April 28, 1943. Dr. Gilbert Ulmer, Asst. Dean, College of Liberal Arte and Sciences, University of Kansas. Dear Dean Ulmer: I have your note of the 2lset instant asking that we advise you if John Asher is absent again this — - semester without presenting a statement from a physician to explain his absence. I have checked with the instructor in charge of his class, and find the following: John Asher was absent on April 21, 25 and 26. ile now has a total of 20 wexoused absences. He has not been in class since March 26th, and had 7 absences prior to that time. ee ee 6 ee eee oe ee Sth. isi ante Wie. dedhadk tn Wee Ota Wigan some of these absences he said that he had been play- ing golf in the afternoons, and desired that we let him substitute the golf for physical conditioning. We told him this was not permissible. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.