OCTOBER MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE KANSAS CONGRESS OF FARENTS AND TEACHERS OCTOBER 29-30, 1941--EMPORIA, KANSAS The Executive Committee of the Kansas Congress of Parents and Teachers iaet in the Sonior High School, Emporia, Kansas, at 7:30 Pe Mo, Weinnsday tVee, October 29, 1941. The following members were present: Mrse Ee We Emery, President, Mrs» We Re Loder, Mrs. Ee B. Miller, We Me Richards, Mrs. Geo. Winters, Cs Me Miller, Mrs. Norah Luther, Mrs. De D. Harbaugh, Mrse Ben MeCamant, Reve Fred Smith, Mrse James Whipple, Mrse Ge Goodson Wright, Mrse J. We Oursler, and Mrs. Le Re Fulton, Parliamentarian. The meeting was called to order by the President. The secretary read the Call and passed the agenda. MINUTES APPROVAL COMMITTEE REPORT Mrse Ge Goodson Wright reported for the committee as finding the minutes of the June meeting correcte’ MINUTES APPROVAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED The president named Mrse He He Miller, Mrse We Re Loder, and Mrse de We Oursler to approve the minutes of this meeting. : BILLS APPROVAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED Mrse Norah Luther and Mrs. Ben McCamant were appointed to approve bills. OFFICER'S REPORTS Reports from all officers were given and written reports were filed with the secretary. Report of treasurer was read and will be found in Appe: dix Is : Reports of Membership Chairman, Historian, and Editor were given and written reports filed. STUDENT LOAN REPORT C. Me. Miller read a letter from Chancellor Mallot asking for the $200.00 funde The agrcement contract is ready for signaturcs. me D me RESIGN. TIONS The secretary read the res Johnson, Director of Distr moved to accept with regre % 36 Br» Richords gnation of Mrse Zo Me Cc « CARRIED 1 a ea Resignation of Mrs. EH. T. Jenkins as Publicity Chairman and member of the Nominating Committee. MOTION by Mrs. Be EH. Miller to accept with regret. C..RRIED GENERAL INFORMATION COURSE TO DIRECTORS MOTION by Mrse Wright to send the course to the District Directors to be studied and to encourage individual and class work among units of the districts. CHATRMEN PROCEDURE MOTION by Mre Richards that the chair be authorized to appoint a committee to form plans for a definite outline for chairmen as meets the need of the State Congresse [0CIaL SECURITY Report given by Mrs. Fulton that all necessary material had been filed with the Federal offices, but that no report had been received as yete oakaTY CHATRMAN ; Letter from Dr. Irma Gene Nevins read asking that the Kansas Congress give approval to a radio program, "Help Defense-Stop Accidents." MOTION by Mre Richards to approve programe CARRIED PROGRAM a Letter from Mrs. LeRoy Arnold read' in regard to sending out material for a program poll. It was suggested to await results from the return of form sent in the Unit Packet. MOVZD by C. Mi. Miller that en expression of appreciation be given the Emporia folks for the dinner and cordial greeting given the Sxecutive Committee this evening. CARRIED THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1941 The meeting was called to ordér at 9 AclM. by the Pres- ident, who offered a prayere FILLING VaCauNCTSS Mirse Norah Luther was elected to fill the vacancy in the nominating committee. nthe MOTION by Mrse Wright that the President be authorized to fill the vacaney occuring in the Publicitp Chair- manshipe Mrse Harbdough was assigned the duties of the Publicity Chairman until the vacaney is filled. JasNUssRY PaCKatT | By common consent, it was decided not to send out a January packete Mimeographed copy is to be sent from the State Office. La.DERSHIP CONFERENCS MOVED by Mrs. McCamant that the editor of the Kansas Parent-Teacher be sent to the Leadership Conference at Lawrences; expenses to be paid from the funds of the magazine. C:aRRI“D GUARDIANSHIP AND ADOPTION LAV The secretary read a letter from the National Congress concerning the interest we should have in the adoption laws of every state. Mr. Richards MOVED that the pres- ident appoint a committee to look into the guardianship and adoption laws of Kansas. Mrse He Se Miller and Mrse Ce Me Miller were appointed on this ‘committee. SaLaRY OF OFFICES SECRETARY MOTION by Mr. Richards that the salary of the secretary to the president be $90.00 per ealendar month, and thet adequate funds be allocated to this account. * CARRIED REGULAR RSOPORTS «AT CONVENTION MOVED by Mr. Richards that. all regular reports required of this organization be in three darts as follows: (A) A statistical report in accordance with forms furnished by the Office. Secretary. (B) A report of achievements. (C) Suggestion of problems and improvements to be considered by the Boards that these reports be sent to the Office Secretary.one month prior +. to the date of the pre-convention board meeting and that the secretary tabulate statistics and summarize achievements and send eopies to each member of the board-prior to the date of the conventione CARRIED Members of the Executive Committee were requestcd to send in suggestions ~ .roP? a Peport fom. wn) oe RADIO MOVSD by Mrse Harbaugh thet the Kansas Parent-Teacher e carry a requcst to write radio stations regording the "Pomily Life" radio progreme CONVENTION SPEAKERS Names suggested as speakers were Chancellor Mallot of Lawrence, Dre Willis 4. Sutton of Atlanta, Georgia, and Glen Argher of Topeka. Other organizations are to be contacted which might have speakers in April. MOTION by Lirse McCamant that the president be authorized to investigate the charges, etce, of the speakers named by this grcup, and make selection after the informotion has been gained. Fee is not to exceed $300.00. CARRIED CONVENTION SXHIB IL | By common consent, it was decided to have conferences for Membership, Publicity, Publications, Program, Parent=Ed- ucation, Radio, end Homemaking. Exhibits are to be pro= vided by the chairmen and displayed in their conference roomSe Mrse Se Se Miller and Mrs. De De Harbaugh were appointed to inform the chairmen of the plan for the exhibit. JANUARY EXSCUTI VS COMMITINS MERTING Hutchinson, Kansas, Janucsry 8-9, 1942. Members were asked tc make their reservations at the Bisonte Hotel. aDJOURNMGNT-12:30 Pelle Attest= Birsse Se We Emery Signed=- Mrs. Ben McCamant Fresident Secretary APPENDIX NO. I FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF OCTOBER 30, 12941-REV. SMITH Balance on hand June 24, 1941.seceesaces 20$2,31 Income from June 24 to Octs 2Saccrceeesers Lasedesd TOTAL $3,636.30 EXPENDITURES Presi C ent ee Teel) nei ces veccsvevennncene & 100,08 District Conferencesessecrscsee 150 .00 Rent and Telephoneecceccerccocssesecre cae a ees 166 «97 POSTAGE o eoeee oe ee er 150 600 BUDD LL GGe este tne canresvervseeeeteseseerarss 70205 Office Secretaryoessssvecccsccccrenressees 270200 STALLONE Ve cesesrei oe Ovescavererreeensenns «) L1G075 BOOKSeeeccece cc esseesecooervrseceoneecosevees E6020 Recording Secretaryececsscccerseveecscovce 7e4l TRORGUITOD 6s ebebw ves co veud ass (erie ween 70.00 Cer UE OGG a ones coe ee bas ewe eV eS eee ees Sebo Executive CommitleG@esees sees cs eee ves ee sense 174-73 National DO Chk de so 6s 6 066s eb O a tee se eee 6.05 Founder*s Dayewevsvedescacssececes 11.07 Dist Pict DLTeGlore oc cece ses beer eeseeee ees 1783005 Wet ONO WOT Kone seit ce eae eee et eeteeranee 104 223 Directory. @ee@eerveaeeovevonow Oe r20 090797809 9 » eoeae o @ 20.00 Conventi Ons @cocvo#eev0ae08ec00g eevee on Bee He TTT HeET eee 8E oH ee a 240 MiSGCELLANneouSecesecesorscsesecsevrerte ones 44.18 TOTAL $1671.29 CASH BALANCE $1965.01 BANK BALANCE as of October 28, 2941..00042-310 70080 UMRBANSS GHEOKS 606 sees % Koco oe 00 8 HERA OOS L1se8S The Student Loan Fund stancs as follows: Aceumilatecd in Generad Puriecs.. cvesececsess: GHieZd TEMES UGC PU Se ck ect heet SK esneeesccsceveves. BO0ag0 Total assets of Student Loan Funcesess...+e0- $9a4e0e25 Total assets in General Fund(deducting Student Loan Put jecseseseve ss essecedesssesedLoawele TOS UNO LE s 66 es scans sd eee eenes ss ces daesee Zoeva) TOTAL BALANCE IN GENERAL BUND, ceese's s+ «sesebaaduelo Respectfully submitted, Fred Smith Treasurer Nearly three thousand Lawrence school children will be released from routine next Friday, and many little newcomers | will be anxious to make friends with them and to share a happy summer. The Lawrence Recreation Council has planned a six weeks program of pleasure and profit for them all. Trained supervisors, university students who are majoring in physical education, have been employed to take charge of the elementary schoolgrounds during the late afternoon hours. They will be assisted by volunteers, from Parent-Teacher membership, mothers who will serve without paysdnce they covet the program for the children. The Ministerial Alliance will offer a half hour of bible school instruction for all interested children from 2:30 to 35 p.m., then our supervisors will be responsi- ble for the children until 5 p.m. The morning activities have been planned for children of all ages and varied interests; free swimming instruction, Red Cross courses for the young home front soldiers, Miss Fllsworth'ts summer art school, and Miss Bushong's marionette studio. A reading program © has been outlined in cooperation with the public library. This year we have an employment bureau, under the direction of Kenneth Franks of the high school teaching staff, which will contact employers for the boys and girls who want jobs during the summer months. We realize that our program is rather a sober one for the children of junior and senior high school age. Many of these young people will be working, or they will be anxious for Red Cross courses or for participation in some similar war activity. Our committee, however, has held a joint meeting and many conferences with the mayor's committee on recreation and with "Phogn Allen; we are now cooperating with them in planning evening activities for this age .group. Every effort has been made to eliminate duplication of expense and effort. The Recreation Council is opening its program on June 8th with confidence that our limited funds will be increased by gifts from people who recognize the necessity of keeping our childrents lives as happy and normal as possible. Such a provision is a vital part of our community war effort. If you feel that you can contribute to the program, please send your check to Supt. Clifford Deen or Mrs. Frank T. Stockton, The committee realizes that you have many demands; we shall be very grateful for any sum. : us ee “Nrtene DS. Sse Aten Chairman Executive Committee, Lawrence Recreation Council. ¥ ail 3 a4 oe a e a June 9, 1942, Ur. George Hedrick, Secretary, Lawrence Chamber of Commerce, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear George: I will be very happy to serve on Corlett Cotton's Chamber of Commerce membership committes. | 4 Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation, FCA:AH ~ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. CHAMBCR OF COMMERCE “a & £ a 8B Bwitwiypes¢? A Wetinr G&G EB . ce ££ ew 4 wr. Officers GERALD HEssE, PRESIDENT WALTER KEELER, 1ST VICE-PRESIDENT Harry Nevin, 2ND VICE-PRESIDENT T. J. SwEENEY, Jr., TREASURER Grorcr Hepricx, SECRETARY June 6 » 1942, My, F. CC. Allen,” Lawrence, Kansas, Dear "Phog": The President has appointed Corlett Cotton as chairman of the Membership Committee. Mr. Cotton has selected the personnel of this committee and he has asked you to serve with him for the caning year, 1942-43, Meetings of this committee are subject to the call of the chairman and will be held throughout the year as the need indicates. I trust that you will be able to give considerable thought and effort toward the work of this committee as every committee's activity is vital to the continued success of the Chamber, The entire personnel of the committee is listed below. Singerely yours, Gacig fh, Baarctary Corlett Cotton "Phog" Allen W. G,. Beougher Glenn Charlton Simon Hurwitz Karl Kreider George B, Smith Board of Directors EDWIN F. ABELS R. R. JACKMAN HARRY NEVIN FRANK T. STOCKTON WALTER VARNUM ART WEAVER ROGER WILLIAMS CLIFFORD DEAN ALFRED HECK GERALD HESSE SIMON HURWITZ RAYMOND RICE GEORGE SPEARS T. J. SWEENEY, JR. W. H. ANDREWS CLIFF CALVIN ED ELAM WALTER KEELER KARL KREIDER I. J. MEADE A. E. WOESTEMEYER