COLLEGE COmMUNICATIONS NOTICE OF PACULTY MEXTING The College Faculty's first meeting of the year will be held at 4:30 on Tuesday, October 21, in the auditorium of Frank Strong Hall, The new members of the face ulty are to be presented at this mecting. We will surely all be present to greet them. MID~SEMESTER REPORTS Please plan your work now so you can make your mid-semester reports not later than November 11, Every year a few instructors put off some examinations till 4% is too late to grade their papers in time for prompt reports, Late reports invariably cause our office extra work, which results in a very decent degree of irritation, Will you LEASE be very prompt in this matter. COMMITTEES For your information we give the person- nel of the committees of our faculty for this year. In each case the first person named is the chairman, SPANDING COMMITTEES : Administrative: Dean and Assistant Dean, ex offioio, Ashton, Chubb, Davidson, Gadgliardo, Shoemaker, Taft. Reinstatement: Dean and Assistant Dean, ex officio, Babcock, Brewster, Posey. Special Students: Paullin, Realey, Winston, Enrollment: Guy Smith, Black, Doer- ing, Posey, Treece,. Joint Committee on University Teacher's Diploma: George Smith, Gardner, Nelson, Russell, Turney, Ulmer, English Proficiency Examination: Virtue, Dolbee, Hldridge, Paden, Taft. General Committee on Honors: Lane, Osborne. Mitehell, Ashton, Clark, Divisional Honors: Division I -— Ashton, Flint, Lind, Shoemaker, Lane, Davidson, Mitchell, Moore, Division ITI- Clark, Gagliardo, Davis, Osborne, Sandelius, Division II . October 20, 1941 SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Science Major for Teachers: Davidson, Babcock, Lane, Laudon, Stranathan, Revision of Art Major: Public Administration Curriculum: Stene, Gibson, Maddox, Twente, Nelson, Chubb, Grant, DR, JOHN NELSON When for eight years you have had the daily help of a man whose conscience hurts him if he doesn't perform even the smallest duty perfectly, when for eight years you have had the counsel and fellowship of a keen and scholarly mind and of a most loyal soul, when through eight years you have depended upon a man to help you with all your work and have leaned heavily on his insight and understanding, when through these years you have learned to think so much of a friend that you would bet your soul on his integrity, and then find that he must be taken from you because the University needs him else- where-=well, the very least you can do is to say both privately and publicly: "Thank you, Dr, Nelson, for all that you have done and for all that you are, We hate to have you leave our office but are glad you aren't going to be far away and that we shall still have the opportunity of working with you." DR, GILBERT ULMER We are glad to weloome Professor Ulmer to his new work as Assistant Dean, He was chosen for this position because he combines, to an unusual degree, good scholarship, fine teaching ability, and an understanding of and sympathy with youth, We predict that he will not only enjoy his work but that he will also be thoroughly enjoyed by both the students and faculty of the Collese. & 42: 2% "Who wants to be born into a perfeot world? What is there left to do in such a world? What challenge, what place for anger and indignation and pity and effort and sacrifice and triumph and achievement and satisfaotion and content= ment and joy? These are the things that make it worth while to live and there= fore to be born,"