nthe MOTION by Mrse Wright that the President be authorized to fill the vacaney occuring in the Publicitp Chair- manshipe Mrse Harbdough was assigned the duties of the Publicity Chairman until the vacaney is filled. JasNUssRY PaCKatT | By common consent, it was decided not to send out a January packete Mimeographed copy is to be sent from the State Office. La.DERSHIP CONFERENCS MOVED by Mrs. McCamant that the editor of the Kansas Parent-Teacher be sent to the Leadership Conference at Lawrences; expenses to be paid from the funds of the magazine. C:aRRI“D GUARDIANSHIP AND ADOPTION LAV The secretary read a letter from the National Congress concerning the interest we should have in the adoption laws of every state. Mr. Richards MOVED that the pres- ident appoint a committee to look into the guardianship and adoption laws of Kansas. Mrse He Se Miller and Mrse Ce Me Miller were appointed on this ‘committee. SaLaRY OF OFFICES SECRETARY MOTION by Mr. Richards that the salary of the secretary to the president be $90.00 per ealendar month, and thet adequate funds be allocated to this account. * CARRIED REGULAR RSOPORTS «AT CONVENTION MOVED by Mr. Richards that. all regular reports required of this organization be in three darts as follows: (A) A statistical report in accordance with forms furnished by the Office. Secretary. (B) A report of achievements. (C) Suggestion of problems and improvements to be considered by the Boards that these reports be sent to the Office Secretary.one month prior +. to the date of the pre-convention board meeting and that the secretary tabulate statistics and summarize achievements and send eopies to each member of the board-prior to the date of the conventione CARRIED Members of the Executive Committee were requestcd to send in suggestions ~ .roP? a Peport fom.