on = soe se ET Ty we oe desired that the individuals give only as their conscience and their pocketbook dictated. I also mentioned the fact that Chancellor Malott pproved the Community Chest Drive here on the Hill. The letter then stated "The chairman is asking one of the following g#oup of faculty members to call upon ‘in your building in an effort to make your solicitation somewhat ier and more efficient." A list of the solicitors followed, then? "In the name of some of those less fortunate than we, I am, Sincerely yours, Forrest Ce. Allen, Chairman, University Committee." This letter was delivered to the University postoffice‘the night before the drive started so that it wowld get into the 8:00J” Tt was planned that this letter would be ae the faculty members and the > employeeds at the eleventh hour prior to the workers oresenting their pledge cards on the opening day of the drive. . We then personally contacted every solicitor over the telephone, © pointing out the necessity of getting on the job and staying with it until we had gone over the top, if possible, the first daye I am now listing the names of the workers together with the amount of the donations that they turned in at the office of the Physical Rducation Department, which was our headquarters for the drives. ist kk I desire to shank the officers and the office help of the Community Chest Drive for their kindness and courtesy in endeavoring to Soften the rougher spots of a campaign that worked wonderfully well for the first effort of such a civic venturee The job of assembling these contfibutions was an un 1 task and Mrs. Humphrey and her assistant did a wonderful jote|| However, I believe next year that the . miscellaneous group, which Lakiaked «0 many divergent, interests and heterogeneous groups could be broken down into a more efficient and workable plane In this miscellaneous group I found the School of Medicine, which we asked Dr. Nobel Pe Sherwood to handl% He also accepted the ae hospital personnel and the Watkins Nurses Home groupe The pPhyetonr Vlyewed Building (Blake Hall) could have been and should xaxwe bemm allocated . next year to Dr. Stranathan, Dr. Kester or Dr. King. I took that hake QA part of my miscellaneous rpupe » Al bbe lis, such as Corbin Hall, I think, Mi-ee=Zisele shoul debe + OE Beene ndetkins Hell, ideo for-sett—heip—sirts , end Willer Hall, aed 4 tts “thre—tnt-en Bettis .—John—JeO~e—laare i Crthtr Wusew oI ag OO, Ward Cantidl All the Wiscellane}ous group wals handed to me unexpectedly and instead of doing a good supervisory job I was forced to get out over the campus past the twelfth hour and get these cards into the hands of the workerse It was such an overwhelming job that I wrote personal letters to each one of these individuald and sent them through the University mail at once. lfiss—Minn oh i Seth 3 rO¥ rebeseerhich was written the..first.deay- ; j spose, )\\ L betevetiere cach one of the matrons in theses —whewidbe—aeeked to solicit their building, even though they and one or two other employees are the only ones listed therein.g This would allow the disposition to be handled efficiently and it would also impress those people with their responsibility of getting oe a ae