mb B. Aids from University and Other Funds; Mitchell, Klooz, Meguiar, Templin. Cooperating Committees: a. Donnelly Scholarships: Mitchell, Lawson, Stouffer. b. Bryan Prize Essay: Hollands, Chubb, R. M. Davis. c. Frank C. Miller Loans: Mitchell, Klooz, Templin. d. General Scholarships: Babcock, Grant, Meguiar, Oliver, Werner, Young. e. Hattie Blizabeth Lewis Prize Essays: Eldridge, NeuenSchwander, H. L. Smith, Winston. f. Miller and Watkins Hall Scholarships: Meguiar, Babcock, Doering. g. Rhodes Scholarships: Walker, Burdick, c..¢. Crawford, Sandelius, Wernor. h. Student Loan Fund: Foster, Getto, Klooz, Meguiar, Werner, Woodruff. i. Edna Osborne Whitcomb Scholarship: Morgan, W. S. Johnson, Brrnes. j. Selden Whitcomb Fellowships: Malott, W. &. Johnson, Stouffer. C. Honors and Honor Organizations: Lawson, Foster, Meguiar, Werner. 2. Joint Committee on Committees: From the Cabinet: I. C. Crawford, Moreau, Schwegler. From the Senate: (Elected by ballot) F. L. Brown, GC. Cx Geawford, Cc. F. Nolgon. IV, Athletic Board: Ex Officio: D. W. Malott (Chancellor), Karl Klooz (Bursar) From the Senate: (Elected by ballot) ¥. %. Davis, Nash, G. W. Smith, J. B. Smith, Stockton, Woodruff. From the Alumni: George Nettels, Thomas Van Cleve, N. T. Veatch, Hugo T. Wedell. From Student Organizations: C. EH. Mullen, Ed Hall.