~Go A team never wins a game ever in their experience. The opponents lose the game by their mistakes. We call them errors in baseball, we call them fouls in basketball and track, and we call them penalties in football, But they are all mistakes under different names. | fhe coach teaches fundamentals, In basketball the boy is taught how ts pivot, how to pass, how to dribble, how to shoot a goal, and so forth, The instinct of pley is one of the dominant reactions in the human animal, Therefore, the boy will go through endless hours of grueling fundamental training that is not fun, but the boy pley for the reward - the possible chance of victory. He will harness himself with obstacles so that he may achieve success. “fhe stone which the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the corner." Years ago the educator said that athletics were only good for the surplus energy of youth. To our pioneer forefathers, a fellow who partici pated in athletics was an idler, a no-good fellow, but today if the proper objectives are held before youth you can lead this young bronco through the formative years of life with an athletic halter that should insure him a strong body, a courageous spirit and a fighting heart. He will learn to take defeat and disappointment, not in an easy, happy manner, because no one likes to lose, but under the good code of sportsmanship. He will extend his hand to his victor and say, Congratulations, sir, knowing full well that life is a bettle, ‘a promising his eieemery that he will fight just as hard or a little harder at the next opportunity for combat. So education has incorporated the constructive values of competitive athletics for ow growing boy. The educator aid not discover this because inherently in the boy's breast was a great desire for conquest. But the educator has failed to find something that will grip and hold the girl and make her say no a thousand times to temptation. The educator still has a job