a In re: " Adopted By Senate, April 5, 1938; Policy of Senate, "Since it would seem that at the present moment the Athletic Board must concern itself largely with intercollegiate competition and allied affairs, the Senate might continue its Committee on Athletics as a liaison committee to work in connection with the Athletic Board and the Department of Physics] Education. In this event it is suggested that this committee be renamed the Senate Committee on Athletics ond Physical Reoreation." | | In re: de Functions of Committee. That with respect to intercollegiate athletics the Senate committee a. Study the question of the requirements of hours of enrollment and standerds of quality for athletes with a view to recommendation (4f and when desirable) to the Big Six Conference through our regular representatives. Be b. Investigate the scademic load, psychological test records, and academic records of members of varsity teams for the past five years, and make such recommendations concerning the maintenance of academic standards as may seem warranted. 6. Investigate the matter of employment for support of members | athletio varsity teams during their residence as students at the Uni+ versity and recommend regulations concerning such employment. ; a. Investigate and make recommendations concerning the control of eligibility of varsity squads. , ? e. Coneern itself with informing the Senate regarding any other matters affecting the status or welfare of students involved in intercollegiate competition, or affected by activities Looking toward such competition. : fhat with respect to intramural sports and physical recreation the Senate committee | . , 7 : | @. Seceure and transmit to the Senate full and complete data upon the present program of intramural sports and other forms of physical recreation, including data concerning the number of stuients involved by sexes and whether members of organized houses or not; the sehecules of games; the nature and adequacy of supervision; the status of the equipment of players; and similer pertinent data. | b. Gonsider the advisability of control and limitation of games for any given organized groups; the eontrol of hours of acheduling games, especially games after 8:30 pe me except on week-ends. e. Investigate and recommend eoncerning certain hazardous games such as touch football, possibly with a view to the elimination of such games unless adequate faci ities and supervision oan be provaded for them. | &é. Investigate and recommend concerning the improvement of playing fields and equipment. | ! , a e. Investigate and recommend a method or methods for student parti- cipation in the organization of physical recreation and intramural sports program. , f, Recommend a policy for a general program of physical recreation. Personnel of Committee: OD @ oz) ae") z oo, W. W. Davis, F. ¢. Allen, ot Grows, Henry, Kloog, Heienite, Sherwood, Stockton, Stranathen. Approved April 4, 1949%.-——* vary ee: pip: A Z : f Veklaw » Cin