THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN February 1, 1941 Dr, Forrest C, Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas My dear FPhog: Thank you for your note regarding some recent publicity freely given me. I thought you would be interested in knowing that the young man who "posted" me came in the other day and made a very frank and manly apology. It was so clean-cut that I can't help but feel that the youngster is all right, A part of his trouble was the result of a typographical error, where because of the dropping of one letter, I was made to say that I was urging our entry into the war. Whereas, the statement was meant to say that I was not urging our entry into war. Incidentally, there were six other typographical errors in that same article. The poor boys over at the print shop have been apologizing ever since they published it. I think it is time for all of us to take frank, and perhaps ag= gressive stands on the fundamental issues of loyalty, honesty, and character, JI can assure you that your own attitude on these matters has been a help and an inspiration to me. Good luck to yous Sincerely yours, Cn Pt Rives. Paul B, Lawson, Dean PBL:d js