UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 7 LN aort, LAWRENCE y DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION en A es PP “3 May 7th, 1942 Dear Fellow Member of the Athletic and Physical Education Denartments: Professor Stene of the History Department called on me on behalf of the “orld Student Service Fund, which is the Chinese Reconstruction lund. I believe las t year it was called the " Bowl of Rice." You and I both know that it's not pleasant for any of us to solicit our fellow workers and ask for a part of their hard earnings, especially when these earnings have been depleted by budget curtailment and rising prices. However, all of us will agree that even as unfortunate as we may picture ourselves at times, the unfortunates in the war zones are many thousand times worse off than we. Their unfortunate plight beggars description when we try to comprehend their situation. The K.U. goal for the “orld Student Service Fund is one thousand dollars, To facilitate economy of time and to allow you the proper meditation for such a gift, I am writing you a letter and inclosing a pledge card for any amount that you might feel free to give. “je are not making a high pressure sales talk, nor a strenuous drive and we would say to not give a penny more than you feel you can honestly give without any high pres- sure action. t realize there are so many calls that you almost develop a hyper-sales resistance, and if you do, well and good. I feel as if this will be my last contribution and then another appeal pre- sents itself just as strong and I find myself unable to reject the pleas of the suffering an? wmfortimete. So, give what you can and I lnow that your money will go a long way toward doing the thing that in your heart you want: to do. ? Sinceyely yours, i wees he t-¢ , i= te ce fg f { iia Ste Fie Chairman of the Rob son Gymnasium Solicitefion + < f / RG: FCA / Pe Se The lateness of this message is my errore This should have gone out last weekend.