Septomber 22, 1987. > ty, Tewle Hy, Brotherton, 2032 N, 32nd Street, Kenses City, Gansae, - Dear Friend Brotherton: | i want you to knew how very much TI eppreedeate the time you geve me over the phone the other day in behalf of Jack Buekman's brother. I. know thet you heve more things then Po ean handily — do, but s0 meny of tho Kensae City, Kensas people — were interested in Jack Bucknen that I wanted to help out 2f I sould, ee ce I find that Jack Buckman's brother's neme is Paul, thet he is about 25 years of age, and IT - understand thet he is e fireman but now out of ome: ployment. The entire Buckman family is very happy since Jack meade his decision to enroll at Eansss and not go to George Washington University. eS Jacek was teken 111 yesterday, apparently / @ith summer flu, and is now over at the University. _hospitel., iI am very sorry of this becanse that | will Geley bim in his getting a rfimning start on his school work, He hae a reputation of being an espece tially find ethlete but only fair as a student, and. i was hoping that he would be able to start from the beginnings ria oo . ae Jack's two brothers are going to make him . & small monthiy loen to help hia out, and for that veason I was especially interested in seeing if I could be of any service to Paul in obtaining a es for him, I know ar. will understand my attitude and I thought if et ali possibie you could aake some contects that might be helpful to him, and would, in nm, be helpful te Jack end te the University. ss #2 - Mr. Lewis H. Brotherton. ae -Pyingipal Harmon, of the Argentine High Sehool, called tie two or three tines concerning Jack so I know he 4s interested in him, end will apprec« diate, of course, anything that you ean do, Please understand, however, I au not expecting you to work miracles or to overturn mountains. Sut as I said before, you know I will appreciate your attitude, if it is even impossible to do him any geod at all, : | The Lawrence people desire to co tulate you and the entire populace of Kansas City, Kansas on the wonderful new hizh school that you have erected there, It is a monument ¢o the progressive spirit of Kansas City, Kansas, and to. your soeworkers, With every good wish, I am & Sincerely yours, FCALAB Director of Physical Bédueation, ‘Svoandeg’eentg Semee” : lanes ite. Hansas. . Dear liaurice: i have just received a letter from Major li, MeC, “Biffer" Jones, Director of Athletics at the University of Nebraska, saying he had sent you tickets to the Nebraska-Uinneseta ganze, a i an sure he gave you the best seats he eoulé at this lete date, and I am telling him of our appreciation of his courtesy, With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, ae Br ~ vs Bowen, — | Dear Dre Bovis oS = Charles L, uatenell aaah me one of his _ famous letters in which he enclosed a clipping from A, J, Garruth's Whispering Willow colwan. OF course, this had something to say about Charles L, Mitchell, which should be complimentary, but 2. best news: that I read in the coluun was ths report of your continued convalescence. - d Dr, Esterly and Dick Yagetaff were tre« mendously interested individuals during all the time of — serious iliness iast spring. + want you $e know that while I have met you only on e few eccasions that it gave me great oa me to know of your return te health, You |. have been a wonde i satisfaction, and you have meny admirers who, although they do not come in oleae contact on rene realize your exceptional _— LE very good wish, S | sinedteky Yours, \ CLARENCE V. BECK ATTORNEY GENERAL STATE OF KANSAS ASSISTANTS eine J. S PARKER THEO. F. VARNER OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL MORTON B. COLE WM. E. SCOTT TOPEKA c. GLENN MORRIS R. M. KIMBALL, CHIEF CLERK September 21, 19357 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: T am sorry that Richard Hanna has not enrolled at the University. You were courteous and kind to him and also to me in giving us a portion of your time last summer. I have not heard from the boy, and assumed he hed consumated his plan by enrolling at the University. I am writing him today, and will find out about it. With kind personal regards, Clarence V, Beck a Attorney General CVB:d liz, Clarence Beck, Attorney Generel of Kansas, Topeka, Kansas, oe Dear Mr, Beeks after cur conference at the Hotel Hldridge ‘concerning lichard Hanna, I checked up and fing that he has not registered at the Unive ersity of Kensas, I do not know where ho is going to school, but I just wanted you to know thet we have kept him in ming, . With every good wish, I em | Sinmeerely youre, PCASAR Director of Physical Education. September 27, 1937. Lehigh, Kansas, Deer tir, Booth: : eal I have your letter of September 7th asking ebout the finish on the beske 1 floor. | Z understand from the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds at ths University that Pyra-Sesl was used as a finish on this floor. We had nothing to do with the selection of the finish. _ fhe basketball court is in the Univer- sity Auditorium, and netureliy is ly scarred by being walked upon a great deal. To all intents end ee this is a good floor, but it would be hardly air to say that it needed re-finishing quite often ee the great amount of traffic on our euditor- un Ti ° Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, LehighKkansas Sept 7thI937. Wr. Phog Allen KeUe Lawrence Kansas: Dear Mr Allens We have been informed by a salesman of the Vestal Chemical Laboratories Inc, St Louis Mo, that the gym floor at KeUe is finished with Pyra-Seal, willyou please let me know, how this finish wears, and is it giving satisfaction for playing basketball, is it necessary to recoat ever yeare We are finishing a new gym; and must decide soon the kind of floor finish we will use. Sincerelys Clerk Dist 79 September 25, 1 937. - lip, lig a, Srotherson, : Supt. of Buildings and Grounds, Beard of Education, 10th and Spli: Kenseas City, Kansas. Dear L, He: | You were fine to do what you did in regard to Paul Buckman, I appreciate your friendly cooperation. It certainly must have made a fine impression on Peul,. ps Jack is still in the hospital with flu. Tough break for a youngster just getting started, but we are hoping he will pull out, both physically and academically. Appreciatively yours, Director of Physical Education, BOARD OF EDUCATION TENTH AND SPLITLOG L. H. BROTHERSON SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Sept. 24, 1937 Dr. F. Cs Alien Director, Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: After your telephone call the other evening, I got in touch with Paul Buckman and told him about your call in his behalf, Since we have nothing available for him at the present time, I ex- plained to him that all I could do at present was to keep his name for reference. He seemed to be pleased however, at the knowledge that you were trying to help him. I wish there were something we could do more definitely at the present time, but this is not a sea- son when we have many opportunities. Brotherson Sup't. Blidgs. & Grds,. LHB<:L een ERNEST M. BEST, PRESIDENT -f) ‘WILLIAM M. KINGSLEY, TREASURER BENJAMIN A. FRANKLIN HERBERT L. PRATT, VICE-PRESIDENT ) 2 | WALLACE V. CAMP, ASSISTANT TREASURER CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : — >| tf [ph SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE CORPORATE NAME INTERNATIONAL. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION COLLEGE ELMER BERRY, M. P. E., ED.D. SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS CHAIRMAN GRADUATE COUNCIL PRIN M AC ETT: NATURAL, SCIENCE DIVISION DIRECTOR SUMMER SCHOOL, July 19, 1937 Dr F C Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr Allen: Your letter of June 30 is at hand and I quite under- Stand the situation. I should be glad if you will keep me in mind in connection with future possibilities or in connec- tion with any other that you hear of in that section. We are just in the midst now of a busy Summer School. The enroliment is not as large as I would wish, it amounts to a hundred or more, but the instructors tell me that we have a very unusually high grade of student. The big features have been a health education symposium, led by Professor Cure- ton, and a general educational symposium, led by Professor Wiesle. For these two courses we have had some of the best leaders in the United States for the discussion. I trust you have not had as much hot weather out there as we have for there has been some pretty hot weather here. For the most part there has been lots of rain and that has helped a little. I am glad that the prospects for a crop out there are good this year. I was out there to visit my people in western Iowa in August last year and I think I never experienced more discomfort from the heat than on that trip. The situation certainly was bad then. With best wishes, I am Sincerely, Congratulations on the 'Better Basketball." ‘4 am sure it will go over in a big way. We shall be anxious to EB3W see a copy here as soon as possible. C13, ‘ Dr. John A. Sillingsiey, Huron Buiidi: 4 Kansas City, Kanses, Dear Dr, Billingsley: : Frank Buek came ete a few moments ago, and 2 am esas discouraged, He thought he was too enall to play basketball. He wanted a job and I. hadd't heard sa about the situation before- hand and did not know that he desired a job. Frank said that you told him toe see Ad Lindsey or ie. | Doctor, I want te help the boy, and I am afraid unless somebody pays more attention to hin - is going to feel like nobody cares much sbout — TS s E talked to young Sullivan after I talked’ to Frank, and tolé him to raiss his morale and have, somebody do something for him, Of course, I am in’ a eee to help him out with jobs in only a very Limi and that is why I om writing on to. ee get us fe fail information. : : \ a ; Fd : i thought it better not to press the case with him, but would like you to write me right sway and let me know what information you have. I would La te hearing from you at the eariiont possible © : : With best wishes to and your Lovet tantly, Tem ie 7 r Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Béucation, <| ~ Meuriee be brstéentiind Pyecthent, Security State Be, Kansas City, Kansas, Dear lisurice: Cae on xeniing ng you & yor the letter I~ 3 received from L. McC, Biftor" Jones. You will - notice he says these seats are in the end section but in eonerete. That means they are back of the goal line, but it is the best they have, I am i sure. Le 3 : a noted sonic omnkhs ago all seats were sold out, so this is ee & concession under the conditions. ’ : : “A copy of my letter to Biff timed will WMeke al}: explanations, so if you desire. the seats @nd will gené the money direct to Jones I am sure he will take vood care of ~~ I will be seeing you soon, sere ‘Sinesrely yours, \ EM \ | Director of Physical Education, — Director of Athletics, - Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Jebraska, Leer Biffer: ce Thank you for your very good letter of the 13th concerning information regarding the four tickets for the Nebrarka-liinnesota game. re I have written my good friend, Mr, #, L, Breidenthal, President of the Seeurity State Bank, 7th and Minnesota Ayenue, Kansas City, Kansas, asking him to communicate with you personally and express his wants at ones. I can say for him that he appreciates very much your concession under the conditions as they are at present. I note that the demand for tiekete for ‘your Hinmmesote game has far exceeded the supply, and for this reason i am. thankfal for your courtesy in handling this matter to the best of your ebility. : ee I noticed in ees —— day .. 7 icture showing your physioguomy and the rest of your anatomy at the bottom of the pile. ‘That was . rag a football: scrimmage. If they will turn that pile upside down and out you and Nebraska on top, at the end of the race I think the victure will shor in its true proportion, A ‘With kindest regards, I am ‘Sincerely yours, i Direetor of Physical ‘Béueation, Se THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR September 13, 1937. Dr. F. GC. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog”™: Please pardon the delay in answering your letter of September 7th. I handled your application as soon as it arrived and John Selleck has set the tickets aside. The price is $2.75 each and there is a mailing charge of 15¢. These seats will be in the stadium but in an end section{ AM Cnr bast Aras Ae Are 9 shire). Please advise if your friend wants the tickets. Best regards. Yours truly, / _L. Mec. Jones, Director of Athletics. tory 7 Cyt us¥ do hedir ; ae oe ae President, Security State Sank, 7th and Kinnesota Ave., Kanses City, Kanses, Dear Heurles : : tam certainly hapox to hear from you tn your =~ jetter of the 4th inatant, | | = ; 4 .. 2 beve written Biffer Jones at Lineoln asking _ that-he deliver the four ducats for me 4f at ay possible. I am enclosing a carbon copy of my letter to him for your porusal, 3 | cee I aa eertainly anxious\te buy that luncheon 3 _. for you at the said ehin-fast at the earliest oppertun= With every good wish, I an a | : Sincerely yours, MAURICE L.BREIDENTHAL, Prestoent MILTON W.FELD, Vice Presivent CLAUDE L.WILSON, Casnier LAWRENCE S.BLUM, Asst. CasuHier ® “EDERAL nesERNE MINNESOTA AVE AT SEVENTH KANSAS CITY, KANSAS September 4, 1937. Dr. Forrest ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I assume that you are back to Lawrence by now. I am hoping that we can get together and have a "chin-fest" some time before long. One of my good banker friends up at Atchison wants very much to get four tickets to the Nebraska-—Minnesota Football game at Lincoln. He is a mighty good customer of ours and it will help me some if I can get these tickets for him. Is there any way that you can wrangle these? Of course you understand he expects to pay for them. It is not the type of accommodation which you have been so accustomed to meet in, years past. ‘Major Lacoess lm. 6, souk; Director of Athletids, - University of Nebraska, _ lincoln, Nebraska, — ~— Bitter: ; : A very Saas ‘friend of mins 1s desirous of 3 - poteining four tickets to the Nebraske~“innesota _ S86 this fail, 1 realize that all the tickets are -. Supposed to be seid ovt, but I would greatly epprec- dete this if you could get four tickets for me, 4% is impossible, just sees me, and I will stand meerentrd 3 “ a wonks like to send you the money for these. gue tickets if you wili let ie know the aneunt and $f you will else let me know Af there is & possTeiiity © OF Obtaining then, < mo as erties thet you have a most highly successful : season an your maiden bow at Nebraska, “With every good wish, I on Sincerely yourr, Director of Physical Bducation, September 50, 1957. \ Director of P athletics, Cornell College, fount Vernon, Towa, Dear Dick: deies ons eld me at the keke chabe}d Coaching Senool of a very clever stunt that you —_— off between halves of = basketball game. -* Tt was a fake wrestling bout whora one wneskies has his head in between the other grappler's eras on a headlock, and after mech cain and struggling he extricates hinself from that beadieck, and just at the time the populace cheer the young man quietly slips his head back in the same hole that the victor had eames upon him heretofore. That sounded so good to me that I would like to oon that bcetween halves of one of our games if you will write me about the ae fokes that these two peeudo-Galehads perforn. Would you kindly do this at your early convenience as I am planning on my program now and want to put some of this stuff on with an anticipated — regularity. As the magazine editor would say, “I would like to put some of this stuff to bed": in other — words get it out of the way, ane have 2t on ea futere — progran. I trust everything is: going along svell with you, Dick, Wath kindest regards and widen I am Fraternally yours, Director of Physical oducation. : seks ead & dentend tons on @re the _ @istributer for ‘the new fiin that our > etball ee Oe ee ee Tho ono I refer te is ne Couversest i tecmelnts ps fila, Pre sae Were Bee, ef Long Island Serpth Dakota, br, 0 Carisou of oy hey ro Pamngets, "Bunn of Soenrene, The Converse people steted they wore going to Oring it aroun ond show it here in rogalar order. I am wonter af the University of Kansas Extension Department has ordered amy, or 4f the fiim will be shown in thie part of the country, . fem glad. te know thet you are branche ing out in this line of endeavor ac I see a sreat future for vieual education by the use of the film. boat tro yours ago I shot s silent fide for the Eeatman Kodak Sogpany of New York, It is a twoeroll recei, and the fumiamentals are excelle ent. However, i think by using a mwber of coaches boy talkie as of course far superior to the silent eath every g20d wish te and frtonte in Salina, I am — vi ae. Very sineerely yours, \ ‘Director of Physical Sducation. September 27, 1937«. Nes, Marge Bewn, Conway Springs, "Kansas. Dear eo : Very happy to heave your Letter of ‘Satudey. I 4mmediately took your blank check in to ly, & *ralkenstion, secretaryetreasurer of the Atle tic Association, and he told me that the Univere= sity of Wichita had, as yet, not decided which park they were going to play in - whe ther the University park or the dountorn park As soon as they heolaa that they | will send the tickets hore, and Sarl will seo thet you got four of the very verre I am afrada that we will not get —_ the game as we are planning to @rive out to Russell to sec Wilton and Ischel. Jane left for Stanford last Tuesday a weok ago, and Mary, of course, is in touls-| wees so our “family has dwindled somewhat. : We ere all happy and well, I const the game can be said for the Emith and Baum anttys : \ ; i #ith every good wish to you all, Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Eaucats One A Ha 114 W. IRON A ve, SALINA, KANSAS Phone 56 Oct. 4. 1937. Dr. Forrest C,. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Uni. of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog; Replying to your latter of Oct. lst. regarding the new talkie, BASKETBALL, your information is correct altho I do not know definitely when the film will be ready for circulation. It will be very soon however. Bob Russell of Lincoln who is looking after the matter told me in Kansas City ten days ago that several prints had been made and that one for me would be out amoung the first. At that time, it was tentitively planned that the first showings would be in a certain regions over the state where coaches could be conveniently : assembled. Following this, bookings could be made with schools equiped with sound projection units upon a rental basis. In order to reach schools without units, some provision will be made to put a man out with @ projector to reach scheduled showings. sees We are urging the producers to keep rentals down to the eset lowest possible amount to insure the widest use possible. Rentals e as well as outright sale price hasnot yet been established. A letter from Russell received yesterday stated he would be in kansas City the 9th. or 10th. and will see him again at that time. Am pos- itive that a definite plan will be evolved at this meeting and will advise you immediately following. 2) The picture is exciting a great deal of interest on the 2 part of coaches everywhere because of the prominence of the anthor- ities who built it and the thoroughness of the detail from a coach- ing standpoint. : Many thanks for your kind remarks and good wishes. he ours, FRANK BANGS. a1 t6mm SILENT AND SOUND MOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS...16mm CAMERAS...STEREOPTICONS &@& SLIDES. =| 16mm INSTRUCTIONAL SOUND FILMS...RECREATIONAL SOUND FILAS...WINDOW-DARKENING MATERIALS 7. WHOLESOME MONEY-RAISING “HOME TALENT” PRODUCTIONS...ACOUSTICAL ENGINEERING SERVICE, ETC. = SCM bil Se fey) RAN UTM ED UCATI aL pistrisutors © os Ses sears eae Goach Drow Lees eatite "hee s Dear Coach Brown: Mp, Epnie Cooper called me the other night telling me how devastated he and the other people of Lees Summit were at your leaving Lees Sunnit, He was happy, mete in the fact that you gained the unusual recogn tion from the Kansas City, Missouri, public school system, I want you to know that it is a great pleas- ure for us to see you move up, and may all the success that you have had at Lees Summit go with you and ree main with you while you are in Kenses City, If at any time I ean be of any service to you, please command me, oe With kindest personel regards, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education,