Se oS it seems entirely fitting that an investigation into the noruei amount of work successfully curried and passed by the majority of students at the University of Kensas should | serve “3 @ standard for athletic competition, Most ef tha athletes work a11 or part time in an effort to get through | school, Tf a stu@ent works he may carry but 12 heurs of academic work. Should he pass 100% of his work the two pre- ceding aemesters he would still be short three or four hours On his eligibility requirements, Summer echool or correspond- enge Study is the only thing open to him for eligibility, He needs the summer work to recoup his financial depletion, I would respectfully recommend for consideration the reising of the atanierdé to a "¢" average ami the lowering of the required hours to 10 each semester, making a total of 20 hours of "CG" for the two proceeding sematers prior to athletic participation, If such action was reported favorably by the Senate, the saws sould be conveyed to tho Bais Six Cone ference for the ir consideration at thoir next meeting. ? Sinee Professor 4, W, Davie is chairman of the peevegesey of Kaneas Physical Education Corporation (Athistie Hoard), and sinee he is also faculty representative from ‘Kansas to the Big Six Conference, which also means that he is our Senate representative in the conPoroncea of sho BL Six, i respectfully propose that he be favorably conside for the chairmanship of the Senate Committee on AthLoties. Respeetfully submitted, — Chaimman, Senate Committee on Athletles.