me D me RESIGN. TIONS The secretary read the res Johnson, Director of Distr moved to accept with regre % 36 Br» Richords gnation of Mrse Zo Me Cc « CARRIED 1 a ea Resignation of Mrs. EH. T. Jenkins as Publicity Chairman and member of the Nominating Committee. MOTION by Mrs. Be EH. Miller to accept with regret. C..RRIED GENERAL INFORMATION COURSE TO DIRECTORS MOTION by Mrse Wright to send the course to the District Directors to be studied and to encourage individual and class work among units of the districts. CHATRMEN PROCEDURE MOTION by Mre Richards that the chair be authorized to appoint a committee to form plans for a definite outline for chairmen as meets the need of the State Congresse [0CIaL SECURITY Report given by Mrs. Fulton that all necessary material had been filed with the Federal offices, but that no report had been received as yete oakaTY CHATRMAN ; Letter from Dr. Irma Gene Nevins read asking that the Kansas Congress give approval to a radio program, "Help Defense-Stop Accidents." MOTION by Mre Richards to approve programe CARRIED PROGRAM a Letter from Mrs. LeRoy Arnold read' in regard to sending out material for a program poll. It was suggested to await results from the return of form sent in the Unit Packet. MOVZD by C. Mi. Miller that en expression of appreciation be given the Emporia folks for the dinner and cordial greeting given the Sxecutive Committee this evening. CARRIED THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1941 The meeting was called to ordér at 9 AclM. by the Pres- ident, who offered a prayere FILLING VaCauNCTSS Mirse Norah Luther was elected to fill the vacancy in the nominating committee.