COMMITTEE on FAIR PLAY i SPORTS NO AMERICAN PARTICIPATION iz the OLYMPIC GAMES under NAZI AUSPICES Temporary Committee GEORGE GORDON BATTLE DR. HENRY SMITH LEIPER Chairmen FRANCIS A. HENSON Treasurer WILLIAM B. CHAMBERLAIN Executive Secretary LEE BRICK Assistant Secretary BERDA S. HORN Associate Secretary WILLIAM G. SCHRAM Comptroller JOSEPH A. BABOR HON. RICHARD J. BEAMISH FRANCIS BIDDLE DR. FRANZ BOAS HEYWOOD BROUN DR. HUGH ELMER BROWN REV. EDMUND B. CHAFFEE DEAN E. W. CHUBB GOV. JAMES M. CURLEY DR. HARRY EMERSON FOSDICK DR. JOHN C. FUTRALL . IRVING GEMSON HON. JAMES W. GERARD DR. FRANK P. GRAHAM MARTHA GRUENING REV. HERMAN J. HAHN ARTHUR GARFIELD HAYS DR. JOHN HAYNES HOLMES DR. PAUL HUTCHINSON DR. RAYMOND A. KENT DR. FRANK KINGDON FREDA KIRCHWEY SENATOR JESSE H. METCALF LUCILLE B. MILNER RICHARD NEUBERGER DR. REINHOLD NIEBUHR DR. ELLEN F. PENDLETON REV. A. CLAYTON POWELL, Jr. FRANK RITCHIE REV. MILLARD L. ROBINSON MERRILL E. ROOT JOHN A. RYDER C. W. SAVAGE WILLIAM JAY SCHIEFFELIN JACK SHEA GEORGE N. SHUSTER LAWRENCE E. SPIVAK REV. E. V. STANFORD, O.S.A. NORMAN THOMAS OSWALD GARRISON VILLARD DR. E. GRAHAM WILSON DR. MARY E. WOOLLEY EE 181 20 Vesey Street, New York City Tel. BARCLAY 7-0875-0879 ° November 15, 1935 Dr. Forrest C, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen: Knowing your interest in preserving the high standards of sportsmanship and the Olympic ideals, we take the liberty of bringing to your attention the en- closed pamphlet entitled "Preserve the Olympic Ideal". The pamphlet presents a description of the situation in Germany and the violation by the present regime of the Olympic regulations and of the pledges given to the International Olympic Committee, to the American Olympic Committee, and to the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States. The facts contained there- in are well authenticated. We should be interested in having your comment on this pamphlet. Very sincerely yours Ze, George Gordon Battle ry Smith Leiper Co - Chairmen UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 7 LN aort, LAWRENCE y DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION en A es PP “3 May 7th, 1942 Dear Fellow Member of the Athletic and Physical Education Denartments: Professor Stene of the History Department called on me on behalf of the “orld Student Service Fund, which is the Chinese Reconstruction lund. I believe las t year it was called the " Bowl of Rice." You and I both know that it's not pleasant for any of us to solicit our fellow workers and ask for a part of their hard earnings, especially when these earnings have been depleted by budget curtailment and rising prices. However, all of us will agree that even as unfortunate as we may picture ourselves at times, the unfortunates in the war zones are many thousand times worse off than we. Their unfortunate plight beggars description when we try to comprehend their situation. The K.U. goal for the “orld Student Service Fund is one thousand dollars, To facilitate economy of time and to allow you the proper meditation for such a gift, I am writing you a letter and inclosing a pledge card for any amount that you might feel free to give. “je are not making a high pressure sales talk, nor a strenuous drive and we would say to not give a penny more than you feel you can honestly give without any high pres- sure action. t realize there are so many calls that you almost develop a hyper-sales resistance, and if you do, well and good. I feel as if this will be my last contribution and then another appeal pre- sents itself just as strong and I find myself unable to reject the pleas of the suffering an? wmfortimete. So, give what you can and I lnow that your money will go a long way toward doing the thing that in your heart you want: to do. ? Sinceyely yours, i wees he t-¢ , i= te ce fg f { iia Ste Fie Chairman of the Rob son Gymnasium Solicitefion + < f / RG: FCA / Pe Se The lateness of this message is my errore This should have gone out last weekend. May 22, 1941 To Members of the Education Faculty: There will be a faculty meeting Tuesday, May 27, at 4:30 in room 115, Fraser Hall. D. W. Malott Chancellor Dr. F. C. Allen 105 Robinson Campus : May 23rd, 1941 Chancellor D. W. Malott P University of Kansas Dear Chancellor Malotts This will acknowledge receipt of your notice of the faculty meeting to be held at Fraser : Nell, Tuesday, Nef 27th, at 4:30 o'clock. T em having a baseball game here with lowa State and so shell not be able to attend. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Reorestion-Varsity Pasketball PCA: re and Baseball Coach. P.S. Dr. Allen is out of town and so asked that, I Sign this letter for him. Sec. KARL KLOOZ, BURSAR THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE BUSINESS OFFICE April 24th, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Head Coach Basketball & Baseball University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allens: The Finance Committee, together with the Director of Athletics, will meet Tuesday p.m., April in the Busi- ness Office for the consideration of the budget covering the fiscal year, September 1, 1941 to August 31, 1942. As Head Coach of Basketball and Basee ball, you are requested to meet with the Committee and present your needs at 1250 p.m. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, I am Karl Kloo 5 yhairman Finanée Committee KK: JMT April 25, 1941 Mre Karl Klooz, Chairman Finance Comittee Business Office University of Kansas Dear Ure Klooz,s Thank you for your letter of April 24 advising me of the budget meetings Your letter states the meeting is to be held on Tuesday, April 28ths however, I presume you mean Tuesday, April 29 and I expect to meet with you on that day at 1330, S | Sincerely yourd, Director of Physical fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FUAslg PeSe It was necessary for Dre Allen to leave towm on @ baseball trip before this letter was writtene Dre Allen asked that I sign the same and forward it to yous Secretary to Dre Allen @ 4k A A s May 17th, 1941 i Dr. Re Ae Schwegler See - Dean of Education : University of Sansas Dear Dr. Schwegler: Acknowledge receipt of notice for committee meeting May 24th at 10:30 o'clock. : We play baseball at Eansas State on this date. ; so shall be unable to attend. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Soech. : a. ; PCA: ro MEETING OF THE COLLEGE FACULTY The faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will meet on Tuesday, MAY 2.0 1941 at 4:30 in the Auditorium on the third “~, floor of FRANK STRONG HALL. Deane W. Matort, President. 17-9338 _6-39—5M CO man cE Mey 20th, 1941 Deane ", Malott, President College Faculty University of Kansas Dear Chancellor Nalott: Dr. Allen will be unable to attend the meeting of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences this after- noon at 4:30, as he has a Commencement Address at Surns, Kansas, thie evening. Sincerely, Secretary:-Forreét C. Allen REPORT OF THE SENATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE RELATIVE TO PaTENTING aND DEVELOPING DISCOVERIES MADE IN UNIVERSITY LABORATORIES TO THE SENATE: In May, 1940, the Chancellor of the University suagested to the chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee that some study be made concerning the establishment of an organization to handle the patenting and development of discoveries and inventions made through the use of University facilities by memoers of the University staff or by research fellows or through the collaboration of such persons. Pursuant to that suggestion, the Committee has made some investigation of procedure at other universities in the same matter, particularly at the University of Wisconsin and the Ohio State University. At the University of Wisconsin, a corporation kmown as the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Was established in Novem- ber, 1925, for the purpose of securing patents and the assignment of patents of discoveries and inventions made in the university and bringing them into commercial use, This organization has de- veloped a very substantial research fund which is used to endow further research projects, In 1937, the Ohio State University Research Foundation was incorporated, It is reported to be functioning in a very sat- isfactory manner, Its functions and operations are similar to those of the Wisconsin organization, Other universities have made use of Research Corporation, . which has offices in New York and Chicago. This organization under- takes the work and exnense of procuring patents and making commercial development thereof, on a contractual basis. Since the University itself is not organized in sucha way as to be able to undertake these functions, it is the opinion of the Committee that a separate entity in the form of an incor- porated body should be set up to perform these functions or some existing corporation should te adapted to the purpose in hand. It is the belief of the Committee that the University should cooperate with memters of its staff in patenting and de- veloping their discoveries and inventions with a view to encouraging research and raising funds for the endowment of research in the University. The proceeds arising from the commercial development of such patents should be shared between the Research Foundation, mo 2 = as the agent of the University, and the inventor or discoverer on a fair busis, The basis of that division might well vary in different cases, depending upon the circumstances of each case. In all cases in which the University laboratories, materials, and facilities are used in research projects done on University time, it is assumed that the University would be en= titled to a very substantial share of the proceeds. It is also assumed that discoverers and inventors in such cases would be under obligation to tender their discoveries and inventions to the Re- search Foundation, On the other hand, it should be understood that ‘is- coveries and inventions made by members of the University staff on their own free time and by use of facilities outside of the Uni- versity, belong to such discoverers and inventors, and that, in such cases, there is no obligation to share any proceeds with the University. But such discoverers and inventors may contract with the Research Foundation for patenting and development. The Committee is also of the opinion that the University, under proper safeguards, may enlist the cooperation of industrial organizations in the development of well-defined research projects which criginate either in the University or in the industrial organization concerned, In all such cases, the policies governing the acquisition and disposition of resuits should be clearly de- fined in advance of beginning the work, Likewise, the nature and scope of such projects, the period of investigation, and the costs to the cooperator and to the University should be clearly defined in the written agreement. Financial accounting of expenditures and receipts should be’ made at appropriate intervals, All such con- tracts should be drawn in a manner to prevent any undue delay in publishing the results of research, Such contracts should also preclude the suppression of discoveries and inventions. Cooperative researches which originate as a result of industrial interest in investigations already under way in the University should be on a different basis from those in which the University agrees to assist the cooperatcr in developing ideas conceived by him, In the first class, titles to patents, resulting from such researches, should, in general, be assigned to the Foundation. Only shop rights to operate under the patents should be granted to the cooperator. The right to use these patents may also be granted to others under licenses from the Foundation on a royalty basis. In the second class of coonerative research, the patent rights are usually assigned to the cooperator on a fair contractual basis, ~3- Any such organization, whether local or national, would assume all expense of securing patents, defending patents and commercially developins the same. It is the telief of the Secretary of the University of Kansas Endowment Association that the existing churter powers of that organization are ample to enable it to undertake the functions outlined in this rerort, It is also the Secretary's opinion that the Endowment Association would be willing to undertake to function in this field on the basis of a satisfactory agreement with the University authorities, The Senate Advisory Committee therefore recommends that efforts be made to establish a working agreement between the University and the Endowment Association, whereby the latter will undertake the handling of the patenting and the commercial devel- opment of patentable discoveries and inventions made in the Uni- versity of Kansas. It is further recommended that the Senate provide a special Committee of two to cooperate with the Chancellor in effecting the establishment of this working agreement with the Endowment Association, In case the Endowment Association should undertake this work, the Advisory Committee recommends that in connection with each patentable discovery which may be brought to the attention of the Endowment Association a special committee should be appointed, consisting of those members of the University staff most conver- sant with the particular matter in hand, The function of such special committees would be to make careful investisation and re- port concerning the discovery in question, with a view to advising the Endowment Association, In case the Endowment Association undertakes these functions, it is recommended that the Association retain the services of an experienced putent attorney residing within the rezion not far from Lawrence. Respectfully submitted, F. £. KSSTER, Chairman GEORGE M, BEAL R, M. DaViIsS #. H, HOLLANDS F. 4. RUSSELL G. W, SMITE H. G, TRaot From - - kh.U. ALUMNI OFFICE Room 2, Strong Hall, Lawrence, Kans., USA Dre Fe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Campus March 2, 1940 To remind you of the important organization eeting of the GENERAL COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE to be [ held at 4:30 Monday, March 4, in the Alumni Office. 4 Cordially, HAROLD G. INGHAM, Chairman May 23, 1940. Dean Re Ae Schwegler Miss Ruth Hoover Mr. Karl Klooz Prof. We We. Davis Dean F. T. Stockton Dear Friends: : This is to confirm my telephone call - to you regarding the dinner meeting of the sub- committee on Intramral Sports and Recreation. | We will meet at 6:30 otclock Monday evening, May 27, in the Old English Room of the Memoria] Union Building. We are counting on your presence. f | Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach. P. Se Dear Dean Stockton: We shall be glad to have you come in to the meeting efter the dinner, as I understand this is more convenient for you. | FCA FCA sm 9 LO. de Qn UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES 1939- "40 I, Appointed by the Chancellor Alumni Interests: ee : Beal, F. C. Allen, Black, Dade, Ellsworth, Flint, Foster, Orcutt. Assignment of Quarters: Nichols, and heads of divisions and departments concerned. Commencement: as Ingham, Black, Bradshaw, Brewster, Maude Elliott, Ellsworth, Heady, Nichols, J. J. Wheeler. Freshman Week: Js He Nelsqn, Boughton, Hlbel, Lesar, Meguiar, Moncrieff, Jonn J. O. Moore, Paddock, F. A. Russell, Werner. Health and Housing: Sherwood. Health: Canuteson, Elbel, Sherbon, Woodard. Housing: Werner, Boyce, Canuteson, Meguiar, O'Brien, Parker. Memorial Union: Werner, Blocker, DeGroot, Klooz. Museums 3} ? : Lane, Bunker, Hibbard, Hungerford, Moodie, R. 0. Moore, dee Ts Walker e Student Interests: Werner, Ellsworth, Maddox, Meguiar, Morrison, Nash, NeuenSchwander, Verner Smith, EH. H. Taylor, Woodard. University Budget: Stouffer, Lawson, Stockton, Nichols, (secretary). Vocational Guidance: Viesselman, Blocker, Kuersteiner, Lawson, Marshall, Meguiar, Turney, Werner, Woodard. II. Elected by the Senate Convocations and Lectures: Ingham, Bradshaw, Calderwood, Chubb, Nichols, Taggart, J. J. Wheeler, Wilkins, Mullen (M. S. C.), Wilson (W. S. G. A.) Eligibility to Nonathletic Activities: Stratton, M. Gardner, Storer. 3. Examinations: Rice, J. 0. Jones, Malin, Turney. 4, Forensics: Buehler, Hankins, Tupy. 5. Libraries: Baker, Brockelbank, McNown, J. H. Nelson, Patterson, Tracy. Athletics and Physical Recreations W. W. Davis, F. C. Allen, Gwinn Henry, Hoover, Klooz, Schwegler, Sherwood, Stockton, Stranathan. Publications and Printing: Baker, Brockelbank, Eldridge, Flint, Foster, Gagliardo, Hungerford, Hyder, Klooz, R. ©. Moore, Nichols, Realey, Sandelius, Shoemaker, Springer, Stranathan, Taft, E. H. Taylor, J. W. Twente, Walker, Woodard. Subcommittees: A. Humanistic Series: Walker, Raker, Hyder, Shoemaker, Springer. B. Printing and Binding: Flint, Baker, Foster, Klooz, Nichols, J. W. Twente. C. Science Bulletin: Hungerford, Baker, R. C. Moore, Stranathan, Taft, E. H. Taylor, Woodard. D. Social Science Series: Eldridge, Brockelbank, Gagliardo, Sandelius, Realey. Relations with Other Educational Institutions: J. H. Nelson, Chandler, I, C. Crawford, Foster, Gagliardo, Haines, Kester, Lawson, Mitchell, Moreau, Paden, Rarick, F, 0. Russell, Stockton, Stouffer, Swarthout, Teeter, Turney, Ulmer. Ge Be Ow To ite Baldwin, Boyce, Bradshaw, I. C. Crawford, Edwards, Blbel, J. H. Nelson, Posey, Riggs, Carleton Smith, Stockton, Treece, J. W. Twente. 10. Summer Session: Schwegler, Chandler, and heads of divisions concerned. ll. University Calendar: le. G. W. Smith, Foster, Viesselman, Mullen (M. S. C.), Wilson (W. S. G. A.) University Extension: Ingham, and heads of divisions concerned. -4~ 13. Senate Advisory. Committee: (elected by ballot) Kester, R. M. Davis, F. A. Russcll, Sherwood, G. W. Smith, Tracy. III. Appointed Jointly by the Chancellor and the Senate. 1. Committee on Aids and Awards: Mitchell, Foster, Irving Hill, Klooz, Lawson, Meguiar, Templin, Werner. Cooperating Committees: A. Aids from Endowment Association Funds! Templin, Irving Hill, Lawson, Mitchell : Gooperating Committees: a.» Boynton Scholarship: Ise, Gagliardo, Holtzclaw, ——— J. P. Jensen, Stockton. b. Carruth Poetry Prize: W. S. Johnson, and two others appointed by chairman. c. Cooperntive House Loan: Meguinr, McCracken, Me Mi Lier * d. Ethel Ann Jones Loans: Templin, 3revster, Klooz, Stoland. G. Frances Schlegel Carruth Scholarship: Depnortment of German. f. Hadley Scholarship; Faculty of Lay School. g. Hannah Oliver Latin Prize: Walker, Grant, Lawson. he. Haver Scholarship: Sandelius, G. W. Smith, WoodarG. i. Hyde Scholarship: Downs, Hungerford, Walling. j. luella F. Stewart Scholarship: Faculty of School of Fine arts. *. Slosson Scholarship: Stouffer, Cady, Lane, Stranathan, Templin. 1. Summerfield Scholarships: Templin, Clark, I. C. Crawford, Gibson, Mitchell, J. H. Nelson. m. Thaurnau Scholarship: Depnrtment of German. mb B. Aids from University and Other Funds; Mitchell, Klooz, Meguiar, Templin. Cooperating Committees: a. Donnelly Scholarships: Mitchell, Lawson, Stouffer. b. Bryan Prize Essay: Hollands, Chubb, R. M. Davis. c. Frank C. Miller Loans: Mitchell, Klooz, Templin. d. General Scholarships: Babcock, Grant, Meguiar, Oliver, Werner, Young. e. Hattie Blizabeth Lewis Prize Essays: Eldridge, NeuenSchwander, H. L. Smith, Winston. f. Miller and Watkins Hall Scholarships: Meguiar, Babcock, Doering. g. Rhodes Scholarships: Walker, Burdick, c..¢. Crawford, Sandelius, Wernor. h. Student Loan Fund: Foster, Getto, Klooz, Meguiar, Werner, Woodruff. i. Edna Osborne Whitcomb Scholarship: Morgan, W. S. Johnson, Brrnes. j. Selden Whitcomb Fellowships: Malott, W. &. Johnson, Stouffer. C. Honors and Honor Organizations: Lawson, Foster, Meguiar, Werner. 2. Joint Committee on Committees: From the Cabinet: I. C. Crawford, Moreau, Schwegler. From the Senate: (Elected by ballot) F. L. Brown, GC. Cx Geawford, Cc. F. Nolgon. IV, Athletic Board: Ex Officio: D. W. Malott (Chancellor), Karl Klooz (Bursar) From the Senate: (Elected by ballot) ¥. %. Davis, Nash, G. W. Smith, J. B. Smith, Stockton, Woodruff. From the Alumni: George Nettels, Thomas Van Cleve, N. T. Veatch, Hugo T. Wedell. From Student Organizations: C. EH. Mullen, Ed Hall. FRANK T. STOCKTON UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS a SCHOOL OF BUSINESS LAWRENCE November 28, 1959 Des By oe Allen 105 Robinson — University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have not ‘had the opportunity to express my appreciation to you for the splendid entertainment that your basket- ball teams provided Friday evening, Nov- ember 24, This event was a happy suggest- ion on your part, and I am sure, from the crowd that was present, that it was a great success. | Sincerely yours, Ay Léonard H. Axe, General Chairman of Lashk Homecoming Committee Necenber 4, 1959 ‘ding Misia lees Cheirman, . Stufient Activity siabet Caretbto, University of Kensase Dear Ute Werner: + chs ae Abe SA WOE bee Snceeetne ee mo to attend the meeting of the Student Activity Ticket . Cammlttee on Friday, Decembor Sth, at 4:50 peme = Our basketball team plays in Yerrensburg, Missouri, Friday — wicht, ec Central Missouri State Teachers Colleges : ie. Director of Physion} Tetuontion and — THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS December 1,1939 Mr. Raymond Nichols Miss Velma Wilson My. Karl Klooz : Miss Betty McVey Mr. Chas. F, MeCreight Miss Jean Robertson Miss Elizabeth Mecuiar Miss Winifred Jameson Miss Beulah Morrison ir. C.H.Mullen Miss Hermina Bipple Mr. Sam Sifers Dr. F.C,Allen —— Mr. Rowland Raup My. Henry Wermer Mr. Harry Wiles Mr, Chas, Wright TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE STUDENT ACTIVITY TICKET COMMITTED: & meeting of this committee is called for Friday, December 8th at 4:50 PM in Room #5 Frank Strong Hall to considers i l= appropriation from the Reserve Fund to the Physical Education Corporation and the | 2« proposed negro varsity for the year 193961940, ‘Very truly yours, ¢ HENRY WERNER, Chairman May 7, 1942 Mre Lyle 0. Armel Assistant Secretary - Kanses University Endowment ssseoiation ©08B Frank Strong Hall University of Kanses Deer Mre Armel: This will ecknowledge pecetot of your letter of Mey 2 which was misleid during ry absence or I would have enswered sooncre I assure you I shall be very happy te serve on your committee in connection with the Lindley Lectureship fund. Sincerely yours, FCAtre:min Director of Physicel Fducation and Recrer tion Varsity Besketball end Baseball Coach KANSAS UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION LAWRENCE, KANSAS May 2, 1941 Professor F. CG. Allen 105 Robinson Campus Dear Professor Allen: I am writing to ask you to serve on a committee from — the faculty and administrative staff of the University in connec- tion with the Lindley Lectureship fund. I am sure you saw the original announcement of this plan to perpetuate the proposed "Plan of Living" which Chancellor Lindley hoped to carry out. The first story was carried in the Kansan, then the Graduate Magazine. A general committee has been functioning among the public generally and graduates and students in the more populous areas. We have a sizable amount already in hand. This has principally been a letter-writing campaign so that our proposal would be that a letter be sent to each mem- ber of the faculty and administrative staff over the joint sig- nature of a faculty committee of eight or ten, giving them the opportunity of joining in this memorial. In no sense is this a high-pressure campaign, but because we have received several calls from individuals on the faculty asking how they might help, we have determined on the procedure suggested in this letter. I hope I may have your early acceptance as a member of this committee, upon receipt of which I will send you a rough draft of the proposed faculty letter. We want to complete this well in advance of Commencement. Anticipating your acceptance of this invitation, I am Cordially and sincerely yo yle 0. Armel Assistant -ecretary LOA: GV Will Establish Lindley Memorial Lectures By Roy Roserts, chairman, committee in charge OR TWENTY years Ernest H. Lind- ley, the late Chancellor of the University of Kansas, was a figure revered and loved, not only by the graduates of the University, but he be- came almost an institution in Kansas itself. For two decades he gave his best and his all in building his Univer- sity and his state. When he retired he looked forward to a continuing service in the years ahead. Long he had planned to de- vote his final years to a series of lectures at the University, expounding his sane philosophy on the “Values of Living.” The late Chancellor felt perhaps he could round out the service of his al- ways fruitful life in these last years aid- ing the hundreds of young men and women of Kansas in reaching a proper philosophy of life, a worthwhile set of values. He left the University with zest and started on his trip around the world, disrupted as it was by the war, and for months he delved into the literature of that most ancient of philosophies in China. Always he was alert, gathering material to use on his return in his lectures to the young folks of Kansas. It was a tragedy that he died thousands of miles away from his beloved Uni- versity. Even his body found its last rest in a watery grave in the Pacific. Carry ON His IDEA What better memorial could those of K.U. and Kansas who loved and revered the late Chancellor make to his memory than to carry on and make come true his last hope and ambition, a lectureship on “Values of Living” which could be set up at the University and would be a living memorial to this kindly man? Such a lectureship would make a genuine contribution to the character building side of the University. It would leave its impress on thousands of future citizens of our state. It would be forever a living memorial to Chan- cellor Lindley. To the thousands of K.U. men and women, and Kansans who came under his timely influence, are you ready to give your part to such a memorial fund? The Lindley Memorial Lectureship Fund will be administered by the En- dowment Association. Each year it is proposed that the Chancellor should invite to the University for a lecture, or a series of lectures, some outstand- ing national or world figure to speak on “Values of Living’”—just as the late Chancellor proposed to do in his courses “Ihe Human Situation” and “Plan for Living.” Contributions may be sent to the Lindley Memorial Lectureship Fund, Roy A. Roberts, fs’08, chairman, room 303 B, Frank Strong Hall, Lawrence, or to any member of the committee. COMMITTEE IN CHARGE The following persons have been appointed to serve on the Lindley Me- morial Lectureship Committee by Chancellor Deane W. Malott: Roy A. Roberts, fs’08, chairman, Kansas City, Mo.; Henry J. Allen, Wichita; James S. Barrow, l’00, Nappa, Calif.; Maurice L. Brei- denthal, 10, Kansas City, Kan.; C. L. Burt, e’og, Hutchinson; Charles Haines, e’29, New York City; Fred Harris, l’98, Ottawa; Alfred G. Hill, ’17, Jamestown, N.Y.; Irving Hill, ’96, Lawrence; W. W. Holloway, 1’14, Kansas City, Mo.; John H. Kane, ’99, loo, Bartlesville, Okla.; Paul B. Lawson, g’17, Ph.D.’19, Law- rence; C. B. Merriam, Washington, D.C.; J. C. Nichols, ’02, Washington, D.C.; Dolph Simons, ’25, Lawrence; Oscar Stauffer, fs’12, Topeka; Dr. Richard Sutton, Kansas City, Mo.; Harry H. Woodring, ‘Topeka, and C. M. Harger, Abilene. —Reprinted from February, 1941, Graduate Magazine.