lewrence, Kansas — Ootober 24, 1940 Dear Faoulty Members ee ate, tee erase the old English slogan, “There will always be an | Englend" with “There will always be an Amorica and an England.” Home and neighbor are the warp and the woof of American virility and demceratic hospitality. regognisze the needs of our neighbors and we unfailingly respond to these needs | The Commmity Chest idea ie founded upon the principles of democracy. Bach of us give to a fund where all beneficiaries are aggregated and one single drive is made. For some of these activities it is thinlable that we would have no contributions for others we give annuallys A budget has been made and I an enelosing it herewith to show you the beneficiaries of the plans The Lawrence, Kansas Community Chest Campaign is to be inaugurated on October 29, 50 and Sle The Comunity C is an incorporated bedy authorised under the laws of Kansas with a constitution and byelaws. The officers are o. ——- Lowman, Profs JeQe Jones, Messrs. Ruben Fox, F.C. Whipple and les Louke > | The total budget for siiailaks year is $7546.00. 7 Christmas Program and the Foi of July Celebration ere listed separately and not _ Ancorporated in financial estimates on this statement; rather, there will be a perforated card attached. The giving of funds for these two itens will be that the é entirely optional, uk | You can see by the list enclosed. not includede The exeoutives stated that it was their hope next year to have these two hill organizations included. The Red Cross does not wish to be ine o i . i B 2 . d a ng Chest Campaign, and have noted the splendid response they have been making to @ worthy cause. There will be no vr S ‘The chairman is as]ing one of the following group of faculty menbers te call upon you in your building in an your solicitation somewha easier and more efficients Be a : ae Prof. Leonard He Axe. Mre Geode Op Foster = Dre Deis Spencer Mre Celie Baker Mre Lee Gemmell Dre Verner Sith Mre CeGe Bayles ‘Dre Keke Iandes Myre John G, Stutz Dre Aes Ivideon Dean Paul Be Lawson | Dre Jel’, Twonte Mre Kee Davidson Dean Pred Moreau Prof. John Virtue Mre Burt DeGroot | : Dre Laurence Woodruff In the mame of some of those less fortunate than we, I am, Sincerely yours,