UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS College Office November 28, 1944 To the College Faculty: May we call your attention to the three following things: le 26 It has seemed desirable to shift the time of the special faculty meeting from December 4 to Tuesday, December 12. The report of the Curriculum Committee will come up for aotion at this meeting which will be held at 4:30 o'clock in Frank Strong Auditorium. Dean W. B. Donham, former Dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, is to address a faculty assembly at 4 o'clock on Tuesday, December 5, in Fraser Theater (not Decem- ber 15, as you may have béen previously informed). Every faculty member who is interested in our curricular protlems should be present. Please be sure to have grades for the first four weeks in this office by Monday, December 4- The last issue of the College Communications tells specifically just what grades are desired. Paul B. Lawson, Dean