se Lea ares SERS Aan eS he MY j es the Drivee First, I wrote a personal letter to each individual that Mre Weds Schaal Campaign Chairman Lawrence Community Chest Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Schaal; accumulatéd here to the CHest headquarters in the Chambef of Conimerce Buildinge I feel at this time, since we are ske®@t ready to close up the First Annual Lawrence Community Chest Drive, that it is perfectly fitting and proper that we should give a report of the workers here on the Hill and the amount of money that they collected. I might also outline the policy that I pursued in organizing the Special Gifts Committee of the Lawrence Community Chest allocated to mée I set out the fact that the Community Chest was an incorporated body, authorized under the Laws of Kansas with a constitution and by-= lawse The officers were then listed, and the total budget for Lawrence was givene I»indicated the purposes of the drive, the date the drive was to begin, the beneficiaries of the plan and the dead=line or the date the pledge cards were to be returnede I also explained why the Red Cross and the KU. YMCA and YWCA were not included among the beneficiaries. A letter was then written to the following workers, who as individuals were to be responsible for soliciting either the members of special departments, or @s parts of a building which might be ale located to them, or even in some cases a whole building, if the task was not too large. 1Profe Leonard Axe = West Frank Strong Hall 7 Mire CoMe Baker - Watson Library _gReve Harold Barr = Myers Hall (School of Religion) yMiss Florence Black - East Frank Strong Hall > Dre AeWe Davidson = Bailey Chemistry Laboratory 7 Mre KeWe Davidson = Journalism Press Mr. Burt DeGroot - Robinson Gymnasium --Mre George 0. Foster - Central Frank Strong Hall 7 Mre Lee Gemmell = Extension Division, Correspondence Study Bureau, Home Economics Department (all in Fraser Hall) _Dre Kenneth Landes = Haworth Hall (Gedlogy) Dean Paul Bs Lawson = Fast Frank Strong Hall (Dean Lawson was called out of town but Mr. Guy We Smith, Miss Florence Black and Mre JeJs Wheeler did the job) a FeJe Moreau = Green Hall > Mre FeOe Russell - Oread Training School 7 Ue Nobel Pe. Sherwood = Anatomy Building, Watkins Memorial Hospita . Watkins Nurses Home :