Lawrence Hardware Company Sede~aoid 2jegallon §15.50 each In groups of 4 or more 914.50 each Brass Pyrene-~1 quart §12,00 each In groups of 4 or more $11.00 each All must bear the seal of the National Board of Fire Underwriters test to be acceptable for service. Notes from the local Fire Chief type are less effective in extinguishing fire but do not have any harmful effect on furnishings. Physical Plant--Other Factors Lighting and Vyntilation (Minimua artificial lighting~--60 watts at Purnishings (Single beds) study table and 60 watts at center or side Stee of Rooms Single room 7' minimum width--80 square feet Doublé 10x12 * Heating 73 degrees FF, 44 save lips m, to O16) a, my Bath Room facilities: 1 complete bath for 8 persons * In the event that gas stoves are necessary to provide supplementary heat, the steve should be installed with _ mon-detachable metal piping and outside vent, Health of Students: Hospitelization in ease of illness (No nursing care in the home) Elimination of all common supplies-~like towels, drinking cups uphasis upon clean linen and high housekeeping standards ¢ enerally Food Service--Physical examinations of food handlers by the University Hospital Unit (This is now done) Civie food inspection for determination of quality. In previous years cases of poor food quality have been brought to our attention~-use of grade "D" raw milk for instance, Annual inepection of rooms from standpoint of cleanliness and upkeep by a representative of the University Housing Comaittee Anoveal imspection of properties for fire hazards by oith building inspector, also construction hasards end defeots ia Price Fisgations Determination of maximum level at which student rooms' will be listed, Current prices now of $35,00 a month for a double room, or $40.00 a month for a large room and sleeping porch for four, are exorbitant.