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I do wnt to add this word = that I think Jon Moore is doing & splendid job, and I note an altogether different attitude in the Y.i'.CeA. leadership than that which has been shom heretofore in the past six or seven yoarge but afraid I am not going to be able to serve on any committee, but I will be happy to cooperate in eny wy I cate Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, sAH Varsity Basketball Coache e ADVISORY BOARD Rev. Joseph F. King, Chairman Prof. Harold G.Ingham, Treasurer Dean Paul B. Lawson Prof. Bert A. Nash Prof. R. H. Wheeler Prof. Allen Crafton Prof. J. J. Wheeler Dean F. J. Moreau Prof. Jens P. Jensen Fred S. Montgomery Theodore Paullin Clifford P. Osborne George Docking University of Kansas Young Men’s Christian fAssociation Room 5, Memorial Union Building Lawrence, Kansas Executive Secretary JOHN J. O. MOORE STUDENT CABINET Paul Moritz, President Elijah Cole, Vice President John Lintner, Secretary Edward Wiles, Membership George Thomas, Finance David Angevine, Publicity Earl Stuckenbruck, Reinterpretation of Religion Charles Yeomans, Creative Leisure Brent Campbell, Freshman Council Kermit Franks, Social Relations LeRoy Fugitt, Conferences Irving Kuraner, Social Action Gerald Banker, Current Action October 27, 1938. Committee list -- Col. Karl F. Baldwin Dean J. H. Nelson W. E. Sandelius E. R. Elbel Guy W. Smith Hilden Gibson Dean F. J. Moreau Harold G. Ingham F., S. Montgomery Bert A. Nash Jas. C. Pettee D. Gagliardo J. D. Stranathan G. B. Price E. D. Hay H. B. Latimer Wm. T. Paullin R. H. Bramer C. M. Baker Geo. M. Beal Wm. J. Baumgartner W. H. Schoewe N. W. Storer F.C. Allene Dear Colleague: I have consented to act as chairman of the committee on solicitation of funds from the faculty in support of the Y.M.C.A. because I feel that the ¥.M.C.A. is now in position to serve the student body bet- ter than has been the case for several years. In contrast to the usual student membership of about 250, there are now over 600 student members. Other phases of the organization reflect this increased interest. Can I not count on you to aid in this financial campaign, along with the other men whose names are listed above? Last year with interest in the Y.M.C.A. at a very low ebb the faculty contributed $526.00. With the renewed spirit on the campus, we can surely exceed the $550.00, which is our present goal. The campaign dates are November 8, 9, 10 and will open with a complimentary dinner for all workers at the Union Building on Tuesday evening November 8 (6:00 o'clock). Don't back out on us. Please send me your acceptance either through the Campus Mail or telephone KU 38. Sincerely _— a) y J lby sehen Chairman. RQB: jb SENATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT TO SENATE In the November meeting the Senate delegated to the Advisory Committee the task of defining and delimiting the function of the Senate Committee on Athletics and the Athletic Board. The Advisory Committee has studied the prob- lem for a period of some three months and has held numerous meetings and con- ferences in the course of its study. As a result of these deliberations and conferences certain facts emerged which seem to the committee to be of paramount importance in the consideration of the problem and basic to any action which the University Senate may take. Some of these major facts the committee had in mind are: 1. The charter of the Physical Education Corporation itself bears upon the problem. We quote from the charter "That this corporation is organized not for profit and that the purposes for which it is formed are: "To promote and encourage the physical education and development of the students in the University of Kansas in harmony with and in subjection to the general educational policy of said University; to schedule and manage athletic contests of such sorts as are in harmony with the policy aforesaid and collect and own the receipts from all such contests and expend and disburse the same in the interest of the physical education of the student body of the University of Kansas; to borrow money for the above purposes and own or lease such property, real or personal, as it is necessary or proper to hold therefor." From the minutes of the Board, May 29, 1928 "That there be a Board of Directors of the Physical Education Corporation constituted as follows: seven members of the faculty, three alumni members, and two students. This proportion is necessary in order to satisfy the regulation of the conference to which we be- long that athletics shall be under full faculty control." 2. That by the nature of the charter of the Physical Education Corporation and the administrative organization set up under this charter the Senate has no direct part to play in activities of the Physical Education Corporation or control over its activities except in so far as it has become the practice of the Ataletic Board to dclegate the choice of faculty members to the Senate. 3. There appears to be considerable evidence that provision for student physical recreation other than intercollegiate athletics is inadequate in com- parison with other institutions. This inadequacy seems to be the result of aumsrous factors, including insufficient funds, inadequate equipment, and in- sufficient personnel. 4, No definite information is’ available as to the actual number of students served by the present intramural program, but it is highly probable that not more than fifty percent of the total student body is served by such programs and that dispsrity exists in respect to the proportion of students in organized fraternities and those not so organized who are involved; also there appears to be a disparity in respect to the number of men as compared to the number of women served. 5. The intranural and general ohysical recreation program as now existent seems to have no recognized sponsoring body. It is at present carried on by the Department of Physical Education, whose principal recognized obligation is the physical education curriculum in all its wvhases. 6. There is, in fact, an almost complete separation between competitive athletics and the physical education activities and physical recreation activities. The personnel concerned with As former is almost, though not completely, separate from the latter two, and the administrative machinery of the former almost com- pletely divorced from the latter two. In effect the competitive athletics care carried on and financed by a corporation outside the University, though theor- etically responsible to tne facuity according to the regulations of the confer~ ence to which we belong (see quotation above). fh. With this general basis in mind, and in view of the fact that it would seem that the Senete does have certain responsibilities and should be informed in regard to the activities and welfare of all the students of this University who participate in intercollegiate competition as well as in regard to the physical well being and physical recreation of the student body as a whole, the Advisory Committee suggests that either one of ive eiternete plans is available to the Senate, namely: a. Since according to its charter the Athletic Board really does have all the povers which any senate committee on athletics could have, and the actual activities and interests of the Athletic Board might be expanded to include the functions hereefter set forth, in which case no Senate Committee on Athletics would be needed. bs. Or, since it would seem that at the present inoment the Athletic Board mist concern itself largely with ioterselingivls competition and allied affairs, the Senate might continue its Committee on Athletics as a liaison committee to work in connection with the Athletic Board and the Department of Physical Education. In this event it is suggested that this committee be renamed the Senate Committee on Athletics end Physical Recreation. In either event the Advisory Committee suggests that the Senate approve as functions of the Athletic Board or committee of the Senate at least the following: 1. That with respect to intercollegiate athletics the Board of Senate committee a. Study the question of the requirements of hours of enrollment and standards of quality for athletes with a view to recommendation (if and when desirable) to the Big Six Conference through our regular representatives. b. Investigate the academic load, psychological test records, and academic records of members of varsity teams for the past five years, and make such recommendations concerning the maintenance of academic standards as may seem warranted. c. Investigate the matter of employment for support of members of athletic varsity teams during their residence as students at the Univer- sity and recommend regulations concerning such employment. d. Investigate and meke recommendations concerning the control of eligibility of varsity suuads. e. Concern itself with informing the Senate regarding any other matters affecting the status or welfare of students involved in inter- collegiate competition, or affected by activities looking towarc such competition. 2. That with respect to intramural sports and physical recreation the Athletic Board of Senate conmittee a. Secure and transmit to the Senate full and complete data upon the present program of intramural sports and other forms of physical recrea- tion, including data concerning the number of students involved by sexes and whether members of organized houses or not; the schedules of games; the nature and adequacy of supervision; the status of the ecuipment of players; and similar pertinent data. b. Consider the advisability of control and limitation of games for any given organized groups; the control of hours of scheduling games, especially games after 8:30 pil. except on week-—ends. ec. Investigate and recomend concerning certain hazarcous games such as touch football, possibly with a view to the elimination of such games unless adequate facilities and supervision can be provided for them. s&s d. Investigate and recommend concerning the improvement of play- ing fields and equipment. e. Investigate and recommend a method or methods for student participation in the organization of physical recreation and intramural Sports program. f, Recommend a policy for a general program of physical recreation. 1. Be 4. Se oer 7e Standing Committees for School of Education School Year 1937-38 Conferences: Twente, OBrien, Nash. Curriculum Revision: Russell, OBrien, Turney, Bayles, Dean Schwegler. Student Advisement: Russell, Turney, Allen. Publications: Chandler, Althaus, Lapp. Graduate Study: Twente, Bayles, Nash, Dean Schwegler, Lapp. Public Relations: Dean Schwegler, Allen, Twente. Social Activity: Wash, Litchen, Elbel, Russell, Dunkel. February 9,1938 Iliss Beulah Morrison Mire Donald Voorhees Dre F.C.Allen <—— Ii. Donald Hansen Mire Honry Verner li. Jack Tomeond GO THE CENTRAL COMMITME OF THE STUD IT ACTIV: YSieKere There will be an inportent mecting of this comittes neld Thursday, February 10th st 4630 in Room #5, Prank Strong lalle | Very t ruly yours, ¢ HENRY WERIER, Chairman WO UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES 1937-'38 I. Appointed by the Chancellor. Alumni Interests: Beal, Dade, Dunkel, Maude Elliott, Ellsworth, Flint, Foster, W. H. Johnson. Assignment of Quarters: Nichols, and heads of divisions and departments concerned. Commencement; Treece, Babcock, Black, Brewster, Dill, Doering, Ellsworth, Nichols, J. J. Wheeler. Freshman Week: Je He Nelson, Black, Boughton, Hood, Hunt, Meguiar, Moncrieff, Payne, Werner. Health and Housing: Sherwood. Health; Canuteson, McClure, Sherbon, Woodard. Housing: Werner, Boyce, Canuteson, McClure, Meguiar, OBrien, Parker. Memorial Union} Werner, Blocker, Dunkel, Klooz. Museums } Lane, Bunker, Hibbard, Hungerford, Moodie, R. C. Moore. Student Interests: Werner, Downs, Maddox, Meguiar, Morrison, Nash, NeuenSchwander, Verner Smith, #. H. Taylor, Woodard. Vocational Guidance; Lawson, Blocker, Kuersteiner, Meguiar, Turney, Viesselman, Warner, Werner, Woodard. II. Elected by the Senate. Athletics: - W. W. Davis, F. C. Allen, F. L. Brown, Henry, Klooz, Naismith, Sherwood, Stockton, Stranathan. Convocations and Lectures; Ingham, Bradshaw, Gagliardo, Geltch, Lynn, Nash, Nichols, J. J. Wheeler, Stockwell (W. S. G. A.), Voorhees (M. S. C.). 1 10, ake le. $3. a en Eligibility to Nonathletic Activities: Stratton, M. Gardner, Kinney. Examinations: Rice, J. 0. Jones, Stanton, Turney. Forensics: Buehler, Brockelbank, Hankins. Libraries: Baker, Brockelbank, Ise, McNown, J. H. Nelson, Stoland. Publications and Printing: Flint, Baker, Davidson, Eldridge, Foster, Hungerford, Hyder, Klooz, Lawson, R. C. Moore, Nichols, OBrien, Stoland, Stranathan, Sturtevant, E. H. Taylor, Walker. Subcommittees: (a) Humanistic Series: Walker, Baker, Hyder, Lawson, Sturtevant. (b) Printing and Binding: Flint, Baker, Foster, Klooz, Nichols, OBrien. (c) Science Bulletin: Hungerford, Baker, Davidson, R. C. Moore, Stoland, Stranathan, E. H. Taylor. : (d) Social Science Series: Eldridge, Brockelbank, Gagliardo, Sandelius, Realey. Relations with Other Educational Institutions: Stouffer, Chandler, I. C. Crawford, Foster, Gagliardo, Kester, Lawson, Mitchell, Moreau, Nash, J. H. Nelson, Posey, Stockton, Swarthout, Teeter, Turney. Re. O. T. Co? K. F. Baldwin, Boyce, Bradshaw, Brady, I. C. Crawford, Chubb, Edwards, EZ. A. Johnson, Ockerblad, Posey, Stockton, Treece, J. W. Twente. Summer Session: Schwegler, Chandler, and heads of divisions concerned. University Calendar: G. W. Smith, Foster, Warner, Stockwell (W. S. G. A.), Voorhees (M. S. C.). University Extension; Ingham, and heads of divisions concerned. Senate Advisory Committee: Turney, L. E. Anderson, Davidson, Sandelius, Stoland, Warner. ~3- III. Appointed Jointly by the Chancellor and the Senate. 1. Committee on Aids and Awards; Mitchell, Foster, Klooz, Lawson, Meguiar, Templin, Walker, Werner. Cooperating Committees; (a) General Scholarships: Meguiar, Babcock, Doering, Oliver, Werner, Young. (b) Loan Funds; Foster, Getto, Klooz, Meguiar, Werner, Woodruff. (c) Rhodes Scholarships: Walker, Burdick, C. C. Crawford, Sandelius, Werner. (ad) Summerfield Scholarships: Templin, Clark, Hay, Lawson, Mitchell, J. H. Nelson. (e) Prizes and Awards: Lawson, Axe, Eldridge, Hollands, Werner. (1) Bryan Prize Essay: Hollands, Chubb, R. M. Davis. (2) Hattie Elizabeth Lewis Prize Essay: Eldridge, Dill, Hankins, Laird. 2. Joint Committee on Committees; From the Cabinet; J. H. Nelson, Moreau, Swarthout. From the Senate; GC. C. Crawford, F. L. Brown, Cs F. Nelson. IV. Athletic Board: Bx Officio: E. H. Lindley (Chancellor), Karl Kloog (Bursar). From the Senate: W. W. Davis, J. O. Jones, R. C. Moore, J. B. Smith, Stockton, Woodruff. From the Alumni: Marvin Hall, George Nettels, Dan Servey, Thomas Van Cleave. From Student Organizations; Ferrel Anderson, Don Voorhees. fs ie - THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE October 18, 1937 Dr. ¥. C- Allen | Chairman, Committee on Athletics University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: At a meeting of the Senate Advisory Committee held October Uth it was voted to request that the annual reports of Senate committees be prepared by the respective chairmen for presentation at the November end meeting of the University Senate and that the order of presentation be that in which the committees are listed in Part I of the University catalogue. 1. Co KU —JI OVO! £. 9. 10. ii. 12. 13; 14. 15. Athletics -- F. C. Allen Convocations and Lectures -- H. G. Ingham Bligibility to Nonathletic Activities -- G. W. Stratton Examinations -—- M. E. Rice Forensics -~- EH. C- Buehler Libraries —- C. M. Baker Publications and Printing -- L. N. Flint a. Humanistic Series -- A. T. Walker b. Printing and Binding -- L. N. Flint c. Science Bulletin -- H. B. Hungerford Relations with Other Educational Institutions -- E. B. Stouffer R. O. T. CG. -- Karl F. Baldwin Summer Session -- R. A. Schwegler University Calendar -~- G. W. Smith University Extension -- H. G. Ingham Senate Advisory Committee -- A. H. Turney Committee on Aids and Awards -- U. G. Mitchell Committee on Comaittees -- F. L. Brown Your attention to the preparation of the report of your committee for this meeting will be very much appreciated. Secretary, Senate Advisory Committee