Dean Paul 3, Lawson, College of Liberal Arts end Selences, University of Kansas. — Conserning ous telephonic conversation of this past week when I promised to send you some of the data on the efforts we have made to improve our conditioning course and to lessen errors, I em sending you copies of short bulletins that were given to eash of our instructors from time to tine. : | bie In addition, we had meotings woekly with our leaders, teaching them technique and aptitudes, as well as impressing upon these student members the desire to conduct their classes on 4 faculty scale. : ‘ You and I both know that student instructors, even though | we are able to seleot the best, which we were not in some of these @ases, are prone to make more errors than faculty men who have had long experiense end much more training than these chaps. We gave these boys one hour's pay for attendances at these evening meetings, but we penalized them the price of one how's work when they failed to show up either for the evening mesting or for any of their classes. Tt felt that this type of work was so necessary that there was no ex- cuse in not reporting anticipated absences. When we were forced to use students in the towel room without an overseer, and when we used students in checking these grades, although Mrs. Hulteen sugervised it, I can readily see why errors would creep in. We have dons our level best to avoid these, but they still occasionally show up. I assure you that we have given you our very best in effort to keep these errors to the minimum. a Q | Very cordially yours, ? Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. Ric.