REPORT OF THE SENATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE RELATIVE TO PaTENTING aND DEVELOPING DISCOVERIES MADE IN UNIVERSITY LABORATORIES TO THE SENATE: In May, 1940, the Chancellor of the University suagested to the chairman of the Senate Advisory Committee that some study be made concerning the establishment of an organization to handle the patenting and development of discoveries and inventions made through the use of University facilities by memoers of the University staff or by research fellows or through the collaboration of such persons. Pursuant to that suggestion, the Committee has made some investigation of procedure at other universities in the same matter, particularly at the University of Wisconsin and the Ohio State University. At the University of Wisconsin, a corporation kmown as the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation Was established in Novem- ber, 1925, for the purpose of securing patents and the assignment of patents of discoveries and inventions made in the university and bringing them into commercial use, This organization has de- veloped a very substantial research fund which is used to endow further research projects, In 1937, the Ohio State University Research Foundation was incorporated, It is reported to be functioning in a very sat- isfactory manner, Its functions and operations are similar to those of the Wisconsin organization, Other universities have made use of Research Corporation, . which has offices in New York and Chicago. This organization under- takes the work and exnense of procuring patents and making commercial development thereof, on a contractual basis. Since the University itself is not organized in sucha way as to be able to undertake these functions, it is the opinion of the Committee that a separate entity in the form of an incor- porated body should be set up to perform these functions or some existing corporation should te adapted to the purpose in hand. It is the belief of the Committee that the University should cooperate with memters of its staff in patenting and de- veloping their discoveries and inventions with a view to encouraging research and raising funds for the endowment of research in the University. The proceeds arising from the commercial development of such patents should be shared between the Research Foundation,