COLLEGE COMMUNICATIONS WELCOME? The world may be full of fine folks, a part of whom we all met during the sum= mer, but we don't mind admitting that no others look as good to us as our colleagues, the members of our own face ulty. We are most happy to greet you and wish you the happiest and most suc- cessful year of your lives. And all of us extend to our new colleagues our heartiest welcome, pledging our help to make this new venture of your lives a happy one. COLLEGE FACULTY There are this fall 163 voting members and 102 non-voting members of the Col- lege faculty. We wish to tell all new members, and quite a few who are not new, that the faculty mects on the . third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 in. the auditorium of Frank Strong Hall. We try to make these meetings interest-— ing and as short as possible, Regular attendance is recognized as a good habit which results in better acquaintance, a knowledge of what is going on in the College, and a sure way of participation in the thought and work of the faculty. Our first meeting this year will be on October 17. COMMITTEES For your information we give the person= nel of the committees of our faculty for this year, In each case the first per= son named is the chairman, STANDING COMMITTEES: Administratiye; Dean and Associate Dean, ex officio, Chubb, Clark, Sandelius, Stranathan, Taft, Treece. : Reinstatement: Dean and Associate Dean, ex officio, Brewster, Babcock, Posey, Special Students: Davidson, Winston, Realey. Rules: Nelson, Bond, Storer. Enrollment: Guy Smith, Black, Posey, Stanton, Treece, Teacher's Diploma: Schwegler, Johnson, M. Gardner, Nelson, Russell, Turney, English Proficienoy Exam: Virtue, Paden, Eldridge, Laird, Taft. : General Committee on Honors: Mitchell, lark, Johnson, Lane, Osborne. September 18, 1939 Divisional Honors: Division I: Johnson, Flint, Shoemaker, Division II: Lane, Davidson, Mitchell, Moore. Division III: Clark, Davis, Gagliardo, Osborne. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Better Tenoher Preparation: Nelson, Clark, Babcock, Davidson, May Gardner, New Social Relations Course: Clark, Twente, eguiar, canuteson, Sherwood, Werner, Sherbon, New Hygiene Courses: Stoland, Sherwood, Elbel, Hoover, Woodruff, VERY IMPORTANT ' 1. Class Cards. Be sure you have a C.ass card for every student, Those withovt them should be sent to the dean's o%fice to obtain them. Without the class card the student is simply not enrolled in your course, 2, Prerequisites, Be sure to announce the prerequisites of your courses to your classes. Students who have not met pre= requisite requirements must be withdrawn, The prerequisites apply, of course, to all students in your classes regardless of which school of the University oarries their enrollment, 3. New Regulations, Please read the en~ closed “Rules of the Faculty" carefully, The following newer regulations are ime portant: 28, 30b, 31, 33b, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43, 44, 48d, 66. OUR CHANCELLOR He was graduated from the College of Lib- eral Arts and Sciences in 1921; so, nat- urally, we are going to take at least a little credit for what he is today, We are happy to greet you, Chancellor Malott, and to express to you our happi- ness that you have been selected as our leader. We also want to let you know that you will have our heartiest support. And our welcome is to Mrs, Malott and the children as well, * * * * * * » * * "Let us be watchful of those who talk much of democracy in education, to see if they are speaking in terms of a pinchbeck de- mocracy or in terms of a genuine democracy whose aim is to lift up rather than level . down." ---Pres. George Norlin, University of Colorado.