Finanoial Adjustments: Present Regulations: Contracts are made for the period of one semester, Students who make arrangements for rooms on a shorter basis of time should have the agreement in writing. Students are free to remove at the ond of & semester without advance notice, — It is recommended in girls’ houses that. fifteen days' notice be given, @ Students who remove from a rooming house to & fraternity or sorority within a semester's period are required to give sixty days' notice from the time des¢ rent payment was due. # * Students who renove from one rooming house to another within a semester's period are required to give thirty days' notice fran the time a rent payment was due, *In women's houges this is not countenanced unless the reason is a& matter of health or verified financial straits. Reason: Housenothers are expected to have some supervision over women students, and im order for then te have the proper authority and influence they must not be handicapped by the fear that they will lose income because a student who is displeased voluntarily decides to move, #The general practice in women's houses is to give sixty days' notice ond thirty days' notice by advance payment from the time the student decides to move. Wo charge is made if the student is obligated to remove on a health measure~- householders grant the student a release without penalty. One wosk's notice is required for di stontinuing board when room and board are taken together. This is not & rule applicable to women's houses.