Phog ‘-out-of-bounds Allen, Kansas M entor, Blasts Eastern Cage Teams KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan: 6 er oe Forrest C. ‘‘Phog”’ Allen, aaa Univer- | “sity basketball coach, i favorite. pastime. of knocking Eastern basketball in general and: officiating in particular in an interview. with the United. Press -here yesterday. “Every year some of our teams have‘ gone out there and played those boys on their own courts with their own officials -and, we've. beaten them _ repeatedly, but this half-baked lot today still don’t realize it,” was Allen’s opening shot for 1944 at Eastern basketball. “The officials, let the game degenerate into a rough house brawl. Anything goes. Here they keep the game clean | and won’t put, up with all that per. con- | tact business.”’ Dr. Allen also deplored the narrow space surrounding Eastern courts. “But even at that, with their courts and their officials, we beat | [ena.:* Allen said = hould De. ee to. pay Eastern teams the.same money as Madi- son Square Garden to come West and play for charity. ‘‘What’s more, I will indulged in -his- the. ‘Phog Allen let them bring one of their own officials along. That’s more than we ever got out of the ‘East. aH