we ff 7 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE REGISTRAR’S OFFICE July 9, 1941 To: All students enzolled in Sutmer School who registered for Selective Service on July 1, 1941. Subject: The University Deferment Committee and its relation to student registrants. Our records show that you became twenty-one years of age between October 16, 1940, and July 1, 1941. According to law, there- fore, you were supposed to register for Sclective Service on July 1. Chancellor Malott has appointed a committee of University faculty members to discuss with students their problems in connection with Selective Servico. The members of this committee are Professor Ray Q. Brewster, Professor F. C. Allen, Professor V. P. Hessler, and Mr. James K. Hitt. Professor Browster is the chairman. If you have any question at any time about your status with respect to the Selective Service Act, it is recommended that you talk with one of the members of the University Deferment Committee. You will receive a classification questionnaire from your local board at some future date. If you are enrolled or are planning to enroll as a student at the University at the time you receive your questionnaire, please notify mo at once and let me know your plans for the future, your order number, and the number and address of your local board, If you will do this we can furnish your local board with a complete statement of the facts regarding your status as a student at the University. JAMES K, HITT JKH: RW Assistant Registrar