November 10, 1939 Dean Paul By Lawson, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Tt was mighty mies of you to write ne teething ‘ue to hear Dre Otto Springer speak on "Germany in 1939". I went you to imow that 1 attended and enjoyed the evening very sath. Regarding my University Club connections, I might state that I dropped out of a greet many organizations at the — tine I we civen the re-organization of the Physical fducation Departmente I felt thet so many comections interfered with ny Giving one hundred per cent in work and energy to this depart nente Some time in the near future I an hoping to re-evealute some of my former associations, and I plan to renew sane of there ae I have very ploasant recollections of the tims the University Club wae tndlt when Professor Boyriten cane te ne for $100 domtion for building the club, and then six months later he came for another 4100. I was hepoy to make this contributions For thet reagon I feel timt I am not entirely wmindful of the support the University Club needs. I was a member from the time a ne ae Se ee SO "ith appreciation for your Kindness in extending me the. invitation, I am ee ee arenes ON ROMNENDI FCAsAH ay SES Cee October 19, 1939 Dr, F. CG. kliex Department of Physical Education My dear Dr. Allen: This letter is to invite you to become a member of the University Club. The enclesed sheet gives you some idea of the organized social facilities the Club offers its members. In addition, it affords a place for dozens of meetings of small groups of the faculty, It is also a good place of contact with many citizens of Lawrence who are not connected with the University. In addition, the Club serves as a home for a considerable group of the unmarried members of the faculty. And it serves the best food in town. I do not make frequent use of the University Club facilities because I seem to be too busy to get there often. I feel, however, that the Club is a great asset to K.U., and 3s so much used and enjoyed by so many members of the faculty that it deserves my support as an important part of the life of our institution. I am sure you would be pleased with the facilities the Club would offer you as a member, but in any case I'd like to appeal to you to join it as a matter of general University support. But whether you join or not, we invite you to come to the smoker, Friday night, October 20, at 7:30 to hear Dr. Otto Springer speak on “Germany in $930." You*il hear an interesting story and have a good time. Sincerely yours, tu O Focal « Fare Paul B. Lawson, President P.S. In case you wish to become a member of the Club, kindly fill out and sign the enclosed card and return it to me. Dues are $8 per quarter for the three quarters of the academic year. FBL:MJW UNIVERSITY CLUB SOCIAL PROGRAM Fall Semester, 1939 Committee Chairmen Reception and Dance .eeecceesveeee Mir. and Mrs. KF, Ea Kester Bridge eeceecececeevneeseeoeeseeeeoneneoees Mr. and Mrs. he Ls Walker Dawied scnedkae cae seks aheecseseuss Ute and Mie, Bosale Durell WERE ch ceae abs ss ubkaobedbuenesé ee Mte O00 Mike Fenty Verner Informal Dinners secceecceccoee- Mr. and Mrs. H. T. U. Smith Christmas Party cseccesceceseuess Mr, and Mrs. W. T.: Paullin Club Night Pe ee Pee eT re ee ee Ee By Taylor Bridge Tournament »..ssscccccerccceccseceee Mr, H. De Kinney Program of Events Priday ceccecceess September 29 eowseevesesevvoveves Smoker SaGurday séesecans OCOCCHEH 7 cscvwn tare Reception and Dance Friday coeeeveeeoee October a3 see aeeranveveet Dinner Eridge Saturaday -icssacce GOtober 26 .vacesveiues Halloweten Dance Wednesday .weeceses November 8 sosessceovees Informal Dinner Priday avsseensave November 17 Séevceoaeeveseee Price Saturday .ecceeess November 25 sesccssccesece Dinner Dance TRUPECAY “acunscesse DOOCGMOGT / sttecsiencens Informal Dinner TucsdAy ssaeecescus Decetiber 19 sssseeesseus Christmas Farty Trursday ie uaaeeus January 4 «.sisvacecccrace VARESE Bridge Saturday eeesceeee January 20 sevecvescoeces Informal Dance Fach Friday evening will be Club Night at the University Club. When a University Club function is scheduled for Friday eve~ ning, Club Night will be the following night, All the members of the club are invited to attend these club nights regularly for games and social hour. Mr, Taylor is arranging to have a speaker on some problem of. interest to all about every second Club Night, The Bridge Tournament plans are proceeding under the direction of Mr, Kinney and it is hoped that this year many members will take part in this friendly rivalry across the table. MR. AND MRS. BERT A. NASH, General Social Chairmen , November 21, 1929.5 i will endeavor to attend as mony faculty meetings curing tasketball season as I can, but I em afraid if i miss too many practices that I will have to feed this Sites duakty Of tates eekves ek diheaed uti. ‘I trust you will excuse me todaye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Dasketball Coaches October 27, 193% horses aveilable at the Mott Stables at the present time, and if the pre-enroliment is larger than the mater of harees we waild like to give re Mott eppor- tunity to provide some other mounts. I will appreciate your kindness at your conveniences Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache these dones nd Recreation, : s iefl age 1s ag8 5 —T ash FULTS dpyh Pin. oS Bas dead iy a ft 4 ster Ecabengs oe it 5 oe a | | é rae Haye Tat - 3 a. a Mi aaah sai ule oto 1 We (ean He Ay Ui wip Ugly i HupR au ht Bb Tif Ay anah id a iii ae bil i] i a THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN October 5, 1939 Dr. F. C. Allen Department of Physical Education My dear Dr. Allen: We are constantly looking for ways and means of clar-— ifying our enrollment schedules in the hope of avoiding difficulties in enrollment. May I suggest, therefore, that it would seem to be advisable to print in the schedule the date on which the second half semester's work in the various exercise classes begins. There are various reasons for this suggestion, one of them being that the boys enrolled for the first half of the semester in Varsity Athletics may not know that the second half semester of exercise begins before they may be through with the Varsity Athletics of the first half of the semester. At any rate, I make this as a suggestion for your consideration, If you adopt the. suggestion, I think the date should be printed for the beginning of the second half semester's work in both the fall and spring catalogues. I intend to present your request for a course in equitation to the next meeting of the Administrative Com— mittee. For the information of the committee will you be kind enough to tell us what the cost to the students for the horses will be and also for how much time per week the student will rent the horse. I am particularly con- cerned about the name of this course. To a simple minded citizen like myself the name, “Equitation," sounds terribly hicghefaluting. Personally I would prefer something simpler, such as, “Horseback Riding.” I can just imagine students saying, “Here I go for my daily equitation/" Of course, that might be one point to call particular attention to the new course. At any rate, I wish you ultra-moderns micsht at least consider the point of view of an old moss— back in this matter. Sincerely yours, ae Md ann Paul B. Lawson, Dean PRBL:MJW October 6G, 1959. “Dean Paul By Lawson, a Getage of Ltbre! fete and Semen ta University of Kaneas « Dear Doan Lawson: “im regard to our propoood souree in Bpiltation, ray 1 aa the ‘following information: a ks us ciced fie Gaited See eet, 0 Sn We case with all other physical ee TTS GuMetiNe | | ae Oe lads ts Oa eens, OA Hk aT te 0 et fee of 50¢ per hour which will be paid to the proprietor of the stables eo ee . ical tac, ei, Sauk alten: Ube th Senin, tne tee horses, end of course tho enreliment in each class will be limited to the mmber of horses available. Uowever, if the enrollment is such ‘og aap espn gga gata ali a areal aecmauatl ing the proper mumbore iki te aes cent Snes Gk + Ge Whoterte wy teen here in the gymmasim, or may wish to dress for riding at hone before going to the classes. it is probable thet Mr, Mott will provide trans~ pertation teem the queneiun t the stables for « few persons wio have no other wye : ee ies sedis whXk eotbentty side ten hours eneh woeks Mrs DeGroot, . of course, will personally instruct each slass. If, om account of bad weather, it is necessary to mies a ride occesionally, these rides mst ‘be made up when weather permits before the end of the quarter, and we — Se eee hours at a time | rs saci tin cae Sus eter’ wn Hen hres, oy 0 5 otclosk or 4 o'clock, and continue for one hours If you desire any additional information, either tre DeGroot or —onee Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physiael Riuoation end Roorenton, Varsity Basketball Coaches ; October 2, 1939¢ To the Curriculum Revision Committee, School of Educatione Dear Sirs: In regard to our proposed course in Equitetion, may I add the following information: Hach course will be given for one-half hour credit, as is the case with all other physical activity courses which are given for one-half semestere No fee will be paid to the University, but there will be a rentsl fee of 50¢ per hour which will be paid to lr. Mott, the proprietor of the Mott Stables. This, we feel, is en unusually reason~ able feée At present Mr. Mott has eight horses, and of course the enrollment in each class will be limited to the number of horses availeblee However, if the enrollment is such that more horses are necessary, Mre Mott will have no difficulty in providing the proper number. In the matter of dress and transportation - the students may dress here in the gymmasium, or may wish to dress for riding at home before going to the classes. It is probable that Mre Mott will provide transportation fron the gymasium to the stables for 4 few persons who have no other wayo The students will actually ride two hours each weeke Mre DeGroot, of course, will personally instruct each classe If, on account of bad weather, it is necessary to miss & ride occasionally these rides must be made up when weather permits before the end of the quarter, and we desire that in this make-up work the students ride not more than two hours at a times It is proposed that the class periods start on the hour, say 3 o'clock or 4 o'clock, and continue for one houre If you desire any additional information, either lMre DeGroot or I will be very happy to supply ite Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache - agh sourse will be given for one-half hour credit, as is the case with all other physical activity cowses which are given for one-hnif senester. ae ire i oe ee ee wut there will be a rental feo of & hour witieh will be paid to Mére Mott, the =a % Stables. This, wo feol, is en unusually reason- At present li. Mott has eight horses, and of course the enrollment in each class will be limited to the mmber of horses available. However, if the enrollment is such that more horses are necessary, lire lott wil have no aifsieulty in providing the proper eater 96 Gone ee ee oe spe may dress here in the gymasium, or wish to dress for riding at heme before going to the classes. It : probable that lire Mott will provide tennepertation fren the gyemasin to the stables for a fow persons who have no other waye ee site ee suet sete Sue See oan nein : ees ee oe ee on anabak af tak eaten Tis meee des ccs conchae these Fides mast be mde up stun wenther pendte before the ent of the quarter, end we desire that in this make-up work the students ride not more then two hours at a times Th ds prepeeed Mak ig dines periods wtavt on the how, sey 5 o'clock or 4 o'clock, and contimie for one hours losire axy edition? indomution, either N's Deceoot or wd bw vary Inixy supply ite Very sincerely yours, Bdueation and Recreation, COLLEGE COMMUNICATIONS WELCOME? The world may be full of fine folks, a part of whom we all met during the sum= mer, but we don't mind admitting that no others look as good to us as our colleagues, the members of our own face ulty. We are most happy to greet you and wish you the happiest and most suc- cessful year of your lives. And all of us extend to our new colleagues our heartiest welcome, pledging our help to make this new venture of your lives a happy one. COLLEGE FACULTY There are this fall 163 voting members and 102 non-voting members of the Col- lege faculty. We wish to tell all new members, and quite a few who are not new, that the faculty mects on the . third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 in. the auditorium of Frank Strong Hall. We try to make these meetings interest-— ing and as short as possible, Regular attendance is recognized as a good habit which results in better acquaintance, a knowledge of what is going on in the College, and a sure way of participation in the thought and work of the faculty. Our first meeting this year will be on October 17. COMMITTEES For your information we give the person= nel of the committees of our faculty for this year, In each case the first per= son named is the chairman, STANDING COMMITTEES: Administratiye; Dean and Associate Dean, ex officio, Chubb, Clark, Sandelius, Stranathan, Taft, Treece. : Reinstatement: Dean and Associate Dean, ex officio, Brewster, Babcock, Posey, Special Students: Davidson, Winston, Realey. Rules: Nelson, Bond, Storer. Enrollment: Guy Smith, Black, Posey, Stanton, Treece, Teacher's Diploma: Schwegler, Johnson, M. Gardner, Nelson, Russell, Turney, English Proficienoy Exam: Virtue, Paden, Eldridge, Laird, Taft. : General Committee on Honors: Mitchell, lark, Johnson, Lane, Osborne. September 18, 1939 Divisional Honors: Division I: Johnson, Flint, Shoemaker, Division II: Lane, Davidson, Mitchell, Moore. Division III: Clark, Davis, Gagliardo, Osborne. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Better Tenoher Preparation: Nelson, Clark, Babcock, Davidson, May Gardner, New Social Relations Course: Clark, Twente, eguiar, canuteson, Sherwood, Werner, Sherbon, New Hygiene Courses: Stoland, Sherwood, Elbel, Hoover, Woodruff, VERY IMPORTANT ' 1. Class Cards. Be sure you have a C.ass card for every student, Those withovt them should be sent to the dean's o%fice to obtain them. Without the class card the student is simply not enrolled in your course, 2, Prerequisites, Be sure to announce the prerequisites of your courses to your classes. Students who have not met pre= requisite requirements must be withdrawn, The prerequisites apply, of course, to all students in your classes regardless of which school of the University oarries their enrollment, 3. New Regulations, Please read the en~ closed “Rules of the Faculty" carefully, The following newer regulations are ime portant: 28, 30b, 31, 33b, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 48d, 66. OUR CHANCELLOR He was graduated from the College of Lib- eral Arts and Sciences in 1921; so, nat- urally, we are going to take at least a little credit for what he is today, We are happy to greet you, Chancellor Malott, and to express to you our happi- ness that you have been selected as our leader. We also want to let you know that you will have our heartiest support. And our welcome is to Mrs, Malott and the children as well, * * * * * * » * * "Let us be watchful of those who talk much of democracy in education, to see if they are speaking in terms of a pinchbeck de- mocracy or in terms of a genuine democracy whose aim is to lift up rather than level . down." ---Pres. George Norlin, University of Colorado. Septasbor 25, 1989« we of Liberal arte aml Sclemes, Uiversity of Yansase Deer Dean Lawson: <= em sending you 8 desert of the course in Bguitetion which wo desire te hove for oredit in Ye are Soramate in having Ure borat on our stat? to give the inrtruotin tn thio oouees Mate NeGroct, who is in this roceived his txnining in tho RO. ha Cee oe Santis Uekwecatiyy . Vory simeerely youre, irestar of iyeiend Hawewston ee Raoroation, Septenber 21, 1959 Dean Paul Be College of Libsrel Arts and ee University of Kansas. Dear Dean Lawson: The Department of Physical Education desires to close the following classes: (Pirst Half Senester) — SasCe Elomentary Swimming (Men) 10:80 TTP - Aliphin 4lc Advenced Golf (sen & Wanen) 11350 TCP = Allen — ee 2450 MHP ~ Report (Second Half Sencstor) : 45aeCe Elementary ladwinton (ier @ omen) $230 TIF = Stapleton — 45003. Advanced Padcninten | (Men and Women) 2:30 MNF ~ Report Sincerely yours, _ Direotor of Fhysicel Education and Recreation, - Varsity Basketball Coache