COLLEGE COMMUNICATIONS NO JANUARY PACULTY MEETING We do not believe that there is suffi- cient business before the Faculty to warrant a January meeting, especially in view of the busy examination period and the flu epidemic. The Faculty, there- fore, will not meet again until the 3rd Tuesday in February. TERM END FAVORS Please help the College Office by: 1. Sending us at once 2 red card for each student who has withdrawn from your course with failure, a red card for each stu- at the end of the semes~ you know he has failed. 2. Sending us dent who fails ter as s00n as 3, Sending us a blue card for each stu- dent who receives an Incomplete. 4. Turning in your final grade sheets very promptly, It would greatly help if you would send each sheet in as soon as the grades of that class have been made out. All grades are needed for us to determine whether students have met probation re=- guirenents and to shank shandes in clas- sification, Z fied. Trery é our enroll- ment procedure. Red and blue cards may be obtained at the departmental offices, Blessings on all instructors who do all the above} As to the others ? ? 7? EPARTMENTAL MAJORS The following departments of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have the largest number of majors this fall: English 93 Journalism ~66 Medicine 63 Sociology 60 Zoology 50 Economics 47 Home Economics 44 Bacteriology 43 History 40 Political Science 38 Chemistry 36 Psychology 35 January 20, 1941 THEY DIDN'T ALYAYS SHINE It's inspiring to read about the achieve-— ments of the great, but it's rather com= forting to know that: Beethoven found his first music lessons very distasteful and cried bitterly when subjected to them,...Albert Winstein was slow in learn- ing to talk and did so only after great difficulty,...2enjamin Franklin was such a dunce in arithmetic his father took him out of school when he was only ten and sent him to work....Faderewski used to run from the house and hide in a tree when he saw his music teacher coming to give him a lesson, Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Edison, Robert Burns, Daniel Webster, Henry Ward Beecher and Friedrich Froebel were all regarded as dumbbells by their teachers, The Duke of Wellington was considered the dunce of his family....When he was grad- uated from West Point, Grant stood 156th in a class of 223....lLincoln often had difficulty in spellin® the most common words, For years he spelt "very" with two r's; and up until the time he entered the White House he spelled "opportunity," o—-p—p-e-r..,.s-Richard Wagner's first piano teacher told him flatly that he would never amount to anything as a musician,... Charles Darwin's teachers considered him dull and slow, --Kathleen Masterson DEFINITIONS “What is a university? A university is a place: It is a spirit: Men of learning, A collection of books, Laboratories where work in science goes forward: The source of the teaching And the beauties of Art and Literature: The center where youth gathers to learn, It protects the tradition, Honors the new and tests its value: Believes in truth, Protests against error and Leads men by reason Rather than by force." eee See SS Successful Man: A man who does as much today as he plans to do tomorrow, Fool: One who, when he can’t see through a @ windowpane, smashes it instead of wash- ing it,