: May 28, 1943. Dean P. B. Lawson, College of Liberal Arts and Soienoes. Dear Dean Lawson: t am returning herewith the cards for _ | Rebert Martindell, George Robert Ware, and Wien Beal Shaw, as you suggest. ‘ii caneeh Ate esa usmle. and I am more than wager to eliminate every possible errar and will do anything that you suggest in clearing up these usatis~ factory —— The scribes who make out the class ecards ore students, in most cases, and they perhaps do not take the ramones tity that regular faculty menbers assume in the enrollment of every student. As long as we have to hire student seribes the human element very definitely enters into these cases. : ‘cain gu tape wile ae Gia Wikia ant We some method worked out whereby the cause of these errors would be removed? I wonder if there is some way your offies could check on us to sce that everyone who is eee ae | | In regusd to $i22iem Sten, 2 have saked Mra. Hultee@ to check on our records here. The records defin- itely show that he received an "A" in the course for the spring semester. I do not understand how « withdraml appeared on the grade sheet. Very sincerely yours, ? 2S Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc.