THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES OFFICE OF THE DEAN LAWRENCE May 27, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen — Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen, The class cards of all college students are made out by the de- partmental scribes, who check the enrollment card indicating that the class card has been made, and after enrollment turn: all class” cards over to the department. In other words a representative of the department itself is responsible for making the card and also for seeing that the card reaches the department. The enrollment cards of Robert Martindell and George Ware show that they enrolled at the regular time on the regular enrollment floor, and that the Physical Sducation scribe made out class cards for these two students for they are properly checked in the proper place. What the scribe did with the cards I don't lmow. But in answer to your question about how to get all the class cards to reach you the only thing I can say is that the Department of Physical Education is entirely responsible for that and must furnish scribes who can do the job as it needs to be done. Shaw's case is funny. We have no record of his withdrawal either, but only called it to your attention because though you say your records show him as having received an A, yet the grade sheets turned in by you both to this office and to the registrar's show a Wd.” Will you please sign the enclosed cards correcting these cases and return them to us? Sincerely yours, (2p aon Paul B. Lawson, Dean 3 pbl/ep