Your Committee on Athletics and Physical Recreation desires at this time to submit a preliminary report. You are aware that under the present organization, this committee concerns itself with two none too closely correlated problems, intercollegiate athletics and physical recreation. The purpose of this report is largely to inform the Senate regarding two matters:~ (1) The organization of inter- collegiate athletics in the M.V.I.A.A. and the rules under which this school and this committee mist function; (2) The progress that is being made on studies sug- gested to the committee by the Senate action of April 5, 1938 ¢ Information regarding the organization of intercollegiate athletics General Organization All intercollegiate athletics in the Big Six is carried on under definite rules laid down by an organization comprising the six schools in the conference, an organization known as the lfissouri Valley Intercollegiate Athletic Associations. Among the specific rules of this organization are the following:— (1) "Only institutions having faculty control of athletics shall be members of this association." (2) "Hach institution shall be represented by a faculty representative and the director of athletics." (3) "The faculty representatives shall be persons of professional rank who do not receive pay primarily for services rendered in connection with athletics or physical education." (4) "The faculty representatives shall constitute the legislative body of the association." (5) "The directors shall constitute the operative body of the association," and "shall manage all association enterprises and shall direct all intercollegiate athletic activities under the rules and regulations as enacted by the faculty representatives." Although it is not stated in the rules of the association just how the faculty representative of a school is to be chosen, appointment by the president of the institution seems to be the general practice. This faculty representative is some- times a member of the athletic board of his school, though in some institutions he is not, With the exception of Oklahoma, which has made several changes, the group of faculty representatives has remained essentially intact since the organi- gation of the M.V.1.AA. in 1925. These faculty representatives hold two regular and other special meetings each year. Although the athletic directors have no part in the legislation of the association, these directors are often called in for joint sessions for the purpose of fuller discussions of and better cooperation in various undertakings. Rules Regarding Eligibility The M.VeleAeAs has stated clearly the conditions under which a student is eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics, The principal requirement in which this body is interested is as follows:-— "During the two semesters immediately previous to participation, if the student is registered in a course that requires on the average 24, to 26 hours, he shall have completed 24 hours; if he is registered in a course that requires on the average 27 to 32 hours he shall have completed 27 hours; if he is registered in a course that requires more than 32 hours he shall have completed 28 semester hours, This section shall refer to credits during two semesters and a summer school immediately previous to participation." No grade average better than just passing is required.