- Moved by Profecsor Baugurtner and seconded by Doris Twente that the following officers be declared elected for the coming yours President Irving Hill Viee President Henry Werner i die tall ae tae ‘lea hea tenia tee hh eins ee me te ares We Sten eee Mr, Werner reported thet the State Architect's office — been ordered y the Boerd of Regents to give building plens for the Kansas State ere iteofwwny ahead of plans for the University Union because of the fact that Kansas Stave has no such buildings Later exigencies of the current geeral situation prevented the State Arehitect's office from advancing work on the drawings, but soon after January 1 som general plane would be comleted and ready for posting for educational purposes among the students, In general, the pimis cell for extension of the sub-basemmmt to the south to provide for a bowling om the Missiesippl Street level, A deck will extend over the extension which - ean used for serving or other purposes, The extension to the north is planed about as originelly leid out by Pond and Pond, in view of the present situation, He NE TEEECINe ee Sine Sey AOtEKS coneteuction fe indedinttes ir, Werner next reported on aotivities in the Union for the past years A copy of his report le attached to these minutes, Moved by Miss Meguier end seconded by Dr, Allen that the board commend not only this report of the successful operation of the Union gmerally, but that | the board take cogaizance end express its appreciation to Miss Zipple, Director, for the splendid food service offered in the Unions Carried. : Sh te a Shas Wo Witenes te eee weeattek We Pwanitad veews of the Union's operationss Copy is attached. Mt. Klooz reported negotiations regarding payseat of social security cnn Sen eighastna of 0 Unhtne The question at the time wes whether it would be necessary to pay back taxes which may amount to more than $1,000. Moved by Mrs Nermer and seconded by Dre Allen that the Sinsneial report be aecepteds Carried, Moved by Miss Twente and seconded by Keith Spalding that a vote of commendetion be given to lire Vernor, chairmaa of the Unicn Operating Comittee, | for his splendid work as chairman of the comnittes in charge of the Unions Carried, — The meeting was adjourned for lmeheon in the Bglish Room Signed