fh. With this general basis in mind, and in view of the fact that it would seem that the Senete does have certain responsibilities and should be informed in regard to the activities and welfare of all the students of this University who participate in intercollegiate competition as well as in regard to the physical well being and physical recreation of the student body as a whole, the Advisory Committee suggests that either one of ive eiternete plans is available to the Senate, namely: a. Since according to its charter the Athletic Board really does have all the povers which any senate committee on athletics could have, and the actual activities and interests of the Athletic Board might be expanded to include the functions hereefter set forth, in which case no Senate Committee on Athletics would be needed. bs. Or, since it would seem that at the present inoment the Athletic Board mist concern itself largely with ioterselingivls competition and allied affairs, the Senate might continue its Committee on Athletics as a liaison committee to work in connection with the Athletic Board and the Department of Physical Education. In this event it is suggested that this committee be renamed the Senate Committee on Athletics end Physical Recreation. In either event the Advisory Committee suggests that the Senate approve as functions of the Athletic Board or committee of the Senate at least the following: 1. That with respect to intercollegiate athletics the Board of Senate committee a. Study the question of the requirements of hours of enrollment and standards of quality for athletes with a view to recommendation (if and when desirable) to the Big Six Conference through our regular representatives. b. Investigate the academic load, psychological test records, and