Me De O6 pe Qe Pe Se Ue Ve Xe ye Summerfield Scholarships: Templin, Gibson, Irving Hill, Hitt, —3— Koopman, J. H, Nelson, Turney, Storer, Thurnau Scholarship: Department of German, Donnelly Scholarships: J, H. Nelson, Osborne, Stouffer, Weeks, ite H, Wheeler, Bryan Prize Essay: Chubb, Lesar, Virtue, Winston, Frank 0, Miller Loans: Klooz, Laird, Maddox, General Scholarships: Grant, Babcock, Hessler, Meguiar, Werner, Hattie Elizabeth Lewis Prize Essays: Winston, Flint, Lynn, NeuenSchwander, Honor Scholarships: dg. H. Nelson, Osborne, Stouffer, Weeks, R. H, Wheeler, lien's Residence Hall Scholarships and Battenfeld Scholarship: Ulmer, Bradshaw, McCluggage, Posey, Templin, Women's Residence Hall Scholarships: Meguiar, Black, May Gardner, Larson. (rat Sf rie, Rhodes Scholarships: A, T. Walker, Crawford, Sandelius, Weis Student Loan Fund: Werner, F. C,. Allen, Klooz, McCluggage, ~ | Meguiar. Us Edna Osborne Whitcomb Scholarships: Morgan, Barnes, Johnson, Selden Whitcomb Fellowship: Malott, Ashton, Stouffer, B. Honors and Honor Organizations: Lawson, liaude Elliott, Hankins, Verner Smith, C. Promotion of Scholarship Plans and Funds: Mitchell, Brewster, K, W. Davidson, University Extension: Ingham, Clark, Sandelius, and heads of divisions concerned, Montgomery, Sam anderson, Black, Ellsworth, Hoesley, J. 0. Jones, Reese, III, APPOINTED BY THE CHANCELLOR 1, Alumni Interests: Replogle, 26 ASSignment of Quarters: Nichols, and heads of divisions and departments concerned,