UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES, 1941-42 —— I, COMMITTEES ELECTED BY THE SENATE we 1. Athletics & Physical Recreation: oS Nash, F, C. Allen, Elbel, Hoover, Ambrosius, L, E, Anderson, Woodruff, Grimes, Subcommittees: A. Intercollegiate athletics: Allen, Ambrosius, Woodruff, B. Physical Recreation: Elbel, Hoover, L. E, Anderson, C. Ways & Means: Nash, Grimes, Elbel. 2. Convocations & Lectures: Je He Nelson, Calderwood, Chubb, Nichols. 3. Eligibility to Non—athletic activities: Storer, Grant, Horr, 4, Examinations: Malin, McCluggage, Turney. 5. Forensics: Buehler, Tupy, Ashton. 6. Library: Baker, Hollands, Patterson, Stephenson, Viesselman, Tracy. 7. Publications & Printing: Baker & chairmen of subcommittees. Subcommittees: A. Printing & Binding: Nichols, Hitt, Klooz, J. W,. Twente, B. Humanistic Series: Lind, Hankins, May Gardner, C. Science Bulletin: Taft, Woodard, H. T. U. Smith, Stranathan, Lane, E, H. Taylor. D. Social Science Series: Realey, Chubb, Eiseley, Howey, E, Geological Survey Bulletin: R,. C. hoore, F, Education Series: Chandler, Elbel, Althaus. G. Engineering & Architecture Bulletin: Jakosky, Kellogg. H. Business Series: Gagliardo, Blocker,