December 5S, 1941. Dean Paul Be lewson, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, — University of Kansase Dear Dean Lewsen: and faculty, as well as to the visiting ministers. We got along yesterday in splendid shape with our tour of the campus. We went to the Hospital, Milier Yall, the Museums, Myers Hall, and arrived at the Union Building in time for the luncheons There is co, ads se 1 es along to yous in my d ions with the ministers they were quite surprised to learn how many ministers the Univ- ersity of Kansas has turned out ~ Edwin Fe Price, Frank "fron the University. Many pe as se, Hak cee 0 the ungodly tendencies of this “den of ein". With all good wishes, i an Very sincerely yours, ¢ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache