wn) oe RADIO MOVSD by Mrse Harbaugh thet the Kansas Parent-Teacher e carry a requcst to write radio stations regording the "Pomily Life" radio progreme CONVENTION SPEAKERS Names suggested as speakers were Chancellor Mallot of Lawrence, Dre Willis 4. Sutton of Atlanta, Georgia, and Glen Argher of Topeka. Other organizations are to be contacted which might have speakers in April. MOTION by Lirse McCamant that the president be authorized to investigate the charges, etce, of the speakers named by this grcup, and make selection after the informotion has been gained. Fee is not to exceed $300.00. CARRIED CONVENTION SXHIB IL | By common consent, it was decided to have conferences for Membership, Publicity, Publications, Program, Parent=Ed- ucation, Radio, end Homemaking. Exhibits are to be pro= vided by the chairmen and displayed in their conference roomSe Mrse Se Se Miller and Mrs. De De Harbaugh were appointed to inform the chairmen of the plan for the exhibit. JANUARY EXSCUTI VS COMMITINS MERTING Hutchinson, Kansas, Janucsry 8-9, 1942. Members were asked tc make their reservations at the Bisonte Hotel. aDJOURNMGNT-12:30 Pelle Attest= Birsse Se We Emery Signed=- Mrs. Ben McCamant Fresident Secretary