UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION : ¢ March 10, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen we Director of Physical Education University of “ansas Pe My dear Dr. Allen: I have investigated rather frilly the contents of the letter from Dean Paul B. Lawson, addressg@@ to you. I should like to point out a few facts concerning the rors indicated in Dean Lawson's letter. According to Miss Hoover, the probable reason for the error in reporting Miss McNowh's grade was due to misscopying of the grade from the total enfollment book. The grads above Miss McNown's name was a C and Miss Ulm in copying the grade evident made that error, In regard to Mr. Thornton McClanahan's gradé it ds understanding that an individual enrolled as anfauditow sh appear on the college class grade sheets. UndeR-swuch condi then, as it appears to me the error was not Miss Ulm's but some error in the reporting at the college office. Mr. McClaria name evidently appeared on the grade sheets. If Mr. McClanaha obtained an auditors card from the college office such a reeord ‘ should have been on file at the college office, I might point out that we might have caught that error here if Miss Dunkel, who had the class originally, had reported Mr, McClanahan as an auditor. However as I suggested above the error seems to have originated with the college office. In checking with Dr, Elbel and Miss Hoover, it has been our observation that fewer errors have occured this semester than in previous years. We do not attempt to say that we will make no errors but rather that we shall keep errors down to the lowest humanly possible level, ; Dean Lawson enumerates five points in his letter which he suggests that our instructors should carefully observe. I am taking this opportunity of r tablishing in the minds of the members of our department es bs S0E EE Phee—potnts. id This semester cards, for fencing classes and swimming asses have been sent to Dr. Hlbel or Mr. DeGroot whereas Aheir ames are not listed as instructors in charge of those classes, May \: suggest that activity course cards be sent to me so that I might thereby clear the names in our total enrollment book. May I point out again that we are trying to keep and have kept errors down to less than previous years, May I also suggest that any dpfficulties arising be cleared through me since I will have a master enrollment book, Khon Jam#s H, Raport renga. yours,