page 3 (b) Investigate the academic load, psychological test records, and academic records of members of varsity teams for the past five years, and make such recommendations eoncerning the maintenance of academic standards as may seem warranted. (c) Investigate the matter of employment for support of members of athletic varsity teams during their residence as students at the University and recommend regulations concerning such employment. (d) Investigate and make recommendations concerning the control of eligibility of varsity squads, . (e) Concern itself with informing the Senate regarding any other matters affecting the status or welfare of students involved in intercollegiate competition, or affected by activities looking toward such competition," (2) "That with respect to intramral sports and physical recreation the Senate committee: (a) Secure and transmit to the Senate full and complete data upon the present program of intramural sports and other forms of physical recreation, including data concerning the number of students involved by sexes and whether members of organized houses or nots; the schedules of games; the nature and adequacy of super- vision; the status of the equipment of players; and similarly pertinent data, (b) Consider the advisability of control and limitation of games for any given organized groups; the control of hours of scheduling games, especially games after 8:30 pem, except on week ends. (c) Investigate and recommend concerning certain hazardous games such as touch football, possibly with a view to the elimination of such games unless adequate facilities and supervision can be pro- vided for them, (d) Investigate and recommend concerning the improvement of playing fields and equipment. (e) Investigate and. recommend a method or methods for student pare. - ticipation in the organization of physical recreation and intra~- mural sports program. . (¢) Recommend a policy for a general program of physical recreations" Your committee has held three meetings at which we have discussed ways in which these assignments might be best carried out, It appears that there are three fields of endeavor, one having to do with intercollegiate athletics, one having to do with intramural sports and physical recreation, and one concerned with ways and means of accomplishing improvements which might be found desirable, Your committee has therefore been divided into three sub-committees,~one on intercollegi- ate athletics of which the membership is Stockton (chairman), Stranathan, Sherwood, and Henry,-one on intramural sports and physical recreation of which the member— ship is Allen (chairman), Hoover, Klooz, and Schwegler,-and one on ways and means of which the membership is Schwegler (chairman), Allen, and Stockton. These com- mittees are now at work on their respective problems. The sub-committee on intercollegiate athletics will need considerable clerical assistance if it is to carry out properly the studies suggested by the senate, The committee on physical recreation will need some help. An unsuccessful attempt was made to obtain this assistance through N.Y.A. We have now agreed upon a tenta- tive plan by which it may be possible to secure one or more graduate students in