November iv, 19586 Professor Je 3e« Smith, re University of Kansase | Dear Professor Smiths ‘Thank you very much for your fine letter of November Sth. You have enunciated an opinion regarding a policy that seems wholly acceptable and logical, but it is not for me to express thet opinions However, I do want you to lmow that I very much appreciate your con— ee ee I might say, Professor Smith, that while I feel that you have expressed a point of view sympathetic to me, I should say that this committee should not be considered a committee representing the Department of Physical Education. Rather, I feel that it is just as important as a committee on Student Health and Housing. This affects the entire student body and faculty of the University, both men end women, and that is why I felt that a group of men on this committee representing a1] angles of the interests of the University would be GN NERO NO Ehe ; ZI did not say that I desired the Comittes on Athletics abolished. Rather, that committee could still fimetion if it so desired, although nothing has been done for quite some tines Noubtless all of the legal affairs, as well as the relation- ship of ome school with the other in athletics, would naturally be administered by the University of Kansas Physical Education Corporation, which is in fect the Athletic Toord. But if the Senate Committee dew sired to recommend that the number of hours for participation be cut dewn and the academic requirement raised, then that would be in their righte Say thet no student might participate by representing the University of Kanses wmiless this individual hed 20 hours of C average the two preceding semesterse A Senate cormittee could work this out and pass it on to the faculty representative, who is Professor We We Davise Then Professor Davis could go before the Big Six Conference end propose it. This was done several years ago, and nothing came of ite So long as we ere members of the Big Six athletic body we, of course, must follow the Big Six rule. And our Athletic Reard is faculty controlled, and since the members are appointed by the Senate it is a Senate committee.