi- tional applications be reviewed. Mr. Schaal moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Brand seconded the motion; it was carried.